Square and Enix are as seperate is EA and BiowarEA
So even after FF7R, this is still Square's best game in the past several years right?
zoom zoom
I still need to be fully complete Act 3. I would have beaten a while ago but I'm a turbo autist who needs to get the best gear for everyone.
Nah its great for a first attempt.
>FF6 and Chrono Trigger.
Those games never came out in Europe
For us its Lufia 2 and Terranigma
The problem always was that very little people ever knew DQ existed. Nowadays more and more people are discovering that while FF lost its way, DQ is what kept making the same kind of games that made FF great in the first place.
I guess it's all about financial stability. Have in mind that FF has been consistently selling millions on brand recognition alone for the past 20 years, which is the last time they made a decent game.
whew, imagine spreading misinformation.
the reality is that Spirits Within almost killed a merger that was already close to finalization, not the other way around.
in fact, it was until Square picked themselves up following their near bankruptcy that Enix followed through.
in short, Square and Enix were both Jewish corporations Hell bent on anything but making quality video games long before their coming together to form a homogenized superpower that has ruined an entire genre and several other unrelated IPs.
stop supporting the Shinra of video games.
Apparently the Switch version of XI is getting pretty decent sales, wonder if the whole “pandemic everyone stay home and find something to do” shit is helping with that.
I tried the 2D mode and didn't know it would erase all my progress. I don't want to restart