Trials of Mana interview

>Damn, the FF7 remake completely ruined the hype for this game.
I see your point but I imagine these 2 games are directed at very different crowds, I don't think FF7R will end up cannibalizing it or something.

The 24th can't come soon enough :^(

>no dlc
God damn, I wanted swimsuit costumes.

Those will be included already in the game as unlockables.
Trust me, my dad works at Nintendo.


Considering Charlotte has a spell that does 999 to the final boss...

It's not a nintendo game.

I know about that and I'm planning to get it. Does it always work or do I need to be higher-level than the final boss? I think that would be 51 and I ended the game at level 46 in my previous playthroughs, not sure I want to grind if I'm going to be able to obliterate it with Kevin anyway.

This game hasn't never been treated as a major release contrary to FF7R.
Still, I'm surprised by how polished this 'side game' is compared to the dumpster fire the Secret of Mana Remake was.

I ended up higher than the final boss everytime, dunno how you couldn't unless they nerfed XP on switch.