Is it finally usable/good? Still on 8.1

>free upgrade
Every version of Windows is free you moron.

I will never understand WinOS hold outs. I get the latest releases the day the come out.

yeah if you don't mind a RAT in your MBR fucking poorfag


You can still upgrade to Windows 10 for free.

Here is the details pane in 7/8.1

Attached: Layout2.jpg (1001x706, 153.2K)

>not just removing wat yourself
based retard

>yeah if you don't mind a RAT in your MBR fucking poorfag

Attached: 1565382835462.png (194x259, 6.16K)

8.1 is still getting essential security updates until 2023. I'm keeping my comfy Windows until then.

Attached: winver.png (474x413, 24.87K)


Here is the details pane in 10. Because fuck thumbnails at the bottom. This shit needs to work on garbage-ass tablets, too!

Attached: Thumbnail_previews_on.jpg (750x347, 46.8K)