Would you ask your wife to bake you a video game cake at the age of 27?

Would you ask your wife to bake you a video game cake at the age of 27?

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I would

just have sex, user
its easy.

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I would ask for one for my wedding

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If she enjoys it, why not?
You rarely get the chance to handcraft neat stuff (i mean the disgusting marizpan or whatever frosting) like this anymore, so it's always nice to take those chances

What kind of spouse makes their wife bake the wedding cake? And if you meant to order one, now THATS pathetic

As a joke, or something playful, certainly not at a professional level. If I was headed off to work on my birthday and my gf asked what kind of cake I wanted her to make, I might say ‘make le epic ff7 cake’ in a retarded voice and expect a silly scribbling or the logo on it to laugh at. Could be a fun idea. But yeah this reddit photo confectionary and the ‘I like anime more than I like drinking so I picked the Japanese liquor from the anime’ thing is a no-go

You can make fondants and marzipan decorations every day of your life if you want, these things are completely available and aren’t rare at all to anyone who simply chooses to do them

do Sonyfans really?

Yes, and make her cosplay as my waifu.

That’s obviously a Fairly odd parents reference you dingus

My point is that you don't just make this kind of shit without good reason, unless you're some kind of lunatic
Only when I have other people to eat my shitty cake am I going to do my hardest to actually make it palatable and nice looking
That's why it's perfectly acceptable to have something like a vidya cake done for a special occasion, even more so from a loved one.

>getting married in modern day
For what purpose?

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I mean if she MARRIED me, not dated, married, then I'd imagine she knows about my hobbies and doesn't find them repulsive enough to leave me, so yeah fuck it why not, if I really really wanted one.

I agree with what you’re saying about special occasions, but hobby bakers who make fondant decorations for fun and craft aren’t lunatics either

Because you can develop unique and personal relationships that aren’t just the random dice rolls you’re so terrified of

I would imagine so

You understand what a hobby is, right user? Take your meds.

No I don't ask for anything for my birthday

I don't have a wife or know what kind of person my imaginary wife is, but if she specifically asked what kind of baked goods I wanted for my birthday I'd be like "brownies"

I'm not into cake. I like brownies and ice cream and cookies and shit like that. So if she really wanted to make me some brownies I'd be like "sure'.

Who gives a shit what's on a cake? You just eat it. People just make cakes with shit on them so they can take pictures of the cake and be like look at my special cake it has shit on it look at the shit on my cake wow.

I would hope my wife would just be a nihilist like me and we'd just fuck and then have some drinks after or something. Just make my own fucking brownies if I want them.

Actually who even cares about fucking anything dude.

My big sister bakes me a cake usually.

Truly schizophrenic post. Sorry for your loneliness

>reddit spacing

this. marriage is only for gay couples that want to prove something.


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I think you should ingest some good ol' 9mm brownies right into your frontal lobe.

people don't ask for cakes. the family does it for them by themselves.


what does marriage have to do with that?

People make cakes for their hobbies all the time. Why should I care about what a grown married couple do, even if they post it on the interwebs?

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probably referring to the "50% of marriages end in divorce" statistic

i would 100% bake him a video game cake


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do u play anmal crossing bb

No, and he probably didn't even ask. A lot of women like doing shit like that.

Sometimes you just meet the right person, I mean, you'd never understand until you do

That relationships are unique, as in created from scratch uniquely between individuals, and to view all marriage as some generic failure of a thing, is only possible to people who either have created a generic failing marriage, or who don’t have a partner at all and can only refer to the divorce statistics to explain why they don’t have a relationship they will defend

that whisky is gross, I don't know why it's so popular.


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I know, I also enjoy baking sometimes and when I'm feeling fancy I'll add some decor but come on. Fondant is so fucking gross, especially when they use like 2cm thick sheets of the stuff. It ruins any semblance of decency your cake might've had just because you thought it'd look prettier that way.
It's the same as those retarded mongoloids making burgers you have to unhinge your jaw to take a bite out of, it's completely unneccessary, pretentious shit that serves no real purpose besides vanity

Because retard weebs buy it when they need to pretend to drink alcohol or when they need an alcohol for their reddit selfie of some toy or kid’s meal they’re showing off, same as when Moviebob bought apples for the first time in his life so he could brag to Twitter they were Fuji. They often don’t even know they do it, it’s an automatic response from sheltered white kids who are more comfortable with anime than they are alcohol

Sensing some big dick energy in here

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Yeah fondant isn’t very tasty, it’s entirely a wad of melted marshmallows whether you make it yourself or make it from a bag

Only for special occasions

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to dab oh her later

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>japanese whiskey

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Yeah but only if it's being baked in her ass

Japanese whiskey actually isn't bad, getting better all the time as well

>"haha enslavement! loss of personal freedom and money is le funny"

It's ironic and telling how this imagery and humour is mostly around in western countries