>farming worthless items over and over is a "glitch"

why is he white?
is ff7 filled with black people so he got mad?
I havent played the game, I'm actually asking.

Yeah they took 5-minute "dungeons" from the original midgar and turned them into hour-long FF13 hallways. Shit sucked, not going to lie.

Yep this was one of my favorite parts of the game

I'm a girl silly I don't know how to make youtube videos.

No I am not fucking the video creator either he's just a friend lmao.

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You are responding to a triggered tranny.

They're not the same at all.
FF13 was a series of bad hallways, FF7R is a series of bad hubs.

>ff13 hallways
>ff13 combat
>ff13 music
>still getting 10/10s
this entire game was a social experiment. it proved that retards will rate the same type of thing different scores depending on hype.

>5-minute "dungeons"
It's even worse. They took an area that was only a single screen in the original and turned it into the FF13 hallway from hell, with those shitty crane arm padding segments.

FF7R is a series of bad hallways connected by bad hubs.

Attached: IMG_20200408_062822.jpg (360x237, 19.02K)

you can accuse them of a lot of stuff, but you can tell it was made with a lot of love for the OG