Why are there only a handful of good Roman games? You'd think one of the most interesting periods in history would get more attention.
Why are there only a handful of good Roman games...
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Normalfags don't like the idea of a European Empire that actually did good for the world
Age of Empires 1
Caesar series
CivCity Rome
Grand Ages Rome
Rome Total War 1/2
Alexander/Attila Total War
Spartan Total Warrior
Shadow of Rome
Europa Universalis Rome
Asterix & Obelix games
Gladiator Sword of Vengeance
Imperator: Rome
Imperivm series
Settlers series
Praetorians (posted in your OP)
Hegemony Rome
But please do go on and tell me how there's "only a handful".
Take this (You) and kill yourself with it as some of those games are only average at worst and generally ranging from good to great.
Imperator Rome is good now please play it guys pleaseeeee.
Not even worth a (You) at this point.
Good taste.
majority of those are estrategy games, we need shadow of rome 2
>Grand Ages Rome
>Rome Total War 1/2
>Alexander/Attila Total War
>Spartan Total Warrior
>Shadow of Rome
>Europa Universalis Rome
>Asterix & Obelix games
>Imperator: Rome
>Imperivm series
Unplayable trash. Also, how could you list all this garbage but miss actual good games like alea iacta est and field of glory series
>dabs on your shitty flop
Middle or Late Roman period is too many. Where's my early Roman game where their army literally just chainmail and oval shield?
Amazingly bad taste.
Total War and Paradox shit is for drooling manbaby retards too stupid to play real wargames and I'd love to hear you defend the shitpile that was Ryse.
>muh autism
I'm sorry you're too much of an average pleb to know fun
>to great
Where is the gameplay? All of this crap is 100% mind numbing repetitive tasks and spectacle. It's a puddle of low effort puke with a Roman veneer. Tell me why it's good, you little shit.
t. literally never played it
>I'd love to hear you defend the shitpile that was Ryse.
whats wrong with Ryse
roman games:
>some of the best and most challenging strategy games ever made
aztec games:
>a bunch of smol brain beat'em up garbage and a middling CRPG where you play as spaniards slaughtering the natives
what went right
I'm working on a Rome game
It's called Ballista Man (working title)
its a tech demo for graphics with terrible gameplay
have you played it?
The Roman Empire never existed, you've been lied to.
>with terrible gameplay
Protip, it's not "QTE The Game", in fact the QTEs are objectively worst way to play it because they're a waste of time.
It's an average to the core hack n slash game straight from PS2 era in terms of gameplay complete with typical light attack/heavy attack button, just with fancy coat of paint.
Yes it did. Trust me, my dad works for Caesar.
>Protip, it's not "QTE The Game"
I didn't say it was.
Mutts hate Rome because Romans considered what is now modern Europeans to be nigger-tier at the time. If your ancestors weren't Roman, Persian, or Chinese, there's a 90% chance your ancestors were literally living in a hut when those 3 civilizations had prospering empires.
Even if your ancestors were Roman, Persian, or Chinese, there's a 90% chance your ancestors were literally living in a hut as dirt poor plebs.
>Mutts hate Rome
Then why does America love Rome?
Rome wasn't known for literature, poetry or any of that faggotry, which is why there isn't a lot of fables or mythologies written by them. They just borrowed all of that from the Greeks. Instead, they were STEM alphas, who conquered, built and invented practical things.
And for this reason, we don't have a lot of movies, books or games written around them. However, most of our architecture, military, and civic code comes directly from them.
If you could wish a modern 10/10 Rome game into existence what genre would you make it? And what premise?
>Rome wasn't known for literature, poetry or any of that faggotry, which is why there isn't a lot of fables or mythologies written by them
There is though. A lot more than what survives from Greeks.
>Instead, they were STEM alphas, who conquered, built and invented practical things.
If anything, their existence is evidence that modern engineers are useless retards. A bunch of meatheads built structures in like a week that a STEMlord would take 6 months to build, and the latter would only last 1 year without costly maintenance whereas the former would last pretty much eternally.
I want a game where punch marcus aurelius fanboys in the face while they cry about their daddy issues.
Americans love it because they have no prejudice since they've cut all ties with their European lineage. They feel no shame and simply adore its objective glory.
Europeans hate it because they know their ancestors were half naked low IQ hairy men who pillaged the sophisticated Roman Empire.
You shouldn't allow yourself to be so upset by things that don't matter, user.
t. schlomo
>Spartan total warrior
>unplayable trash
its ok i prefer the eu4 mod though
Genre: Anime
Developed by: Kitty Films of the 80s/90s
Premise: Same as Legend of the Galactic Heroes but it's about the lives of Julius Caesar and Augustus
And then make a Gaiden prequel about Alexander.
Still butt hurt about the Siege of Jerusalem?
How many of those have come out recently? How many in the past 5 years? Most of those are old as fuck, why can't we get anything new?
