>Cyberpunks DLC is announced and revealed 3 months before the actual games release
And Yas Forums said they are the good guys more like money hungry jews to me..
Cyberpunks DLC is announced and revealed 3 months before the actual games release
I don't mind as long as the price to quality is as good as for the Witcher 3 DLC.
Fuck you OP it was my turn to make a Cyberpunk post.
Same thing they did for the Witcher 3. What was the purpose of you making this thread?
the game looks like ass
gotta find a reason for the inevitable season pass
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
>2 fucking years
>2 fucking years after cdpr showed faggot v getting fucked in the ass
>Hire a shit ton of women
>70% are from America
It couldn't go any worst than that
>he fell for the "free dlc" meme
bah, just a secretary in charge or hiring e-celebs to shill to game
>you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
Well guess I won't even pirate.
here's your quest designer bro
It wasn't a meme. It didn't cost me anything to download it.
shes literally a forum moderator in NA you dipshit
fucking top kek you think shes even in the developer team? buhahahahaha
Aren't you supposed to be busy with the party van?
here's the faggot writing quests for this piece of shit hahahahaha
Pirate it first---then buy it if you want to support the devs.
Actually she's a liaison between North American media outlets
what does the + stands for? hiv positive?
oh no
>Lawrence gets pegged by this everynight
To download what, new game plus? kek
They put the + there so they won't have to type the entire alphabet.
Yeah what's the problem
Can't wait to fetch some tranny's dilator
>say DLC will have multiplayer
>but also say DLC will be no less than Witcher 3 amount
So is it just gonna be GTAO content, or is it gonna be SP content like Blood & Wine? I'm not bothering with MP garbage.
Still getting it on release in the hopes you can romance an Exotic.
the biggest teams working on multiplayer dlc and next game lol the single player dlc is skeleton crew hahahaha
Why do you type like that
Am I supposed to want to fuck this.
fucking yoshi posters
Were people actually not expecting dlc or something?
Just like last time they weren't able to finish the game before they went gold, so right now they're slaving away finishing the game and are going to release it after launch. Literally early access, but of the official full release date
Is the person cleaning the toilets in the building also claiming to be working on the game?
>game is on GOG
What's the point of this thread?
>this shill cope
here's your faggot dev actually working on the game bro hahaha
CDPR died during witcher 3 development, I won't even pirate this shit
>being a mentally ill incel in 2020
yes you will faggot
>Once the studio finishes work on Cyberpunk 2077, which is set to release on September 17, it will reorganize to start work on the next game in The Witcher franchise. CD Projekt Red will divide into three internal teams with the largest group working on a multiplayer mode of Cyberpunk 2077 and another creating additions to the base game. The smallest of the three teams will start work on the developer’s next role-playing game.
>Kicinski stresses that the next title is not The Witcher 4 as the adventures of Geralt of Rivia was always meant to be a trilogy. He also reiterated that the studio wants to continue creating stories within that universe in addition to what it is currently doing with Cyberpunk 2077. “All planned games are either Witcher or Cyberpunk,” the studio head said.
does Yas Forums play games or just cry about trannies all day
Should've know it would turn out like this with that faggot tranny crossdresser in Witcher 3. Also since they gutted the amount of women you could diddle compared to the other two Witcher games.
How will you repost images of the same three glitches over and over again then?
Not him but I am not gonna play a game that forces me to be a faggot. Not even worth a pirate.
>can't finish game before release
>the version we're going to get is already done
>they're working on stuff to release after release right now
>people are going to spin it as them being nice instead of incompetent
>being a mentally ill tranny in 2020
least you won't be in 2021 hahahaha
not me, I loved witcher 3
What the fuck are you actually saying, speak English.
np man
It's Cybershit: The Game of Broken Promises so it'll be just as bad as the rest of it.
the difference here is that I am not a tranny and am happy being a man, while you truly are an incel and an incredibly sad, insecure individual
>Announce game will have DLC/Expansion
>Literally zero, 0, zilch, nada, none at all talk of a price point
>Yas Forums once again takes any information it can and desperately tries to be part of the next TORtanic
Never change you pathetic fucks.
Hopefully most of you kill yourselves when it comes out that the expansion content is 100% free just like how CoD's been doing it.
>the difference here is that I am not a tranny and am happy being a man
>defends cdpr's faggot and tranny pandering
>unironically uses "incel"
Dina was also "just" a forum moderator.
>The game of Broken Promises
>"All those Broken Promises were things I assumed would be in the game after watching a 6 year old 2 minute CGI teaser trailer. Fucking SJW devs"
>>Literally zero, 0, zilch, nada, none at all talk of a price point
>Speaking during a financial meeting, CD Projekt Red Adam Kiciński stressed that the multiplayer component for Cyberpunk 2077 was still in the very early stages of development, but the studio would be “experimenting” with how to monetize it.
>“We keep experimenting — that’s our first multiplayer game,” he added. “We check various options and possibilities, and it’s definitely not the time to point you to a specific direction on that. Of course, you can expect that we won’t change our general policy toward ‘deals with gamers’ so I expect wise monetization and — always — value for money.”
no I wont, I have 0 interest in a cyberpunk setting and less then 0 in a shooting rpg, they all feel like having sponge bullet enemies from looter shooters, it works with sword fighting, not so much with firearms
I was interested in the game because witcher 3 is awesome despite Yas Forums shitposting, but seems like it's true that most devs from that game quit and were replaced by Californians
Is this your new shitposting tactic?
if you had zero interest, you wouldn't be posting in this thread