TOTAL BAN: China Wants to Ban ALL Online Gaming and Chats After Animal Crossing Mishap?

Thoughts? Why?

Can freedom of speech in video games really be controlled in 2020? (see getting banned for bad words/behavior)

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based if true, no more insectoids shitting up f2p games

Good. Now I will face significantly less hackers in my vidya. I don't give a fuck about how oppressive the CCP is because the mainlanders won't do a damn thing about it until the country is in complete ruin.

christ why don't they just seal themselves in and save us the trouble of nuking them.

No more gold spammers based

Burgers should be banned too, and SA, and Russians, and a big chunk of Europe should get the axe.

China is fucking based, they are making burgers so butthurt with just their existence.

Because they think of themselves as the middle kingdom/ literally the centre of the world and master race. All countries must be colonised by them and pay tribute. Their culture is literally about putting down other people.

>Animal Crossing Mishap
what happened?

That would be awesome. Thank you animal crossing.

good. fuck chinks

How is their government both so aggressive and confident, and yet so pathetic at the same time?

Sounds like how Americans act desu

Multiplayer is a meme. They should ban all online games.

Gaslighting doesn't work like that Wang.

You misspelled Australian.

Too many Poohs: Electric Boogaloo

American culture is to acquire material wealth and say they are the best, Americans dont give a shit what others think of them. The Chinese need others to say it, at rhe very least they need to swindle others into a weaker position.

I'm white, blue eyes, dirty blonde. I literally think it should only be a few countries permitted to play online.

China brings nothing but cheaters to the gaming scene anyway. They're a paper tiger and the only reason anyone appeals to them is to siphon the consumer base.

>No more chinese in online games
Would actually be an improvement

so not only did they increase the male population to unbalanced levels with the 1 baby rule, they are going to remove their video games, it's like they want an uprising

>literally let corona spread
fuck these disgusting chinks.

Fucking finally.

You should learn to punctuate if you want to post on an English board and be taken seriously.

they're not banning online games, you retard
they're just banning americans from their games

>no more chinks in games
Yes please

Some guy posted evil blasphemy against the all-powerful and amazing and magnificent CCP, and they threw a hissy fit as a result.

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>an end to the asian menace in online gaming

Celebration time?

Based Joshua Wong ruining everything for his country to benefit everyone else

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Wait, so there wont be any fucking Chinks in games anymore? Holy shit based as fuck. Now just ban Turks, most of South America. Maybe a chunk of Eastern/Central Europeans, but it's hard to say because those are either retard mongoloids or absolute Gods that just shitpost with their retarded "language".

>mutts cheering about corona killing chinese
>suddenly they fuck up even worse
>screech ineffectually how its all the chinks' fault


Why do chinks ruin everything including their own people?

You took it seriously enough, it wasn't required.

This will be CCP downfall. Gamers will triumph in the end.

Imagine wanting misery and oppression for billions just so you can play your garbage childish games.

Grown the fuck up, kid.

It's how everyone thinks. "Me tribe good because is ME tribe. Not be tribe bad because is not me tribe."

Reminder if you see a chinese person in a game online you can now report them to the authorities and have them sent to the organ harvesting gulag.


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Why am I surprised China didn't do this already?

Why doesn’t China force the world to do what they do?

>aggressive and confident yet pathetic
hmm almost like compensation or something


The goal of a dictator isn't to ruin things, but to ensure that they remain in power. Ruining things happens as a side-effect. Any dictator would burn the world if it meant they would rule the ashes.

I'd say the majority of them are awful and anything positive that respects natural rights is nothing but a pipe dream. Banning them is the next best thing. Unwad your panties.

Imagine a world with no chinks, mutts, brazilians, turkroaches or slavs playing any games and not being allowed to be plagues on communities. It's basically Utopia.

All of china's history is another culture coming in, killing all of them, and supplanting them with themselves and half bred spawn.

>fear online game propaganda or trolling
At least the west fear bad pr when some user makes a swastika. But this fear of revolution and propaganda in online gaming, or people talk without the ccp approval, really looks like china is near the brink of implosion.

