Do you believe highly sexualized female characters are a relic of the past that should be done away with for the sake of a more quality product?
Do you believe highly sexualized female characters are a relic of the past that should be done away with for the sake...
the amount of sexualization should be appropriate for the audience you want to reach
if the characters are too sexualized (like in DOA) nobody will take your game seriously, while moderate sexualization like in Tekken seems to be appreciated also by girls since they love the female Tekken cast
also who the fuck bought MK to see titties
I just want lady characters to not all look the same.
>the amount of sexualization should be appropriate for the audience you want to reach
That's kind of the source of the problem. As vidya became more mainstream, video games became bigger budget and hence needed a wider audience. With a wider audience came a need to dumb down gameplay and dumb down sex appeal too.
>also who the fuck bought MK to see titties
The MK ladies are some of the most popular in porn circles. Particularly nowadays thanks to SFM.
>Tahm Kench
>Conveniently leaves out Anivia and Rek'sai
Fuck niggers.
Fuck jews.
Fuck SJWs.
Simple as.
Sure why not.
How does less sexualization equal more quality? As if making a female character purposefully ugly improves gameplay.
what I'm saying is that if you go too far with sexualizing characters only coomers will give a shit about your game
just look at Dead or Alive
Now say that again with highly sexualized men to go with the women next time you speak
Why not both?
Just imagine what could be.
And Annie, and Illaoi, and the yordles.
There are exceptions but the vast majority of female characters in LoL look like the same person dressed as a different slutty thing.
false dichotomy
But highly sexualized female characters result in a higher quality product, user
>Do you believe highly sexualized female characters are a relic of the past
then play good games dumbass
>for the sake of a more quality product
How's ditching attractive people making a product of better quality.
Being ugly is not a recipte for better gameplay or character personality.
If you want more depth for chatacters then write them better, don't just boil it down to looks / skincolour / gender alone because they have to feel close to your ugly / shady / xiz ass.
I don't care at all about button mashing games but I do enjoy seeing low IQ retards seethe, so I say ban nudity from games
then recommend me some good games dumbass
literally anything is better than league or dota
I believe sexualization should be an equal opportunity thing. If you're including scantily clad women, then have the decency to put in some twinks, too.
I want names, I don't even play LoL or dota.
Idk but i think Capitalism is a MUCH bigger problem in gaming than sexualization.
>I’m happy that we don’t just put everyone in trashy bikinis anymore
What’s that got to do with making their character models look as ugly as sin and everyone suddenly getting breast reduction surgery?
Fuck no.
I am a paying customer and if they are taking them away I won't be buying their games
I think we can compromise
Nu-therrealm: nobody goes into fights with little clothing, it's just demeaning to women
Also Nu-therrealm: now check out these buff half naked beef cakes
Mk11 was honestly mediocre and will be my last MK game especially if it keeps getting pozzed
It's just that overly sexualized characters make it hard to take a game seriously. Take the REmakes for example, having silly pantyshots like in RE4 would take away from the 'realistic' experience they try to provide in these games. Compare the sexploitation films with your average horror flick, it's the same deal.
>the realistic experience
>cyborg ninjas and lightning gods fighting in fantasy worlds
I was talking about REmakes not MK you dipshit. MK is stupid because you have half-naked beef cakes and properly dressed up, toned down women. That's pandering for the twitter crowd brownie points.
>w*stern vidya
who fucking cares lmao
Back in the day, devs/artists didn't give a shit. Capcom probably used some out of date american fashion mag from the 80's for "reference" and came up with this. It didn't change the fact that she would be lovingly cosplayed for years to come. The same can be said for Lara Croft in the old Tomb Raiders. Same attitude of devs not really giving a shit since the priority is on making a good game first and foremost. And if an artist sneaks his/her fetish in? At least it was made with some form of passion.
games have become a victim of the culture industry, product first and art or vision occupy an unimportant place much further down