With so much anime faggotry cringe on this board, can we please have a manly video game thread...

With so much anime faggotry cringe on this board, can we please have a manly video game thread? Post games only chads would play.

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Posting pics of sweaty niggers is manly?

Unironically a nice neon cover

epic meme whitey

Yeah, let's discuss Steins;Gate and other manly VNs in this thread

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Ever faggot nigger in the world plays 2k brainlet. Most niggers are fucking losers, not the chad tyrones you fuckers fantasize about


>posts cover of a man that raised a tranny
Who's the ex NBA player that he got BTFO by?

2k is fun to play if you like basketball or sports games. some fun normie shit won't hurt.

yikes lol
talking smack becasuse if you dare say that irl a blackie can knock you straight out.

that dude's dwyane wade.

whitey can't read

Yeah he raised a tranny son, I think Shaq or Chuck made some banter about it that caused drama

based basketball bro.

Depends on the nigger, either way you’re retarded and 2k is trash

>t. nepnep faggot

>might makes right
Typical double digit iq nigger logic.

>sports shit
I sleep.
It does, but fortunately that user is mistaken, niggers are not good at fighting

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>implying that isn't the case
how do you think america was created you dumbass

NHL games are the pinnacle of sports games.

NHL20 on All Star is far more difficult than any soulsshit

>he thinks America is right

>sports shit that isn't NBA/NFL Street or SSX

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le fishy hooky may may

>He would rather look at sweaty black dudes then cute anime girls

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That makes you a tranny user.

This, bring back a proper Def Jam too

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You will always be a nigger

>An angry monkey can beat me up
What's your point?

>imagine not being able to defend yourself without a gun
wow. are you even a man?

Isn't this basically a basketball themed casino simulator?

>can't even beat your wife
shit game

>sport games

nah im black. thought he was talking about wade dissin someone about that but nah i was wrong.

>anime games

So then that means you must be gay coal burner

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anime website

>nah im black
leave nigger

2k hasn't been good since 2k11. sad how 2k lives by pumping microtransactions into myteam while every other mode is trash.

white people, think that blacks are "alpha" and "manly". real brainwashing.

>want to self insert to a tall strong man (white, black, indian, asian - you got all choices to easily self insert into)
is apparently "gayer" than self inserting to an anime girl living in escapism

okay bro.

damn the mention of my melanin self provokes you. im not even mad im impressed.


>Thread devolved into a shitty racebait thread
That being said, fuck 2k and how pay to win it is.

>he doesn't play bioshock

I don't even get why people are so racist outside Yas Forums. It's not even funny because there's no context.


At his peak Dwyane Wade was the 2nd greatest shooting guard of all time and it wasn't even close. Its unfortunate his peak was a short duration because kd injuries. Dont @ me.


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Chads don't play video games
that's exactly why they're chads

i just want a better 2k11. too bad take two gets off to seeing the microtransaction money myteam generates.

FIFA is based chad
weeb is cringe

2K17 career mode was pretty comfy. I hate how the career mode went downhill every year since then.

All sports games are so fucking bad. Madden has been trash for 10 years, 2k is fucking terrible regarding actually playing basketball, nobody gives a shit about NHL, fuck FIFA, and The Show is still $60.

t. /sp/

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I disagree. Crazy sports games are a vast improvement. NBA STREET and BLITZ and shit like that at least let you do crazy tricks and make your own teams.

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No, im not retarded enough to go out of my way to piss off a nigger, shoot it when it chimp out and go to jail because of that unlike you nigger

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Honestly I feel the same. It captured some good mechanics while also not begging the player to whore out money to git gud. Sad that all sports games basically require you to spend some money down the line.

What do you think of MLB power pros?

Black people don't play real games.

I can't remember which 2K it was that switched to analog shooting but that shit made no fucking sense, god gave us pressure sensitive buttons for a reason

Never played it desu, but I do like basebore.

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Yeah they do.
Well at least I do.

Career is even worse. They treat the grind like it's GAAS but the annual release schedule flies in the face of that

Every board is Yas Forums.

Play it. It's pretty comfy. Kinda sad the other games didn't get a translation.

What are "real games?"

Post proof.

But why?


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