Cyberpunks DLC is announced and revealed 3 months before the actual games release

>The game of Broken Promises
>"All those Broken Promises were things I assumed would be in the game after watching a 6 year old 2 minute CGI teaser trailer. Fucking SJW devs"

>>Literally zero, 0, zilch, nada, none at all talk of a price point

>Speaking during a financial meeting, CD Projekt Red Adam Kiciński stressed that the multiplayer component for Cyberpunk 2077 was still in the very early stages of development, but the studio would be “experimenting” with how to monetize it.

>“We keep experimenting — that’s our first multiplayer game,” he added. “We check various options and possibilities, and it’s definitely not the time to point you to a specific direction on that. Of course, you can expect that we won’t change our general policy toward ‘deals with gamers’ so I expect wise monetization and — always — value for money.”


no I wont, I have 0 interest in a cyberpunk setting and less then 0 in a shooting rpg, they all feel like having sponge bullet enemies from looter shooters, it works with sword fighting, not so much with firearms

I was interested in the game because witcher 3 is awesome despite Yas Forums shitposting, but seems like it's true that most devs from that game quit and were replaced by Californians

Is this your new shitposting tactic?

if you had zero interest, you wouldn't be posting in this thread