>free upgrade
Every version of Windows is free you moron.
Is it finally usable/good? Still on 8.1
Logan Sullivan
Easton Reed
I will never understand WinOS hold outs. I get the latest releases the day the come out.
Tyler Perry
yeah if you don't mind a RAT in your MBR fucking poorfag
Alexander Long
You can still upgrade to Windows 10 for free.
Camden Murphy
Here is the details pane in 7/8.1
Matthew Howard
>not just removing wat yourself
based retard
Jeremiah Wright
>yeah if you don't mind a RAT in your MBR fucking poorfag
Jackson Martin
8.1 is still getting essential security updates until 2023. I'm keeping my comfy Windows until then.
Carson Hall
Jace Mitchell
Here is the details pane in 10. Because fuck thumbnails at the bottom. This shit needs to work on garbage-ass tablets, too!