Trials of Mana interview

Not much new info, but there's some stuff on game lenght, possibility of other recent Mana releases getting other versions and more.

Also, I'm playing as Kevin in the original after two playthroughs where I used everyone else, did they even playtest him? His damage output when transformed is ridiculous, I wonder if the remake will tone it down since I couldn't really tell from just the demo.

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Fingers crossed for no time jannies twist

Kevin was broken in the original.

I'm seeing it. I'm using Kevin/Charlotte/Riesz and debuffing bosses with the latter is letting me destroy them with just Kevin. I can't imagine how quickly they'd go down if I forewent Charlotte for Hawkeye and used him for debuffs and Riesz for buffs on top of transformed Kevin. That definitely has to be the deadliest party in the game.

He was supposed to also deal 1.5 more damage and he is also missing random critical hits and specials from thanks to a glitch.

When do reviewers usually get their review copies? One week before release?
I fucking loved the demo, played it with all the characters, my one and only concern about it is whether or not it eventually becomes at least somewhat difficult.

Hawkeye is also screwed up, critical don't work in standard cart.

And he can heal and transform during the day if he goes light classes? That is insane.

Damn, the FF7 remake completely ruined the hype for this game.

>no time jannies
You get a milf as postgame boss and they added the unused squid boss back.

The best team that I like to us is Duran/Kevin/Hawkeye. The main focus is physical combat while combining stat up items from the black market, and Hawkeye's Ninja techniques that lower stats. Then you just hit hard. Just keep in mind to bring some Spectre eyes to remove Countermagic (Fuck you Gildervine & Mispolm) and Mantago eyes to fuck with the Red Lotus Wizard. Also when fighting the Darkshire Knight, remove your tech abilities since he'll counter when you use them.

>Damn, the FF7 remake completely ruined the hype for this game.
I see your point but I imagine these 2 games are directed at very different crowds, I don't think FF7R will end up cannibalizing it or something.

The 24th can't come soon enough :^(

>no dlc
God damn, I wanted swimsuit costumes.

Those will be included already in the game as unlockables.
Trust me, my dad works at Nintendo.


Considering Charlotte has a spell that does 999 to the final boss...

It's not a nintendo game.

I know about that and I'm planning to get it. Does it always work or do I need to be higher-level than the final boss? I think that would be 51 and I ended the game at level 46 in my previous playthroughs, not sure I want to grind if I'm going to be able to obliterate it with Kevin anyway.

This game hasn't never been treated as a major release contrary to FF7R.
Still, I'm surprised by how polished this 'side game' is compared to the dumpster fire the Secret of Mana Remake was.

I ended up higher than the final boss everytime, dunno how you couldn't unless they nerfed XP on switch.

That's the joke...
Unless you are being sarcastic and making your own joke in turn, in which case well played?

I don't think so, I've always fought every enemy each time I go through a screen and without going out of my way to grind, I get the first class change at the water Mana stone right after the fight against the three robots in Frostbite Fields and the second during the first of the two unique final areas in each story (Crystal Desert and Night Cavern for the previous runs). I'm always around three levels below the enemies during the Benevodon dungeons and never had issues. It's an easy game except for when the odd enemy decides to be an asshole and open a battle with a full-screen skill.

I've finished the demo with 3 different parties and I think I'm going to do my first playthrough with Riesz, Hawk and Charlotte.

At first I had planned to go for a traditional party, i.e. Star Lancer (party buffs) + Ninja Master (debuffs) + Sage (group healing, cleansing and sabers), but now I'm kind of tempted to try out the classes I've never played in the OG.

Should I actually go for a Rogue + Necromancer party and if so, which class should I pick for Riesz?


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Just pick the classes that have bikinis.

Siw, hand ovew youw cunny wicense.

How am I supposed to grind item seeds in the demo, even with the Item Find ability they just don't drop from enemies anymore

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It would have been a better idea to use the quick reply box with the angry text.

UWU fuck I'm sowwy pwease no not my cunny wicence.

please stop

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