>Game gets a sequel
>It's a good if not better than the first
What's her name, Yas Forums?
Game gets a sequel
Can this tranny ever not make themselves look like an asshole?
>Stealing overpriced markers is considered immoral
For once I actually agree with the tranny.
It's funny how Twitter commies are actually the most anti-worker people you'll find.
>they stopped selling her stuff because she's such a cunt so now she has to steal it
>posts not-video-games image on r/videogames
Not video games but I've started to feel a little bit different about stealing these days.
I wouldn't steal off the common person but I think big corporations are starting to deserve it. Take the grocery store woolworths in Australia for example
>Create self serve checkouts and lay off employees to save themselves dosh
>Remove plastic bags in favour of recyclable plastic bags but then pass the bill over to you and charge you for plastic bags where they never used to charge you for the old plastic bags which they obviously footed the bill for beforehand.
>Get on the news and complain about shoplifting and make out that even a mars bar does detrimental damage to their bottom line
>Rip off the dairy farmers for the last decade
>Rip off farmers in general for the last decade
>Farmers are committing suicide over woolworths and the like completely ripping them off in a coordinated price war fashion.
>Did you know that Woolworths owns the majority of pokie machines in Australia? Yes, the pokie machines that are in pubs that old people and the less intelligent just spend all their money in fruitless gambling?
I should somehow feel bad if someone steals from these cunts?
The comments are great
>people say stealing is awful
>tranny author responds saying it's just a comic and he doesn't steal
>somebody says it's unrealistic because nobody in real life is as much of a dick to steal so shamelessly
>tranny author responds saying he constantly steals from stores
Stealing from big corporations hurts the workers on the bottom the most, the guys up top wouldn't even notice.
holy rationalization, you could've just said you like mars bars
When you put it that way, I feel less bad about shoplifting.
What are some pro shoplifting tips to avoid getting caught?
Look, this is a perfect microcosm of Socialism because everyone's happy with theft being alright and virtuous right up until someone breaks into your house and steals your shit. In order to justify the ideology in your head, you have to establish who is a "good target" and who is a "bad target" and then apply the concept differently between the two.
But what happens when there's no megacorporations to steal from and capitalism is dead? How do you ensure that you yourself won't be the target next? How does Robespierre ensure that he doesn't end up with his head in the guillotine?
Why do retards enable these freaks?
Shoplifting is already taken into account by the bean counters. The corporation won't notice but the people who work there do notice. You're fucking with a minimum wage worker because you're a retard who thinks that stealing a candy bar is " fighting capitalism".
These people honestly believe you can simply "Make everything free" and it'll just work.
If you steal from them, don't they just punish the workers?
There's really no winning move.
These people actively seek controversy. Don't give them the airtime.
Video Games
worked with collage
>An opinion
Fuck I'm mad.
So whats the actual comic?
>always used them and they when referring to people before
>Now people will assume I'm enabling trannies
>these people actively seek controversy
So, Yas Forums?
use what you learned from video games
Why don't they just rob the big corp warehouse and redistribute all the supposedly stolen goods?
Tranny needs erasers. Goes to art store and steals erasers out from under the workers.
There is no joke or punchline.
Because they're pussies.
Enjoy getting those low skill wagies fired by greedy ceo man for failing to catch you, assume you get away with it
I once accidentally stole a 20 dollar comic bookit was one of those cool variants and I was going to pay for it, but the person at the register ignored me and then the con was closing and security told us to leave and I forgot I was still holding the comic
Artist doesn't want to drawn anything. Goes to store and shoplifts a ton of physical art supplies for the thrill. Still doesn't want to draw.
The outrage comes from the artist admitting it's something they did as a teen and the comic was meant to be relatable in their fucked up little way.
>>always used them and they when referring to people before
I don't believe you
>>Now people will assume I'm enabling trannies
Because you literally are.
That is only useful when you don't know the gender of the person you are talking about, you do know this faggot is a mentally ill guy, there is no excuse.
Anyway, stop posting this trash here, I don't care about these freaks, I don't want to see them ever.
I think the problem is, they lack the ability to extrapolate.
I mean, let's look at it critically; Ok, we'll do what some shitty states like California have done and decriminalized petty theft. You can now legally steal food, small stuff, etc. from any store without paying for it with no consequences.