>How many of those have come out recently?
Praetorians got a remaster, Imperator Rome came out last year, Asterix & Obelix XXL 2 got a remaster, XXL 3 came out very recently.
>How many in the past 5 years?
Age of Empires 1 got a remake, Attila Total War
>why can't we get anything new?
Because it's niche and doesn't have mainstream appeal, also (((they))) hate Roman Empire.
>its a Yas Forums tries to ruin rome episode
i wonder if bannerlord could be considered a roman game
>Ancient Rome
Are you retarded?
Fire Emblem RPG Rome.
Do retards actually think FE is its own thing? Its an extremely dumbed down wargame with VN elements.
Yes, those settings are underulitized compared to video games as a whole, and I want more, but in terms of historical games, they are 99% of them and there are plenty of other settings which just as much potential and interesting shit or close to it which barely gets used at all.
>Bronze Age Mesopotamia
>Persian Empire
>Medieval Islamic stuff
>tons of periods in Ancient and Medieval India
>Medieval Southeast Asian Kingdoms like the Khmer Empire
>Classical Mesoamerican civilizations (Maya, Teotihuacan, Zapotec, etc)
>Postclassical Mesoamerican civilizations (Aztec; see pic, Purepecha, Mixtec, etc)
>Early to Late Horizon Andean civilizations, like the Inca, Moche, Wari, Tiwanku, Chimu, etc.
>West African Kingdoms
It's fucking criminal these all have basically no vidya.
And this isn't including tribal/semi complex settings like Celtic/Germanic, Native American stuff, Central American, etc.
Obviously the Roman Empire was a more advanced then the Aztec in most regards, but there's a metric shit ton of potential in Aztec settings which goes completely underultiized because most people think of them as some barely-civilized super-tribe when in reality they are on par with Early Classical civilizations like Greece and Persia in a number of ways, at least on bar with Egypt, Sumer, Babylon, etc in most others, and even comparable to the Romans and contemporary Medivial Europe in a few.
A city builder or an asscreed game in it would be great given how gorgous their cities were see pic; A grand strategy game would also be great given the unique elements of Mesoamerican, especially Aztec geopolitics which could make for interesting gameplay mechanics in terms of diplomacy. Their mythology is also infamously wierd and esoteric and metal as fuck so you could do a lot with that, such as the infamously popular souls-game idea or a horror title, etc.
>No games in the middle east/ottoman empire 1700-1940s
Seems like a wasted opportunity for alot of interesting historical game. I'd love a rising storm type game set in the Barbary Wars.
Let me tell you about Carthage
>it's the Aztecfaggotanon
Die, nobody cares about your literal subhuman """civilization"""
Dude, what, there's a shit ton of surviving Roman literature and writing. There's so much it's hard to actually comprehend.
If anything it's Greek literature which is really overstimated: There's still a good amount of it, but it's mostly moreso that what does survive is super famous as classical works of literature and is lengthy, not that there's a ton of examples left in terms of sheer quanitity.
(There's actually more surviving directly surviving, primary source Aztec writing that survives from known authors then there is Greek, though most of it is untranslated and fairly obscure, and most of it is shorter samples, asiding a few particular notable ones which are lengthy)
Whoops, forgot to mention I was excluding post 16th century settings there: If I were I'd have mentioned that and similar examples, but there's just billions of potential good ideas after that point in time so it's a waste for me to try to list them all.
Explain how they aren't a civilization, then.
And yeah, you're correct, barely anybody does care, but as I said, that's mostly the result of most people being completely misinformed and lacking any sort of information beyond a line or two. The majority of people, if you told them to imagine an "Aztec city", would sooner iamgine a shitty worn down pyramid surronded by huts in a jungle then then anything in the image of Anyways i'm not sure why I or they piss you off so much.
>Yes, those settings are underulitized compared to video games as a whole, and I want more, but in terms of historical games, they are 99% of them and there are plenty of other settings which just as much potential and interesting shit or close to it which barely gets used at all.
>lists things that have extremely vague histories
>A city builder or an asscreed game in it would be great given how gorgous their cities were
user. There has to be a hook. Caesar 3 had aqueducts and extreme roman autism. Pharaoh had the Nile flooding. Zeus had gods/heroes walking around and shit. Its stupid to make a city builder just because it looks cool. Aztec cities also were not compact, so you aren't even making complex grids. Also, asscreed is shit through and through, the less of those we have the better.
>Their mythology is also infamously wierd and esoteric and metal as fuck so you could do a lot with that
It doesn't really convey any greater meaning. I don't care how zany the mythology is if it's holds up spork tier word salad.
>Anyways i'm not sure why I or they piss you off so much.
Because you're a subhuman, defending literal subhumans that were barely above niggers technologically, were objectively about 1500 years behind Europeans technologically (and that's me being generous in their favour), worshipped polytheistic pantheon of gods representing basic elements like if it was ancient egypt, performed absolutely subhuman ritualistic sacrifices on daily basis and the list just goes on.
