Is it finally usable/good? Still on 8.1.
Is it finally usable/good? Still on 8.1
It has been since day 1, it was your Yas Forums addled brain that was broken.
8.1 is the vista of this decade, you're a moron for missing out on the free upgrade
It's better than 8.1, that's for sure.
But 8.1's been working perfectly for me. Not a single issue, even if I've gone 3 years without running Windows Update.
No, stay on 8.1
Or move to Linux
It's the same, just more ads
Uh oh your computer is probably compromised by now.
You gave the shitpost trolling game away too fast user. try again.
Who here /Win10 LTSC/?
8.1 is a much more stable platform than 10. Less RAM usage, no crazy disk I/O that writes to your SSD like crazy, no forced automatic updates, and it takes up less install space than 10 LTSC. Install Open Shell and it's just an updated version of 7.
If you're building a new PC for gaming and gaming only, yes. There is zero reason to upgrade however. Also make sure you take full drive backups weekly if you upgrade to 10 incase it deletes your files, and never store any important files on your computer; use a separate flash drive for them.
Based retards.
LTSC master race assemble.
remember how long vista was supported compared to XP? enjoy your deprecated OS in two years time, tops
you should be on w7, fag
> missing out on the free upgrade
newfag who wasn't there on the day a "windows 10 free upgrade!" icon appeared on the task bar for no fucking reason that rightfully set off "this is malware" alarm in the experienced PC user's memory.
yeah, free updates like installing Candy Crush on your pc
enjoy getting zero day'd
enjoy your zerodays fucking moron. cant wait to RAT into your PC when it gets compromised and see that you started browsing last year, we'll see who the real newfag is then
>free upgrade
Every version of Windows is free you moron.
I will never understand WinOS hold outs. I get the latest releases the day the come out.
yeah if you don't mind a RAT in your MBR fucking poorfag
You can still upgrade to Windows 10 for free.
Here is the details pane in 7/8.1
>not just removing wat yourself
based retard
>yeah if you don't mind a RAT in your MBR fucking poorfag
8.1 is still getting essential security updates until 2023. I'm keeping my comfy Windows until then.
Here is the details pane in 10. Because fuck thumbnails at the bottom. This shit needs to work on garbage-ass tablets, too!
> talking about zerodays in W7 when W10 is designed as a service that gets zeroday'd by microsoft to force updates
nigger please
It resets on you without warning to do updates. Was watching a movie recently and it just shut itself down on me and i had to wait nearly an hour for it to update.
There's no reason to update past 7 unless you have specific hardware that requires 10.
nice bait
stop fucking replying to me, i don't care about infected users and i'm trying to watch asian andy stream
>i don't care about infected users
*coof coof*
nice reddit meme
> reddit
>using w10 and not 8.1
Get LTSC bro
The only acceptable version of W10
> using phone OS's
remember to wipe off your hands on the edge of your desk so you don't get cummie crusts on your screen or tendies.
that's my name, don't wear it out