It’s a 9/10 game. I had a blast. How do you bros feel about it? The music is absolutely God Tier

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Kill yourself, tranny.

it was pretty good

Is FF7 marketed towards trannies or something?
what am I missing here

Are some of the trophies bugged?
Pretty certain there's one for all quests but I didn't get it even though all quests say completed.

What are you so mad about retard

I'm having fun but it's a hard game.

Loving it. Easy 10/10 so far. I'm in chapter 4

Boring as fuck like the original.
I guess PS1 era was a dry spell for square.

aww poor little white boy

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9/10 sounds about right. Would be a 10/10 without padding and without the stupid "Zack survives in an alternate timeline" scene. I don't mind the time jannies as long as there's only one timeline.


By chapter 4 I was ready to give it an 8/10.
By chapter 8 I was sick of the damn FF13 hallways. 6/10, and no the changes to the story did not influence that score.

A friend of mine discovered a way to get infinite remedies, hi-potions, moogle medals, echo mists, and phoenix downs all near a vending machine so you can vendor them once you max out. I can't believe the playtesters and developers let this one slide.

It's not exactly game breaking, but it is kinda funny. Wonder if this will get patched out.

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The combat is simple, but it's pretty fun.

I agree its a 9/10 but since its a third of a game more like 2/3...

>By chapter 8 I was sick of the damn FF13 hallways
This. Considering the massively negative reaction FF13 got, I'm convinced FF7 fanboys are on full damage control right now. Over the coming weeks you are going to see tons of people coming out of the woodwork pretending they loved FF13 all along.

What do you think the entirety of midgar was? Fucking quaderies. Midgar was only an hour or in the original

>a friend
nice try youtuber

>they did the bike scene on the way to the Shinra warehouse
I won't lie, that warmed my heart. The highway bike fight is one of my favorite parts of the original.

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>farming worthless items over and over is a "glitch"

why is he white?
is ff7 filled with black people so he got mad?
I havent played the game, I'm actually asking.

Yeah they took 5-minute "dungeons" from the original midgar and turned them into hour-long FF13 hallways. Shit sucked, not going to lie.

Yep this was one of my favorite parts of the game

I'm a girl silly I don't know how to make youtube videos.

No I am not fucking the video creator either he's just a friend lmao.

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You are responding to a triggered tranny.

They're not the same at all.
FF13 was a series of bad hallways, FF7R is a series of bad hubs.

>ff13 hallways
>ff13 combat
>ff13 music
>still getting 10/10s
this entire game was a social experiment. it proved that retards will rate the same type of thing different scores depending on hype.

>5-minute "dungeons"
It's even worse. They took an area that was only a single screen in the original and turned it into the FF13 hallway from hell, with those shitty crane arm padding segments.

FF7R is a series of bad hallways connected by bad hubs.

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you can accuse them of a lot of stuff, but you can tell it was made with a lot of love for the OG

How tf do you beat this faggot?

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>ff13 music
Actually, music was the good part about FF13.

I'll give a damn when the full game is released as long as Red XIII is playable.

BAD hallways???

no really
just block
you will take damage and you'll think you're playing wrong but that's literally what you have to do in this game. block. a lot.

>booty blasted lightning virgin
>Ff7 regurgitation chad

I feel great about it. Ending was a bit much, but I still vastly enjoyed the game overall.

9/10, looking forward to the next part.

>the honey bee inn
I can’t lie I had the biggest and goofiest smile on my face. It was so soulful

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ff13 music is good but they inserted it into some weird ass places in this remake.

i thought Rufus was gonna be the best boss in the game but Sephiroth blew him the fuck out

i popped so hard for Heartless Angel

Holy shit this is a based farm. Thanks!

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Damn I’ve just been spamming roll, no wonder I keep getting filtered

if you roll you will just get hit anyway because the roll is used to roll away from telegraphed attacks. that's it. block for everything else. some attacks are designed to be unavoidable, so you just switch characters when that happens. it's really a shit combat system with some good ideas.

No, they were pretty good. It's less like a hallway and more like a set of hubs where you get a main objective and a number of tertiary quests you can choose to do or ignore. Felt like playing a modern version of an old 90's PS1/2 era JRPG (exactly like it should.)

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FF13 was pretty hyped up tho. It's just that FF7 gets a free pass while FF13 doesn't. That's the only difference.

>Just a minute, bro.
>I'm not your bro.

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use punisher mode counters when he hits you like every other humanoid boss

when he spawns mines use triple slash to clear them

wowwww so hard

roll is trash in this game it has no iframes

What's the point of even staggering bosses when they instantly break out of it once they hit a certain HP threshold anyway?

wait till the bike fight in chapter 18 when your heart will be frozen over

I'm in chapter 8 now and I think it's pretty fucking great this far. I choked up when that slums music started up. It's very faithful, gameplay is fun as hell, plenty of options, feels like I'm playing a much more updated version of the original.

>finally stagger aps
>get ready to do big dick damage
>cutscene resets his stagger bar

It was supposed to fail. It was fucking supposed to be our next epic tortanic but no, simps gotta simps.

>all this development Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie are getting
I know "lol time jannies" or whatever, but I still won't be ready for what happens to them

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>mfw i just got to it
it fucked me up real good

>Felt like playing a modern version of an old 90's PS1/2 era JRPG
Yeah that's pretty spot-on considering the modern trend is to pad things the fuck out. Those areas were less than five minutes in the original Midgar and they turned them into hour-long FF13 corridors from hell.

game was great and had fun playing it until chapter 18 then it spoiled the whole thing specially darkside looking thing.

you go out and have a great three course meal followed by drinks at a bar and have a great night, then on your way home you step in dogshit and a homeless pisses on your shoes.

thats FF7 Remake to me you dont remember the good times only your shoes where pissed on

I bought 7 copies! Don't forget to preorder the exclusive Butterfingert® DLC, while supplies last!

The game itself is amazing. But the ending made me extremely concerned for future games. I'm worried about doing shit like killing Tifa instead of Aerith for shock value, etc. Those of you who finished it will know what I mean, it being a different timeline, etc. Can someone help me reconcile the ending in a more positive light?