Are you ready, spongebros?
SpongeBob BFBB Rehydrated
I'm ready, I'm ready
Time to update this again.
>June 2019: Game revealed with a teaser trailer.
>August 2019: Gameplay first shown in the game's pre-alpha state at Gamescom. Jellyfish Fields mostly complete.
>October 2019: New screenshots and concept art of Downtown and Rock Bottom surface, playable Patrick, and retooled Jellyfish Fields (blue sky) show up. Alongside this is the announcement of two special versions of the game (Shiny and F.U.N., priced at $150 and $300 respectively. Base game is $30.)
>November 2019: SHiFT playtesting video. SHiFT played Downtown, Goo Lagoon, Poseidome, Mermalair, Rock Bottom, Sand Mountain, Dutchman's Graveyard; all other levels unfinished or not started at this point (8/12; Industrial Park, Kelp Forest, Spongebob's Dream and Chum Bucket Lab missing). More mechanical additions; cancelling moves, better camera, more tutorials, faster bosses
>February 2020: PAX East press demo snooping by RidersDX revealed Horde Mode having Squidward, Plankton, and Krabs as playable characters, Robot Squidward part of mode, Horde mode described as "better Plankton's Robotic Revenge", robots are bulkier in the mode. PAX East/GameExplain footage also shown the same month; shows non-sunset Jellyfish Fields and cutscene animations, better animations and movement for Spongebob. NOT the same as the Pre-Alpha demo shown at Gamescom, much more likely close to final release.
>March 2020: New Steam page .gifs show Mermalair, Industrial Park, and Spongebob's Dream gameplay.
>April 2020: Trailer and release date of June 23rd 2020 finally shown. Goo Lagoon, Flying Dutchman's Graveyard, Downtown, Poseidome, Chum Bucket Lab all shown. Horde Mode seems to centralize around Robo-Squidward, with waves of enemies coming in around a small island with an overhead view. Robo-Plankton, Squidward, Gary, Krabs all playable in Horde Mode. "Sweet" island in Horde Mode seems to indicate a retooled Patrick's Dream. New trailer shows Sand Mountain, Sandy's Dome, Graveyard and more of Dream.
Does it bother anyone else that the timers aren't in boxes?
Also is that the same cloudy skybox in Mr. Krabs' Dream instead of the money wall, i saw that blue sky
It bothers me as well.
But I think they'll change it before release.
They've already changed Sandy's Dream skybox, so they'll probably change the other dream levels too.
Same with the timer.
But you can always send them a message on their website with suggestions.
They are still working on game and purple lamps studios are taking notes to improve the game like sandy dream if you email them.
>that spongebob's dream remastered music
the music goddamn
see this crash and spyro? this is how it fucking should be with music
Copeland music in spyro is amazing. There is literally no other game with a similar ost.
imagine if this game gets time jannies
Which platform should I get this for?
I'm not even sure if it is remastered. I think the percussion is slightly different if you listen closely?
Double-dip PC and Switch
Switch for comfy console experience/portability and PC for mods.
PC preorders are actually cheaper than $30 so I don't see why not
The game is going to be 60 fps in ALL platforms?
the music is remastered.
All platforms.
this looks really nice
maybe i'll get it for $5 someday
Game probably runs on a toaster so I don't think it'll matter
i think it's moreso that the drums are more clear than the original. still a fucking bop.
Something looks off about dried out spongebob.
i'm gonna do it
i'm gonna touch
Remember that scene in the first movie when Spongebob and Patrick were about to dry. The time jannies moved their tears right into the socket.
Never played the original.
What about the PC or Game Boy Advance versions?
For anyone who pre-ordered already, do you get access to the soundtrack now or does that not happen until the game releases?
probably not until it's close to release or at release
Why are people excites for this? Seriously i never playes it, what's so good about it.