But please keep on defending your literal fucking savage subhuman ancestors you fucking shitskin.
Does Eternal Darkness count? Rome is a decent part of it.
>rome total war
>unplayable trash
I would deicmatio your fucking family like plebian.
Not him, but every TW game I've ever played suffers from the exact same problem.
>Fun and more challenging at campaign start
>Begin to develop cities and unlock better units
>Get best units and game turns into repetitive battles of giant stacks vs giant stacks
Only game that suffers from this less imo is Empire, and that game is a fucking mess, but god do I love it.
>Rome: TW
>unplayable trash
Kill yourself, nigger
While this is true, giant stacks vs giant stacks dont inherrently make a game unplayable or shit
If you're looking for challenge, play Western Rome in Attila
Try Field(NOT FieldS) of Glory 1 and 2
Are you not interested in the study of anthropology?
>rome total war
>unplayable trash
>make a beeline for sparta
>"win" by turn 10
>rest of the game is just doomstacking and auto resolving
nice game you've got there
Not of subhumans like Mesoamericans, Niggers or Neanderthals, no, for the exact same reasons I'm not interesting in studying shit flies.
>Unplayable trash
If those games were unplayable trash they would've crashed to desktop on before game play.
>anything made in the rome 2 engine
holy yikes
I give absolutely 0 shits about whatever retarded racial-identity horseshit you are on about. You are being just as dumb as SJWs and I could not give less of a crap about any of it.
I'm also American and my ancestry comes from eastern europe.
>were objectively about 1500 years behind Europeans technologically (and that's me being generous in their favour),
On average? Yeah, 1500 years behind is about right: That'd put them on par with Classical Greece and Persia in contrast to Late Medieval Europe, which is where i'd put the Aztec on average.
But it's also not that simple: In some ways they were even more behind then that, such as in terms of metallurgy or naval technology or archtecture, where they were more like 4000-5000 years beind, on par with Bronze age Egypt, Babylon, Sumer, etc; but in some ways they were also more ahead then that: In terms of sanitation, Medicine, and bonotanical science, they were actually cutting edge even compared to 16th century europe, for instance.
Also, Japan was even more behind, they only formed ciities like 1500 years after the Mesoamericans: You also call them subhuman savages? I imagine not: At least the Mesoamericans have the excuse of the Americas being colionized by humans much latter then Eurasia, and also not having beasts of burden or contact with other cradles of civilization to aid their development.
>worshipped polytheistic pantheon of gods
Well, firstly, they had complex religious philosophy, with circles of priests, poets, ethicists, and philsophers in academic debates with each other, including debating cosmology and metaphysics, alongside morality and ethics, the meaning of life, etc;l see pic. I think you are underestimating them a bit here. Their work is a bit controversial, but i'f look up Leon-Portilla and James Maffie's books on Aztec cosmology and philsophy if I were you.
Secondly, why is polytheism inherently more primitive then monotheism?
There are thousands of roman games, call me when we get a game from the bronze age near east, early greek period or ancient china. Caesar is closer to us historically than the ancient pyramids of egypt or the foundation of Ur, fucking boring.
>unplayable trash
get off this board
>Caesar is closer to us historically than the ancient pyramids of egypt or the foundation of Ur
That's why we can actually make a good game about Caesar that isn't just wild assumptions and LARPing.
Lmao if you think I'm going to read all that shit, get fucked subhuman lmao
Persona but with Romans
And guess what, there are lots of these games
>You also call them subhuman savages?
I unironically do lol. Japanese culture is hot garbage. There isn't a single great work of Japanese literature worth reading.
This is what I call PDS (Political Derangement syndrome).
Man they killed the fuck out of the jews
Their downfall was trying to protect their sacred relics
Can't you just fucking not infect every single fucking thread with your bullshit? Holy fuck, it's always the same fucking thing too.
>EU: Rome
>Imperator: Rome
Keep voting Bernie, lmao
Why would someone be butthurt about a fallen and long dead empire? Take two seconds to think before you post
Any game that features the best and truest Roman Empire in their prime.
>what are mods
>going out of your way to cheese the game and deliberately using it to not play the game
>mad that the game lacks any challenge and that you're not even playing the game
Pick one.
>he complains about a lack of challenge
>he refuses to even consider playing the game that has one of the most difficult factions in any recent video game
Oh okay, you're just contrarian for the sake of sounding like hot shit
Based user but you're beating a dead horse here, most of Yas Forums is full of stupid people and you should be making actual serious posts in the designated /his/ threads.
>56 games
>half of them are sequels
>90% of them are not good at all and entry level games that barely touch on the history at all
M&B has like tons of Rome related mods.
Bellum Imperii is the most popular one, but there are also:
Imperium Romanum
Romae Bellum
Sons of Mars
Mount and Gladius
Rome At War