>getting really cringe to see losers cry about time jannies
it's a meme retard, no one's crying about it, just making fun of it
every game no matter how good or bad it is gets memes
I'm enjoying this game and so is most of the world
bottom feeding shit eaters should all be executed.
I really the game, it’s a decent adaptation until they go full retard in the final acts. I hope Nomura gets coronavirus
This desu, MGSV is the peak of stealth gameplay but I will relentlessly meme Kojima as a hack because he copped out the entire endgame
Which is precisely the problem. FF7, despite the fantastical elements, is a very human tale. It's a story about a weak man who wanted to be strong and could only do it by pretending to be other people. Not realizing that he already had all the ingredients to be strong and the only person holding him back was himself. It was a man who'd been wronged by the world government and in his rage, which was entirely legitimate, let himself become the same monster as the monsters who wronged him. It was a woman holding on to the last thing she had of her past life even as it was distorted and weird and not at all like it should be. It was a company consigning the planet to die tomorrow so they could get paid today. And it's employees being held hostage with work by a company that does not care about them. And the people in the slums being so discontent with their shitty lives that the only distraction is the Wall Market, a place where everything is for sale from clothes, to food, to sex.
These are all very human issues that can resonate with anyone. Not time travelling ghosts desperately trying to preserve the canon of a beloved video game as a meta commentary of the video game industry as a whole just to SUBVERT EXPECTATIONS. You know what else did this shit? The Last Jedi. And it fucking sucked.
Le strawman
I'm enjoying it as well.
But thee are just some things that bother me to no end in it. To name one, it's way too restrictive: forced camera angle, forced slow walk, you can't go there, etc. It just doesn't let you explore on your own.
And if someone's talking but you want to go to the menu, you end up in the fucking pause menu instead of the menu. And it's not a cutscene in particular, just the shop NPC or something that hasn't finished yet. This shit happened countless times already.
These are my biggest gripes with it.
The ghost shit and plot raping is there from the start. Why only the last 4 hours? Its bad from start to finish.
>wedge - fat likes to eat. This is his entire character and I'm not kidding
He's the comic relief character, he's not supposed to have some long drawn out character ark, he also doesn't really get much focus so there's nothing to complain about
>Jessie - horny for cloud. This is her entire character and I'm not kidding
You seem to be completely ignoring the entire motivation of her wanting to become an actress but deciding to join avalanche after her father gets Mako poisoning to stop it happening to other people even putting her own dreams and ambitions on the back burner. I know it's cool to hate on the remake but you can at least do it without being a disingenuous fuck.
no. they scuffed the whole story up just so they could jam Sephiroth into Midgar to sell the game to his fanboys.