>terrible D-Pad, one of the worst of all time, detects false diagonals constantly
>no analog triggers, something which Nintendo introduced back on the fucking GameCube
>"HD Rumble" is weak as shit, feels weaker than the vibration on my fucking phone
>sticks have little to no resistance whatsoever and massive deadzones
Why do people meme this as a good controller, Yas Forums?
Terrible D-Pad, one of the worst of all time, detects false diagonals constantly
its a nice controller if you disregard the dpad, but yeah the dpad is a bummer
Even without the D-Pad you still have the terrible sticks, weak rumble, and lack of analog triggers. It's just an Xbox One controller that feels worse in every way except the face buttons.
The sticks are great and work very well for me.
It also has a really nice weight, shape and finish to it.
works on my machine
also only literal niggers defend garbage analog triggers that have been ruining pads for decades now.
I never notice anyone talking about the lag. Hollowknight was painful to play docked and so is animal crossing when i try to catch fish.
>Why do people meme this as a good controller, Yas Forums?
Because people suck Nintendo's dick blindly every time. The battery life on it is good though.
Lack of analog triggers ensures that some of Nintendo's best games from the GameCube era will never be playable on it, like Super Mario Sunshine and F-Zero GX. It also ensures that any sequels to those games will be inferior in controls.
the sticks are smooth and reliable enough. Rumble is a meme anywayn, but it's still good. Tactile triggers are also perfect for most games, since most games don't need analog triggers.
The controller has awesome gyro so everything else is forgivable.
Also the dpad isn't THAT bad. It's about as good as a ds4 or xbone controller.
Blows the PS controller away so it has that.
>the sticks are smooth and reliable enough.
They feel far too light to the touch and the deadzones are massive. Whenever I try to move the camera in a game, I have to push so far that I end up swinging hard to the left or right, because the deadzone is so high that I can't make small adjustments. This makes aiming with the stick extremely frustrating in games like BotW or Daemon ex Machina.
>Rumble is a meme anywayn, but it's still good.
It is by far the weakest rumble I have ever felt in any controller. It's only impressive in the handful of games that make use of the HD Rumble, like Super Mario Odyssey, because it simulates feeling texture and bumps and stuff. For every other game, it's garbage.
>Tactile triggers are also perfect for most games, since most games don't need analog triggers.
While this is mostly true, it also means entire swaths of games are going to be worse on the Switch. As mentioned above, some of Nintendo's best games made use of analog triggers, and followups to those games are now impossible in Switch without a sacrifice to controls.
>The controller has awesome gyro so everything else is forgivable.
Also true, but again, only a handful of games use it effectively, making it not worth the tradeoff.
>Also the dpad isn't THAT bad. It's about as good as a ds4 or xbone controller.
I have never once had a false diagonal on the DS4 D-Pad. I would say it is by far the best D-Pad on a stock controller this gen, and easily the best in the DualShock line. Xbone controller I have very little experience with, but it's hard to imagine it being worse. The Pro Controller D-Pad is just a cross shaped piece of plastic floating over four contact points, making it possible to hit all directions at once. This is a massive design flaw, and frankly embarrassing coming from the company that invented D-Pads to begin with. Nintendo D-Pads previously had a pivot in the center, making them much more accurate. The Pro Controller lacks this.
2 years ago when I bought it I'd agree with you on rumble, but now, nah. It's subtile but not enough to be imperceptible, and it's capable of very subtile twitches because there's barely any inertia, unlike the dumb fat motors with big weights on more conventional controllers. The "HD" part is pretty cool too, for example when you boost in FAST RMX you can feel it going in waves from bottom to top.
nobody gives a shit about the gamecube, nintendos worst console.
mario sunshine specifically is unfinished garbage.
It's an issue with the Switch itself not the controller.
what's up with the "sunshine can't work without analog controllers" meme? i beat the game with a switch pro and had no issues
Definitely the best controller since the Gamecube era, my only disappointment was the lack of analog triggers.
>Tactile triggers
Then why are they even triggers? Xbox One controller has triggers that have force to them and push back, great for racing and shooters. How can you feel that triggers can be ok without even the most basic feature of being analog? Sure some games don't need it but I'm sure they had to design around that issue anyways
I haven't gotten one because it looks so damn ugly. Look at it. wtf. Gross design. Xbox One's pad looks more sleek and appealing. This one looks a couple of generations old in its design. Those palm grips in particular are horrible looking, but the overall shape of the controller is very clunky and awkward looking. I ended up just getting another pair of joycons with a joycon grip. And then you have all the other problems people have mentioned. Pic-related is the proper way to play Switch games
once you get used to it it's okay, and if you fix it it's perfect.
The Wii U Pro controller sucked balls and so does the Switch Pro Controller.
I honestly like the feeling of the sticks.
You're missing out, it's a shame that the Dpad has issues, but on average it's still mostly fine and ultimately a non-issue in most games.
Even if the sticks are good, I just can't get over how it looks. And besides, most Switch games that require the sticks to be good (such as shooters) have already implemented gyro aim, which is already superior than stick-only aim. And 3D platformer or third person action games don't need such tight controls so I've never run into any problems with the joycon sticks yet aside from the occasional drift. And all the 2D sidescrollers/fighters work fine with the directional buttons. If I really need a stick for those I have my fight stick which basically works with every 2D game.
pretty damn retrarded.
wiiu pro controller is the best pad ever made.
who gives a shit if it's comfy as fuck
Just because you can look at shit and enjoy it, doesn't mean the rest of us can. If a game has shitty graphics, you guys would be shitting all over it too. So why should hardware get a pass?
Taking a shit while playing Super Mario Run is also comfy as fuck.
Sticks are god tier, rumble is strong if you test it out, it's just used lightly. HD rumble is far better than old school rumble.
Battery life is second only to the Wii U Pro controller, but I can agree with digital triggers being disappointing.
While analog triggers are very very rarely used for anything much, it's still nice to have.
DPad is massively overblown though, it's totally fixed with the new updates and even at launch, it was far far better than the 360's.
The xbone controller is a good controller, it's biggest issues was the terrible way that LB and RB were hinged, but they fixed that. Now it's just the fact that Microsoft still can't put a rechargeable battery in the fucking thing despite it being so expensive.
Sony controllers remain a disaster.
Works for me
>Analog triggers
only got a 3rd party chinese remake of that controller so take it with a grain of salt if I criticize it. I like the design and how it feels but the sticks have such crazy deadzone. then again people said the same about the original.
it has no analog triggers either, only digitals. some consider that an advantage but I don't. plus, you can't run it with a usb-cable on pc and you need to buy an adapter (which did however work excellently btw). battery life is really good though. but again, it holds no candle to a DualShock for example. I tested my DS3's sticks and they were super precise in comparison. it's like switching from a katana to a rusty butterknife.
Why is everything Nintendo related so violently defended?
Overpriced piece of garbage. The third party controllers are cheaper and better.
damn straight
Aren't they convex though, like the joy cons?
a pack of rechargeable AAs is dirt cheap