Can we talk about this game's flaws...

Can we talk about this game's flaws? Its literally my favorite fuckin game of all time but I certainly have a few issues with it and I want to hear what other people think.
Things like;
>Mediocre OST
>Lackluster Final Boss + No Cthulhu
>Outside of BoC or EoW, Crimson/Corruption is very downplayed especially later-half despite the heavy emphasis on Hallow/Evil balance
>No Hallow boss
>No Infinite worlds
>Oceans both tiny and irrelevant outside of Duke and Shark Fins
Maybe all my criticisms are austistic but theres a lot I'm missing from this game

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Mediocre OST

you must be retarded. I feel sorry for you.

I only dislike that the map is kinda small

It might've been the thousands of hours i've played but I can't enjoy the style of music, I suppose I want something harder.
I mean the soundtracks serviceable and alright, but nobody who mentions Terraria ever brings up the music.
I mean I would've liked a composer like Chris Christodolou or Ben Prunty. I like all their heavier and lighter tracks from the respective OST's they've made.
I don't want to be that guy but less people know Scott Lloyd Shelly than they know DM Dokuro, and all he did was make the music for a Terraria Mod over the mod itself.

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>No Infinite Worlds
who the fuck actually wants this?

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over the game itself* my mistake sorry

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I always found the crafting and inventory interface very clunky and unintuitive, stopped me from playing past the eyeball boss

I wish there were more vanity items to look like monsters.

Aside from that, I'd like an horde event that lasts a lot longer and isn't based on a festivity (like pumpkin/frozen moons).

>Bad UI/UX
>Lack of in game info or encyclopedia

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not a big fan of the movement

Yeah its silly.
>"Use the guide lol"
Not only does this not always apply, its very tedious to run and find the guide, open an interface, throw an item in, and scroll through possible items.
Terraria would benefit from the gravity being heavier and movement having a more aerial control. You have a tiny bit of control but the game is heavily weighed around momentum and committing to it, which is why Ninja Tabi/Shield of Cthulhu is so treasured at all stages of the game

Crafting is convoluted as fuck on PC. Console Terraria got it right.

I just dislike the fact that every world is more or less the same with the only things that differentiate them being whether or not they've got the spooky purple gross biome or the fleshy red nightmare biome and what colour the dungeon is.

>Mediocre OST
Your opinion, but you are entitled to it even if its wrong
>Lackluster Final Boss + No Cthulhu
Explain this one to me, I think moon lord is a perfectly fine final boss.
>Outside of BoC or EoW, Crimson/Corruption is very downplayed especially later-half despite the heavy emphasis on Hallow/Evil balance
Underground variations, the two biome chests, but I do agree they could add more differences to spice things up.
>No Hallow boss
One is being added in Journeys end
>No Infinite worlds
if you chose a large world that should be more then enough for all your needs.
>Oceans both tiny and irrelevant outside of Duke and Shark Fins
I actually 100% agree, they really need to expand the ocean and make it deeper with more cool shit to find.

>I actually 100% agree, they really need to expand the ocean and make it deeper with more cool shit to find.
Kinda wish they'd incorporate something like the Abyss from the Calamity mod into it. That biome was the coolest part of the mod bar none.

absolutely holy shit. Its the main good thing they add.

>>Mediocre OST
i like the OST but it gets repetitive cuz there's only 1 track for each biome/zone.
>>Lackluster Final Boss + No Cthulhu
meh better than when the game only had the same 3 bosses copy-pasted twice
>>Outside of BoC or EoW, Crimson/Corruption is very downplayed especially later-half despite the heavy emphasis on Hallow/Evil balance
yeah, it's just more of an annoyance than anything. Other than quickly killing EoW/Destroyer the Corruption may as well not exist.
>>No Hallow boss
>>No Infinite worlds
Nah Infinite doesn't need to be a thing.
Though I do wish there was an option for even larger worlds, 10x larger than the large we have now. Exploration and running around, checking out caves and stuff underground is the most fun part of the game.
>>Oceans both tiny and irrelevant outside of Duke and Shark Fins
Pretty much. Fishing/Oceans may as well not exist except as big p2w lootbox shit for start of Hardmode.

>calameme abyss

aquatic depths may be small but it's way better than anything fabsol has to offer. also it will be getting a makeover after 1.4 releases including a new generated structure / abyssion arena

pic related is a mockup of what that might look like.

Attached: Abyss2.png (1617x1417, 478.74K)

UI is nice, but the crafting menu is pretty aids.

still no detailed world gen options
>no option to disable corruption/crimson spread for casual sessions with mates, building cool shit for looks
>no option to enable BOTH on the same world so you have full access to content
>no option to amplify the spread rate of corruption/crimson for extra challenge
>no option to have it start spreading from the start, not only after killing WoF.
>no option to have Hallow spawn at the start of the game

>no option to disable corruption/crimson spread for casual sessions with mates, building cool shit for looks
>no option to enable BOTH on the same world so you have full access to content
>no option to amplify the spread rate of corruption/crimson for extra challenge
>no option to have it start spreading from the start, not only after killing WoF.
>no option to have Hallow spawn at the start of the game

just use terra custom retard

The argument is the game not mods or bullshit retard

Is this like one of those meme posts where you mix real criticisms with bait-y ones, allowing you to blend in while also pissing people off?
>Mediocre OST
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>Everything else
Yeah, I guess

I just dont like the music its just so slow constantly all the time and too ambient. None of the Boss tracks go as hard as I'd like them to be.

>The argument is the game not mods or bullshit retard

I'm telling you that you can literally do all of those things with terracustom. Just use it.

Literally read what you just said back to me

now stop responding holy shit the argument is with the base vanilla game. Games are capable of criticism.

The thread is about flaws with the game and he posted some. Most things in this thread could be solved with mods but you're just being an obtuse retard

>Most things in this thread could be solved with mods

then use mods. who cares if vanilla is shit if there are a million things that fix those issues that are freely available?

that looks fucking T I G H T

Do you understand how an argument works? Are you this unequivocally retarded you have to double-down on your idiocy?

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I'ts just a mockup though. I've been pushing for a prehistoric themed expansion to the AD for a little while now on the discord and that is the mockup image I made for it. The devs are pretty good with taking community suggestions so at least some of the ideas might make it in with enough support.

I have a few things worked out including two new materials sets (haven't done the armor yet), some enemies, critters and some other new items.

Attached: file.png (1124x840, 62.37K)

Not that guy but I think mods are an acceptable solution to all the flaws you pointed out. I wouldn't even really consider them "flaws" so much as just stuff you wish the devs had included. They can't do everything, and I like it when devs focus on the base game to make it good but keep it open for modders to do cool stuff, too.

Thats some pretty solid spritework, user.
>Pizza Cutter chainsaw
Extremely cool.

>shows islands in the background
>you can't actually explore islands

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