Is it even worth buying Nintendo Switch?

where the fuck did you find one
nobody has anything but lites here in west burgerland
and im not paying a scalper

I bought a switch lite for a family member for animal crossing, but I've been thinking of a fullsize one for myself since I hardly like to sit my ass down at my PC or infront of my TV anymore. I just laze around in bed after I get back from work tired as fuck. I think I might just wait to see how this rumored new model is going to be though.

reports that costco in store is restocking them as a bundle. 350 for the red/blue, 128 sd card, and 1 year family online. I've not been back to costco in a bit, but I got the lite from costco like two weeks ago as a bundle too, but it was a shitty case and screen protector instead.

Mario odyssey
Smash Bros
Astral Chain
Legend of Zelda botw
Animal Crossing
Dragon Quest
Splatoon 2
and soon No More Heroes at least for me it's worth the price

I'm going to sell mine, such a boring console imo wish I kept my ps4.