Why are there only a handful of good Roman games...

Not him, but every TW game I've ever played suffers from the exact same problem.
>Fun and more challenging at campaign start
>Begin to develop cities and unlock better units
>Get best units and game turns into repetitive battles of giant stacks vs giant stacks

Only game that suffers from this less imo is Empire, and that game is a fucking mess, but god do I love it.

>Rome: TW
>unplayable trash
Kill yourself, nigger
While this is true, giant stacks vs giant stacks dont inherrently make a game unplayable or shit
If you're looking for challenge, play Western Rome in Attila

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Try Field(NOT FieldS) of Glory 1 and 2

Are you not interested in the study of anthropology?

>rome total war
>unplayable trash
>make a beeline for sparta
>"win" by turn 10
>rest of the game is just doomstacking and auto resolving
nice game you've got there

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Not of subhumans like Mesoamericans, Niggers or Neanderthals, no, for the exact same reasons I'm not interesting in studying shit flies.

>Unplayable trash
If those games were unplayable trash they would've crashed to desktop on before game play.

>anything made in the rome 2 engine
holy yikes

I give absolutely 0 shits about whatever retarded racial-identity horseshit you are on about. You are being just as dumb as SJWs and I could not give less of a crap about any of it.

I'm also American and my ancestry comes from eastern europe.

>were objectively about 1500 years behind Europeans technologically (and that's me being generous in their favour),

On average? Yeah, 1500 years behind is about right: That'd put them on par with Classical Greece and Persia in contrast to Late Medieval Europe, which is where i'd put the Aztec on average.

But it's also not that simple: In some ways they were even more behind then that, such as in terms of metallurgy or naval technology or archtecture, where they were more like 4000-5000 years beind, on par with Bronze age Egypt, Babylon, Sumer, etc; but in some ways they were also more ahead then that: In terms of sanitation, Medicine, and bonotanical science, they were actually cutting edge even compared to 16th century europe, for instance.

Also, Japan was even more behind, they only formed ciities like 1500 years after the Mesoamericans: You also call them subhuman savages? I imagine not: At least the Mesoamericans have the excuse of the Americas being colionized by humans much latter then Eurasia, and also not having beasts of burden or contact with other cradles of civilization to aid their development.

>worshipped polytheistic pantheon of gods

Well, firstly, they had complex religious philosophy, with circles of priests, poets, ethicists, and philsophers in academic debates with each other, including debating cosmology and metaphysics, alongside morality and ethics, the meaning of life, etc;l see pic. I think you are underestimating them a bit here. Their work is a bit controversial, but i'f look up Leon-Portilla and James Maffie's books on Aztec cosmology and philsophy if I were you.

Secondly, why is polytheism inherently more primitive then monotheism?


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There are thousands of roman games, call me when we get a game from the bronze age near east, early greek period or ancient china. Caesar is closer to us historically than the ancient pyramids of egypt or the foundation of Ur, fucking boring.

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