Game gets a sequel

Artist doesn't want to drawn anything. Goes to store and shoplifts a ton of physical art supplies for the thrill. Still doesn't want to draw.

The outrage comes from the artist admitting it's something they did as a teen and the comic was meant to be relatable in their fucked up little way.

>>always used them and they when referring to people before
I don't believe you
>>Now people will assume I'm enabling trannies
Because you literally are.
That is only useful when you don't know the gender of the person you are talking about, you do know this faggot is a mentally ill guy, there is no excuse.

Anyway, stop posting this trash here, I don't care about these freaks, I don't want to see them ever.

I think the problem is, they lack the ability to extrapolate.

I mean, let's look at it critically; Ok, we'll do what some shitty states like California have done and decriminalized petty theft. You can now legally steal food, small stuff, etc. from any store without paying for it with no consequences.

So the question is, now that the stores have been looted and everyone took everything, how do you continue to get stuff? How do you get bread if all the bread is stolen? Who is going to pay money to stock their shelves with bread if it's just going to be snatched without being paid for? Who is going to deliver that bread? Why even make the bread if no one can pay for it?

Unless you can somehow bring in the military or people with guns to force workers to make the bread, deliver the bread, and stock the bread, how do you ensure that everyone has bread? How do you keep people from stealing 100 breads?

They don't extrapolate these ideas because they have no principals. They literally only care about themselves, and what they want in this very moment. Nothing else matters.

Anarcho commies are the biggest tards to ever live. Tankies at least understand that letting a bunch of mentally ill trannies run around without direction won't exactly build a lasting civilization


Hitman 2

Evidently not

memorize their patrol route and hide in a box, press X to perform a silent take down.
Got it!

Because that would take effort, and there's likely a security guard(s) there and various other methods employed to keep their shit from being stolen.

Unlike stores where everything is just on the shelves and you can grab it and dash out and the employees are not paid to stop you.

Basically, it's the lazy man's revolution.

Go embezzle money at the corporate level or steal their secrets or whatever other white collar crimes actually damage a company.

Also Mars Bars are shit.