May Allah bless China


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>China banned from all online Western vidya
Sounds fucking based. Now we just need to do something about the South and Central Americans. Russians can stay but they need to clean themselves up a little.

Also all French are permanently banned. Fuck them.

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banned from playing the same garbage childish games is misery and oppression

Is this serious? Not just some clickbait headline? Gotta love it when the leader of one of the largest nations is so sensitive that they overreact to a children's game.

hey, I'd love it if the chinese had a different government, but it's not like I can just make it happen.
It's something they have to deal with.
And from this thread, the chinks seems perfectly happy with their government, they keep insisting that it's better than the west, so kudos to them.
Now if only they'd stop shitting up videogames.

Or knows he is a spy trying to spew propaganda

>bantz detected

and I hope the ban stays

maybe if chinks finally behaved like humans, people would care about them more.

>screeching continues

>no more australians
This is going to be sweet.

That's not why I want it, it's just a neat bonus.

China is afraid that people in different parts of the world will tell their citizens how shit of a country they are, and the people will revolt.
No one in China knows about 1989 Tianamen Square because the government censors everything.

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Based Winnie the Pooh. Keep the bugmen away from us.

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>Also all French are permanently banned. Fuck them.
>Wanting to kill Soul Calibur

We need to keep making anti Chinese shit on online games to push them further and get them off of the online gaming space

Wait, what happened in Animal Crossing that pissed off China?

I thought it was a joke like "Total War : Attila" but "Total Ban: China" lmao

Because in a conventional war America will rape China

Can't wait to show this to my "communist" former friends and see the cognitive dissonance they will experience in trying to process this.

stop being a lazy bitch

>Accidentally attacking an NPC

Its not my fault the bugs are totally subservient to their oppressive overlords.

People from Taiwan and Hong Kong made anti Chinese messages on it. Some Hong Kongers posted some stuff supporting the protests, and a Taiwanese person placed poop on top of a picture of Xi Jinping on the map

>removes a worthless rude human from the gene pool before he can shit up society as an adult
I will never understand burgers. This kind of behavior should be celebrated.

China is a paper tiger. They have lost every war they have ever fought except that one time america saved their ass.

It's okay to say you don't know, user, but it's not okay to be a fucking cunt about it.

china will self isolate themselves into oblivion, tide is turning against them economically and is propped up by huge empty developments internally

>when shit goes really wrong internally they will attack an American base in the south pacific

That kid learned a life lesson that day.

>a Taiwanese person placed poop on top of a picture of Xi Jinping on the map
Literal shitposting. Excellent.

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Someone made a picture of that Xi chink who runs China in the game as a carpet, then placed a fossilized dinosaur turd on his face.

it's not okay to ask for information that was already provided in the thread in the first 50 posts

God fuck Hong Kong

>less cheaters
>less farmers
>shitty games propped up game chinks die
I'm not seeing the issue here.

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>is that really all it takes for this level of butthurt?

what's going to happen if people air drop winnie the pooh being fucked by Putin?

Has China ever contributed one positive thing to videogames as a whole?


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china is the most insecure world power in history of the entire world

Yes please
Fucking chinksects comprise the majority of cheaters in online games, they always have 300 ping and they can't speak english worth a damn

>the gold selling industry loses its work force

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I like dynasty warriors

and xianghua from soul calibur

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that's israel

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Is this real?

I don't mean Chinese things in videogames. I'm talking about China itself.

What has China contributed to the industry?

nah, der jude is overconfident

Get fucked Chinks

The little shit had it coming.


Fuck chinks, and double-fuck that little shit. He had it coming.

Well yeah, you can't run an authoritarian regime by letting your people voice their displeasure at how you're ruling as an authoritarian.

Wish we could do this.

The internet was more enjoyable when it wasn't censored. I'm not positive, but it seems like it's been other countries pressuring these game companies to censor us.

>china bans gaming
>chinks use a VPN instead

that solves like 50% of the problem unfortunately

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Some dangerously based games come out of there every now and then.

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I bet Blizzard feels dumb as fuck right now.