With so much anime faggotry cringe on this board, can we please have a manly video game thread...

>he thinks America is right

>sports shit that isn't NBA/NFL Street or SSX

Attached: 1481481519549.png (600x450, 262.7K)

le fishy hooky may may

>He would rather look at sweaty black dudes then cute anime girls

Attached: Its from quotlight of tsukimi manorquot now go whack off _0a2dc0ff515963553bede4643509067d.jpg (404x552, 58.4K)

That makes you a tranny user.

This, bring back a proper Def Jam too

Attached: Unamused Old Man.png (733x732, 495.5K)

You will always be a nigger

>An angry monkey can beat me up
What's your point?

>imagine not being able to defend yourself without a gun
wow. are you even a man?

Isn't this basically a basketball themed casino simulator?