Easy modes are a form of censorship

Easy modes are a form of censorship.

Attached: neutermode.png (656x742, 86.51K)

Attached: censoring.png (654x253, 28.95K)

Easy modes are completely optional, if you don't like it just don't use it.

>tfw difficulty slider for the game's text
If Englishfags really wanted to do it right, they'd take some cues from the Japanese.

Attached: slide002.jpg (620x270, 70.9K)

most games are made with easy mode as default with no hard or medium options.

Stop trying to gatekeep you loser.

Censored versions of movies and books are also optional but they are still censored, and their existence is still a problem.

>trying to read hiragana soup and guessing what this homophone means instead of kanji that immediately tells you the entire sentence
Once you know kanji it's harder to read text for kids than kanji

Attached: 1567501317750.jpg (710x608, 39.49K)

you need to go back, redditor

Gatekeeping is just another word for having moral standards.

Nope. If there is easy mode that means that the devs probably didn't care about creating challenging experience, since all difficulties will do is change values. Hard mode will make stuff bullet spongy, normal will be too easy, easy will be for legit retards. Games should be designed for the ground up to be challenging.

Are the Japanese slowly weening themselves off their stupid fucking Kanji system? Are Japanese kids of today are going to be like European geriatrics of now who know both imperial and metric systems while their children know a single, more streamlined and more efficient system?

God I fucking hope so. Pictographic languages are fucking retarded.

That's a problem because of incompetent devs, not because of easy mode itself.
Competent devs can make difficulties that has variety other than just value changes.

gatekeeping keeps one week fans away from yelling for decisions that last forever

I think "Easy Mode" should by law always be called "Game Journalist Mode".

Name 5 games where changing the difficulty setting actualy provides variety and it's not just value changes.

not if the uncensored version is just as easily accessible to anyone who wants it, you're retarded

Mushihimesama Futari
Super Monkey Ball

You're the one who needs to prove there are games that would have been good but is ruined because of the inclusion of an easy mode and not ruined because it was a shit game in the first place.

Ninja gaiden
Devil may Cry
Resident evil 4



No, not at all. If anything, the reverse is true. The proliferation of digital input has made kanji more relevant today than ever, there's been a real resurgence and renewal of characters many rarely used due to their stroke count now that writing them takes just as long as writing anything else.

Receiver 2

It says the game name in the screenshot retard.

But he's right.

Lol at your life, EOP brainlet.

I'm the OP and the author of that post and the text of the OP isn't sarcastic.

Difficulty levels shouldn't exist, prove me wrong.

Attached: 1577140762522.jpg (1536x2048, 476.57K)

>music is released with explicit snd clean versions.
Why not games

Even assuming Japanese people wanted that, which they probably don't, it was like five hundred years between some Korean trying to unfuck Chinese from their language and that unfucking actually being implemented. Don't get your hopes up.

Music should never have "clean" versions to begin with and any music that does is probably absolute crap to begin with. Stop the infantilization of society.
