Alright, whats your thoughts on RE3make

Alright, whats your thoughts on RE3make

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It's good, and the only reason it's getting hate is because it didn't live up to the lofty expectations of RE2. It's like the people who hated on Majora's Mask for not being Ocarina of Time. It misses the forest for the trees. It's still a great game that's well worth playing.

How many times is this same topic going to keep appearing?
>Devoid of content
>Cut areas
>lore breaking
>NuJill pulls players of out immersion in both looks and personality
>Too much of a character no one asked for or cared about: CARLOS
>Puzzles? Where did they go?
>These threads that either ask is nuJill cute or what went wrong with the game.
Hit a home run with RE2E and all ITS flaws but feels like a different team and director did 3.

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meh. Nemesis sucked. Didn't feel like a super Mr X as he was in the original game. pretty much what said.

I really wish I didn't pay full price for it.
The Majora's Mask comparison is retarded, this isn't turning RE2 on its head.
My first thoughts were it was like they outsourced an expansion pack to the third world.
The movement feels janky in comparison to 2.
Nemesis doesn't feel like a persistent threat like the Tyrant because pretty much all him screen time is scripted chase moments or boss battles.
Finished in 5 hours to discover no extra scenarios and was blown away by how ripped off I felt.
Wait for a half price sale desu

It seems like a cashgrab so I didn't buy it.


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Good but too short. Would have just preferred a remake instead of a reimagining. Resistance is fun too.

I liked it. It is 100% the 4 out of 5 fast paced bite sized action horror game I expected. Very satisfied.

Liked it a lot but it is a shame they did not let the player wander a bit more in the streets of RC or the park area they could have done a bunch of interesting stuff in there.

It's Resident Evil 3. A blatant cash grab cobbled out of RE2 and it feels like it. I don't know why people take such umbrage with the remake when it's just THE EXACT SAME THING as the original.
Code Veronica REMake when

It’s good, but it’s too short. The streets section at the beginning should have been twice as long and there should have been a clocktower section at least.

>I don't know why people take such umbrage with the remake when it's just THE EXACT SAME THING as the original.
Because RE3 had Nemesis, and Nemesis justified the rehash cash grab. RE3 Remake only has Nemesis in it for a few minutes.

>Pulls you
>Dodges Grenade Rounds
He sure felt like a super version of Mr.X but in the original game he walked more as far as I recall. But then again in the original jill hangs out in the police station for most of the game, and I guess they didn't want that for the second game so soon after 2's remake which mainly takes place in the station too.

If the park area was just as big as the first section that would've made a lot of a difference I think.

Because 2 Remake made the mistake of making Mr. X into Nemesis in all but name since he was always planned to be such. It'd be too much retread.

Have you played the game? Nemesis is in it for at least half of the game - and don't bother making a joke saying 'that's still a few minutes' due to the length of the game. Nemesis is literally chasing you from the beginning until about halfway.

I don't know since the crack isn't out yet

>Nemesis doesn't feel like a persistent threat like the Tyrant because pretty much all him screen time is scripted chase moments or boss battles.

This was a shame - compared to Mr X, Nemesis just didn't feel threatening.

>He sure felt like a super version of Mr. X
For all 30 seconds he's chasing you in real gameplay, sure, but once you get back to the subway after restoring power to it he only shows up for boss fights and "press forward to not die" scripted setpieces.

>But then again in the original jill hangs out in the police station for most of the game
You're in the police station in the Remake longer than you are in the original, where it was just a quick detour to grab Jill's lockpick so you could advance to the next area in the Streets.

Cutting Brad's death was a huge mistake. In the original it really introduced Nemesis perfectly.

While I can appreciate the direction they took with Brad (I really like the scene with Marvin) Nemesis failing to kill a single STARS member makes him feel like a tremendous jobber, his only successes are killing a bunch of civillians and one half-dead UBCS soldier

Absolute garbage. Even worse than the DEmake3.


Everything there was very solid, but nothing was really explored or expanded upon, nemesis REALLY needed to persue you at least a bit more

The only part where he chases you like in the original is in the part that when in the demo. Everything else is a highly scripted chase. Not only is the chase scripted, but the manner in which you get chased, where you have to go, and so forth. It's not like the original where he just shows up in a normal place.

Hmm, guess I just remember spending the longest ammount of time in there for some reason, maybe because that's the main place I remeber him being a problem on account of the tight coridors. The frog things I remember vaguely, pretty sure those salmander gamma things are new additions since I don't remember them at all, the library puzzle, intro chalk drawing which was nice to see again. The dog design wasn't bad, but it did feel a bit early. Nemesis being wrapped in trash bags rather than a trenchcoat with a bunch of belts was pretty bad too. Could have just shoved a gas mask or something on his head as well for the big reveal rather than even more trash bags. The logic of Mr X gets a fancy fedora, leather gloves, and a bulletproof trenchcoat, nemesis gets stapled garbage bags, baffles me. His new face also felt less "cool" than the old, tiny eye, even bigger teeth, could have probably done a better job giving him humanish teeth and a slightly bigger eye, maybe a bit sunken in, to accentuate the patchwork skin.

>salmander gamma
Those are redesigned hunter gamma

I like nemesis new look he always looked bland to me.

It's a better game than the RE2make, but still a pretty lousy REmake. They cut too much shit and rearranged too much when they should have been trying to do what the original REmake did back in 2002.

It's fun but was definitely rushed as fuck.
Also not a fan of all the scripted sequences.
You know that part as Leon in RE2make after leaving the police station where you do an extended talking sequence with Ada, then the silly crocodile chase sequence, then the playable Ada bit? Worst part of the game. But RE3make has a dozen sequences like that, and most of them are actually worse. RE3make simultaneously expects you to replay it a lot while being full of sequences that are painful on replays. Constant forced walking, Carlos blocking you, chase sequences, running away from a fucking giant plastic head, etc etc.