So the question is, now that the stores have been looted and everyone took everything, how do you continue to get stuff? How do you get bread if all the bread is stolen? Who is going to pay money to stock their shelves with bread if it's just going to be snatched without being paid for? Who is going to deliver that bread? Why even make the bread if no one can pay for it?
Unless you can somehow bring in the military or people with guns to force workers to make the bread, deliver the bread, and stock the bread, how do you ensure that everyone has bread? How do you keep people from stealing 100 breads?
They don't extrapolate these ideas because they have no principals. They literally only care about themselves, and what they want in this very moment. Nothing else matters.
Anarcho commies are the biggest tards to ever live. Tankies at least understand that letting a bunch of mentally ill trannies run around without direction won't exactly build a lasting civilization
Hitman 2
Evidently not
memorize their patrol route and hide in a box, press X to perform a silent take down.
Got it!
Because that would take effort, and there's likely a security guard(s) there and various other methods employed to keep their shit from being stolen.
Unlike stores where everything is just on the shelves and you can grab it and dash out and the employees are not paid to stop you.
Basically, it's the lazy man's revolution.
Go embezzle money at the corporate level or steal their secrets or whatever other white collar crimes actually damage a company.
Also Mars Bars are shit.
he will never be a woman
Pretty much. If they get cought in the store they have a chance to put it back and just get a bruised ego. If they brake into a warehouse there is no easy way out.
>I don't believe you
Literally always have, I'll use 'it' then fuck it.
>Anyway, stop posting this trash here, I don't care about these freaks, I don't want to see them ever.
I didn't make this fucking thread, fuck you
unfortunately when you go in to just manage to take a coke form a megacorp they already take that into account. the only people that suffer in this situation are the poor min wage workers that have to deal with you for the day if you get caught.
Narcissists are typically pretty bad at faking a system of ethics. So, literally, no.
>You can now legally steal food, small stuff, etc. from any store without paying for it with no consequences.
thats not what decriminalize means you fucking retard
It's not about "corporations" when you act like a nigger you encourage niggerdom around you. Like murdering infants in the womb. The slippery slope is real.
it's immoral not to steal from stores like walmart
I wasn't talking to you specifically, that's why I separated the lines, retard.
>mentally ill freak is also a kleptomaniac
It's worth noting that style of graphics tablet costs many thousands of dollars, so this person isn't even some poor worker-class struggling to get by.
>>>always used them and they when referring to people before
>I don't believe you
I do too, it is so I don't have to put much thought into who I am talking about at a given time. I'm pretty lazy and I don't intend to put more effort in than I used to
Decrminilizing theft means it's a misdemeanor, user. There is still a punishment like a fine or commu ity service if you're caught. They decriminalize petty theft because otherwise you get fucked up shit.
I had a friend who worked security at a mall, and it was a felony to steal from three separate stores in one day, so they'd catch some little girl who lifted bracelets from Claire's, Clarie's Too, and Claire's Pink or whatever in one day and they'd have to hold them and notify the police. Then those kids would get tied up in the criminal justice system so some fuckwit who owned a part of that system could make some cash. For goddamn plastic beads, because the item value didn't matter.
>thats not what decriminalize means you fucking retard
If you can't or won't be arrested for it, then it's not a crime, because there's no penalty.
But please, tell me how decriminalizing theft has been good for NY and CA.
>You can now legally steal food, small stuff, etc. from any store without paying for it with no consequences.
It's what happens. Police aren't required to investigate or charge the theft and so they don't. There are videos from Commiefornia where thugs are literally looting stores in waves and no one can do anything about it.
Most kleptos aren't.
Ummm actually it's not my fault people are reprimanded for my actions. It's the companies fault.
The problem is your causing shit for the people who work there trying to make a living. Fuck billionaires but remember your actions impact the poor cunts working there hardest as the company can easily afford a bit of theft
>trannies today
>stealing erasers
>trannies in a communist "utopia"
>stealing food
No tranny is sane. They're just like niggers. No matter what environment you shove them into, they will always misbehave
k den where the funny edits are
This isn't how you hurt big business, this is how you hurt the franchisees operating under the big business.
Franchises for the most part are the little business working for the big business too.
All non passing nerd trannies are like that. It's literally just angry white bois that masturbate too much and get depressed thinking that cutting their dick off will turn them into a girl.
