F.E.A.R 2005

This is one of the funnest single player fps i have ever played and only found out about it recently because of some faggy youtuber.
Why did they stop making these games?

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Please define your terms and/or explain what makes the game so fun. Your post is incoherent as is. I would like to help.

>Why did they stop making these games?
They did but the quality declined because of consoles

doesn't seem incoherent to me, work on your reading comprehension

What is Monolith even up to these days? They did those lotr games and then went quiet

Alma best mom

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I played it for the first time just last week and was blow away by how it holds up technically, theres some effects in this game even modern shooters lack. I didn't even pay much attention to the story because the shooting itself already made me want to keep plaiyng this game until the end. Now I'm gonna start the two DLCs.

>What is Monolith even up to these days?

What you just said, they are making the Middle-Earth games, probably working on the third one for the next-gen consoles now.

Work on your reading comprehension. I was addressing OP and not you, so don't reply to me.

Ugh, not surprisingly though. At this point with the whole FEAR online shit I wouldn't be hopeful for a new game

Shadows of Mordor series, they used to do awesome games like pic related shame I'm literally the only guy on Yas Forums who played it

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it's cool until it decides to pull out the corny ass jump scares
if you didn't use the blood hand logo in multiplayer you were a pleb

You're retarded. I didn't ask for help, I asked why they stopped making F.E.A.R games. Why I found the games fun is of no consequence unless the reason Monolith stopped making F.E.A.R games was because of my direct involvement or lack thereof.
You're also a cunt.

>Why did they stop making these games
Because COD Campaigns were making more money, so they made a COD Campaign.
And then Warner Brothers bought them and the rest is history.

The lighting is better than a lot of modern games, the AI is better than any other fps I've played before, not just because they vocalize, but because they are a real threat to you with their squad planning and tactics. It's like playing against real people at times.


They were good, but like a lot of that era of platformers made by companies that went on to do other things, kind of a kick in the nuts difficulty-wise.

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>what makes the game so fun
The levels are not linear like most FPS games, they have several paths to get to you so you have to play cat and mouse against the AI. The AI also functions very well, they work together so they attack you from different sides at the same time and they can hide very well. The game makes you feel like you're an elite soldier because you're fighting an intelligent enemy and it's fast paced as fuck so you're always on edge.

I'm giving you (you)s whether you like it or not fucker

Show me one video where someone plays optimally without reflex

IMO it was too centralizing. The game was straight up too fast to be played normally

There are some graphical effects that look like a low grade raytracing. Baked in light mixed with dynamic lights is superior to today's usage of lightning

git gud

They... give you a slow-mo power that recharges instantly between fights.

it is awesome, the only fps i know that incorporated different unarmed melee strikes in a seamless way. If i am correct they removed that in sequels and its a shame.
The story is ok but the gameplay carried itself

is there a mod that removes the jumpscares yet
im too much of a pussy and will probably have to get use to them through youtube

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the jumpscares in fear are literally nothing, stop being a baby and play.

Slowpoke as fuck. Clearly you missed the few hundred weekly threads in the past decade?
Anyway, glad ya saw the light.

>why did they stop making these games
They didn't, and that's what ruined the IP.
Also right after F1 we got into the still ongoing streamlining consolification boom, meaning goodbye fast pace and pushing tech.
The writers also created a dead end by making Alma the focus if the whole IP, rather than just one incident for thr FEAR team.

Thats what Im saying. What's the point of reflex if you need to use it to kill almost every enemy?

There was only a single jump scare that got me unprepared though the entire game and it was some of the invisible enemies bursting out of a window near the end of the game.

Literally just git gud at keeping your diaper dry, pussy. FEAR's jumpscares are fucking nothing. FEAR is like the first baby step if you want to ease yourself into scary games

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You don't, and there's been tons of elitist proving this in the last two decades.
Also imagine crying about one of the most fun features.

it's one of my favorite games and it was awesome to play when it came out, it was super immersive

>What's the point of reflex
playing like you're in a john woo movie


I understand the point of reflect I'm just saying that some of the encounters are built around it. When every bullet you shoot is in slowmo then you question why normal speed even exists

>The writers also created a dead end by making Alma the focus if the whole IP, rather than just one incident for thr FEAR team

I hated this so much, its even worse when you remember they had the perfect hook to continue the serious in another direction thanks to Extraction Point but they had to scrap that DLC to do their own pregnant ghost horseshit.

I literally don't get this opinion.

Just play the game, fag