>w*stern vidya
who fucking cares lmao
Do you believe highly sexualized female characters are a relic of the past that should be done away with for the sake...
Nolan Myers
Chase Davis
Back in the day, devs/artists didn't give a shit. Capcom probably used some out of date american fashion mag from the 80's for "reference" and came up with this. It didn't change the fact that she would be lovingly cosplayed for years to come. The same can be said for Lara Croft in the old Tomb Raiders. Same attitude of devs not really giving a shit since the priority is on making a good game first and foremost. And if an artist sneaks his/her fetish in? At least it was made with some form of passion.
Eli Sullivan
games have become a victim of the culture industry, product first and art or vision occupy an unimportant place much further down