I'm so glad that when I was cringe, emo and a virgin all this mainstream Trans shit didn't exist. I always said dumb shit like "I'm a lesbian trapped inside a man's body". Then I actually got laid, got over my faggy emo phase and stopped being a twink looking loser.
steal small things while you're buying your groceries
100% impossible to be caught
every game in the 90s
>friend I've known for a decade pipes up about a secret of his
>Tells me when he was younger and couldn't afford to eat properly, he would steal food from supermarkets
>Took this man 13 years to tell me this secret and how ashamed he is, could tell he almost broke down into tears
>Meanwhile this tranny openly admits to stealing non-essential items simply for the thrill of it
>No shame, no remorse and replies aggressively to people calling her out
For someone that likes to parade how social justice she is, this is so fucking disgusting, I hope she dialates and kills herself
>when referring to people
yeah, people, not person
They just punish the workers lmao, they don't give a fuck if you steal
>Then those kids would get tied up in the criminal justice system so some fuckwit who owned a part of that system could make some cash. For goddamn plastic beads, because the item value didn't matter.
As opposed to fucking what, teaching them that actually, it's a good thing to steal from multiple different places daily and there's no consequences at all because "it's just plastic beads lol"? Where do you draw the line? Is it the items stolen? The age of the person? Is stealing good if you're young? Where's the cutoff?
By not having any punishment for theft, you encourage people to do it, and in numbers and quantities that make it impossible for any sort of justice system to work. If everyone rushes the store and steals stuff, how do you give them all community service? How do you arrest them all? Who makes the store whole? If you can't punish everyone, then it's just a simple cost/benefit and encourages people to steal more. And if you can't feasibly punish any or even most of the people breaking the law, then it's not an enforceable law and is functionally irrelevant.
>For goddamn plastic beads, because the item value didn't matter.
So now the little girl grows up and steals from larger stores to support her drug habit.
She whores all over the place spreading STDs, eventually dies in a methadone fuckup missing a few teeth but not before first getting a few feral kids roaming the streets to start it all over again.
Laws aren't just there for some Calindergarten sense of "fair" they're to keep leftists from being dragged through the streets in mad max retaliations after society collapses due to their stupidity.
thats not what decriminalize means you fucking retard
>California have done and decriminalized petty theft.
>fat tranny
>also a thief
>sees nothing wrong with it
color me surprised
>there's no consequences at all
Speeding isn't a crime so that means I can speed as much as I want without any punishment right?
It's interesting as it's a great example of privilege which they always go on about.
Nah just pick up some buckets and place it over the shopkeep's head
>they have no principals
I guess they really do need more money for them projects.
This is the same tranny as the new guy comic isn't it
It's fascinating how this troon is literally more retarded than dobson
wow thats right user stealing is in fact 100% legal in california. go ahead and try it now you'll be fine
Meanwhile this tranny openly admits to stealing non-essential items simply for the thrill of it
Kleptomania is a mental disorder user. If someone already has a mental disorder (gender dysphoria), I wouldn't be surprised if they suffered from other mental disorders as well. It's a lack of impulse control, and an addiction to the adrenaline rush that it gives them.
>It's good we threw these kids into a for profit prison system after they stole some gaudy plastic jewelry. It taught them a valuable lesson.
I mean the kids in that system for more hardcore reasons probably teach the kids who got in for stealing plastic beads some fucked up lessons, yeah. And fucking up their socialization and letting kids know the laws couldn't seem to give a flying fuck about them is also a lesson.
What's the punishment for being late to work? Death. What's the punishment for revolution? Death.
Laws can't just be punitive bullshit intended to destroy people, or else you'll find yourself with a populace who doesn't respect any of them.
It's also the one about the kid that hallucinates a devil that tells him the truth.
I didn't think about that!
What do I do if I accidentally get seen? My quick save is working properly right now.
Fallout 76
>that style of graphics tablet costs many thousands of dollars
Screen tablets haven't' cost that much for years. You can get a decent one for under $500 now.
You're talking to someone who thinks that "decriminalized" means "legal".
glue isn't free
Do you have any magic phrases I could use to mentally break them and get them out of FFXIV? They like to camp public places or chats and try to push their sideshow on everyone so they can harass anyone that objects.
No, Dobson would have inflated the hedgehog and either inflated or beaten the shit out the cat, depending on its gender.
>Police aren't required to investigate or charge the theft
isnt that the case for most crimes? they cant investigate everything