Do you the portrayal of women in games is more realistic nowadays?
Do you the portrayal of women in games is more realistic nowadays?
or not?
>Do you the portrayal
As a matter of fact, portrayal is my expertise.
There is no such a thing as a "realistic" portrayal in fictional media.
No, if it was realistic Jill wouldn't be able to lift this shit and Claire shouldn't have been able to lift a fucking minigun so easily.
Plus they pretend fat women don't exsit because they have to make an entire new model, and no, the world doesn't consist on only ugly women so it's not realistic for games to lack pretty girls.
do you think
you think there' less pretty girls in games than there used to be?
Not usually
Back in the day, devs/artists didn't give a shit. Capcom probably used some out of date american fashion mag from the 80's for "reference" and came up with this. It didn't change the fact that she would be lovingly cosplayed for years to come. The same can be said for Lara Croft in the old Tomb Raiders. Same attitude of devs not really giving a shit since the priority is on making a good game first and foremost. And if an artist sneaks his/her fetish in? At least it was made with some form of passion.
It's not what I think. It's what it is. Pre 2014 all women in games were pretty. Post 2014 you have Dragon age Inquisition, Greedfall, Outer Worlds, REmake3, Asasssin Creed Odyssey (only Kyra is pretty), Borderlands 3, Mass Effect Andromeda, Fallout 4, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Vampyr, Pathfinder Kingmaker.
Literally the only new games with pretty women are Witcher 3, Final Fantasy Remake and I guess RE2 remake since Claire and Ada are fine.
The one that hurts the most is Greedfall because they couldn't bother making the pocahontas all beautiful and pretty with long hair and shit and Outer Worlds BECAUSE I WAS PROMISED it would be based and good yet it ended up being pure woke shit.
Meant for old Jill in regards to "this".
First of all you need to define what is a realistic portrayal. Are you talking about intellect, strength, body shape, stamina...
In neither of those women are represented accurately. Either they are always stronger and more intelligent than men with a "YOU GO GIRL" attitude, they are always FUCKING HIDEOUS yet thin when we all know hideous women tend to be fat or have a mess of a body, and stamina... lmao women spend all day taking pictures for instagram they can't even walk down some stairs without getting tired.
The only realistic thing about women in games is that they are still annoying bitches getting themselves involved in everything when the world belongs to men.
Thats a great question! I don't know OP do you the portrayal of women in games ?
Chick on the far right has great taste in vacuums
This topic is nothing but nonsense created by insecure women who banded together to bring down gorgeous girls who look better than them. Can westerners just fucking seize this stupid bullshit and go back to normal already? Quit being so uptight about tits and ass.
Exactly. Apparently the only way a women can be realistic on vidya is through shitty personality writing. Which, to be honest, is the most boring part of any female.
what makes her choice in vacuums so good?
Disengenuous lying nigger.
>Final Fantasy
I think i found your problem.
WOOOAHHHH one single game out of hundreds that came out last decade has a busty ching chong!
If you stopped putting pussy on a pedestal and being a simp you would look at Tifa's face and see that she looks like shit, it's just anime face, no real features, it's Aerith's face with different colors.
It's not all westerners just the vocal minority of dried ovary feminists and queers that the suits at the video game companies pander too
This main stream shit means everyone has to be ugly to appeal to. It's silly and i agree about the RE remake cast vs realism.
It's not even fair, bros. I'm gonna move to nam to find some rice milkers.
No they aren't. Developers are trying to always maximize the install base for their investors. So we go from the lovely charmisiatic cast of ME classic and get ME:A a game where everyone is either ugly or below average.
Or we have women unrealistically acting like men. It's like everyone's forgotten how to make a strong female protagonists first step - writing a good character.
real Tifa's guard and stance are better.
Any fighter can confirm
>writing a good character.
Funny, when it was men writing female characters we got actually interesting and deep female protagonists, companions, romance interests, etc.
As soon as women got themselves involved in the industry ALL WOMEN are the same. All have to be strong, empowered, tomboyish, can't rely on men, etc.
Reddit has literally an entire popular subreddit complaining about men writing women... but it's women the one who can't write women. Nothing weird tho about that, women don't even know themselves, they don't even know what they want, why tf would they be able to know what a fictional female character they just made up wants.
But seriously, do you really think a girl with that frame is going to be kicking and beating people down? Or cloud wielding that giant slab of unwelded sheet metal he calls a "sword"? Its make believe. It became un-make believe when people took it seriously.
who's the guy on the right? he's got a cute beard
I'm talking about OP's image and implying Tifa's tits are small, dipshit.
Tifa is in no way realistic you sperg. You can't be that perfectly fit and also have huge REAL tits. She's humanly perfect.
Count Cock chokeula. He should have had gay sex with the hot vampire hunter but all you can do is give him a "kiss of judas" which is forcing his mouth open and vomit blood inside it.
They are smaller than in the original though. Which is not a bad thing in my opinion since the original was a funny chibi model and the new one tries to resemble a human. But you can't blame him for pointing that shit out.
>Do you the portrayal of women
Ah the ESL incel thread, just on time
Calling other people incels won't help you getting laid you know that right? It's 2020, women know male feminists are predators, you need to find another strategy.
They censored her default but we still got the optional outfit for one scene in the game bros!!!! #winning
>jill superman.png
she's literally flat
OG Lara Croft was written by a man right? Someone who was independent, survived what should've been a traumatic experience against all odds and it became her passion instead, got disowned by her parents since she rejected the option for an easy, comfortable life to chase her dreams of raiding tombs. She's not even in it for the treasure but for the thrill-seeking.
I find it funny that they get Rhianna Pratchett to write it and her idea for a strong, empowered character is someone who goes on adventures because of her crippling daddy issues, always needs male companionship and mentors and has constant self-doubt and occasional breakdowns. It's weird man. It's pathetic.