TOTAL BAN: China Wants to Ban ALL Online Gaming and Chats After Animal Crossing Mishap?

good. fuck chinks

How is their government both so aggressive and confident, and yet so pathetic at the same time?

Sounds like how Americans act desu

Multiplayer is a meme. They should ban all online games.

Gaslighting doesn't work like that Wang.

You misspelled Australian.

Too many Poohs: Electric Boogaloo

American culture is to acquire material wealth and say they are the best, Americans dont give a shit what others think of them. The Chinese need others to say it, at rhe very least they need to swindle others into a weaker position.

I'm white, blue eyes, dirty blonde. I literally think it should only be a few countries permitted to play online.

China brings nothing but cheaters to the gaming scene anyway. They're a paper tiger and the only reason anyone appeals to them is to siphon the consumer base.