SpongeBob BFBB Rehydrated

the music goddamn

see this crash and spyro? this is how it fucking should be with music

Copeland music in spyro is amazing. There is literally no other game with a similar ost.

imagine if this game gets time jannies

Attached: yeh.jpg (1242x1172, 98.37K)

Which platform should I get this for?

I'm not even sure if it is remastered. I think the percussion is slightly different if you listen closely?

Double-dip PC and Switch
Switch for comfy console experience/portability and PC for mods.
PC preorders are actually cheaper than $30 so I don't see why not

The game is going to be 60 fps in ALL platforms?

the music is remastered.

Attached: windows crop tool ftw.jpg (629x187, 40.86K)

All platforms.

Attached: AIR IS NOT GOOD.png (182x200, 89.57K)