>manages to BTFO Alyx with a single update
Have you accepted that Boneworks is the superior VR game yet?
Manages to BTFO Alyx with a single update
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boneworks sounds like some garrys mod type of autism sandbox
All vr waggling games are shit.
did they remake the entire game i one update ?
They fixed the physics
i heard they improved upon the physics, what did they manage to improve? examples?
so ?
does that change anything really ?
>Significant improvements have been made to the hand's physical forces solve. By more efficiently using the allocated forces for accelerating and breaking we've improved stability (good) without simply making the player stronger (cheating). Stopping distance is now solved in 2D instead of one, one parallel to gravity and the other perpendicular. Also, the systems sensors have been improved to better know if you're lifting your body weight improving climbing greatly. Attention was given to wrist torque implementing a system that simulates stabilizing muscle groups providing tighter handling of items and more satisfying punching/melee.
Why is every fucking thing a war here? Do you think Valve or the Boneworks devs have some rivalry going on when they've helped each other out?
because whilst Alyx was a great game, it wasn't a good half life game, and it felt very safe and "hand holding" for people who don't do much VR, and feels casual and hollow for experienced VR users.
Boneworks does the opposite, and once you get over a few tech demos, you will keep coming back to this game whilst Alyx gets forgotten and hidden away
Explain the waggle meme
okay, but you still didn't answer my question
why is there no "hey here's 2 good games", instead there's "HEY FUCK YOU X GAME LIKERS AHAHAHAH BTFO OH NO NO NO NO Y GAME IS GOTY AHAHAH XFAGS BTFO"?
because fuck your face faggot, that's why
>Boneworks does the opposite
you mean not be a great game?
Because a flagship title shows the direction in which future VR games are based on, and I don't want experiences to be watered down like Alyx when Boneworks (despite some level design flaws) should be the direction in which games should be heading towards since its gameplay first over everything else.
The other problem with Alyx is that whilst the game looks beautiful, the lack of interactions with the maps makes you just skip most of the area since there's nothing to do. What's the fucking point of overdetailing everything when you're not using VR to your advantage.
Boneworks was dabbing on HL:A before the patch. Valve got skullfucked and only added smooth locomotion to save face late in development.
Nobody wants to play a game with Rayman hands and no ability to melee. Alyx will feel antiquated in a few short years. At least it wasn’t Half Life 3.
>Valve got skullfucked and only added smooth locomotion to save face late in development.
>despite some level design flaws
you mean most level design flaws
Don't you remember the nintendo wii?
What about it?
Literally who? B&S and S&S gives me whores to kill.
Get that fucking trash out of here bonefags.
Think about a common gimmick its games had which drew criticism.
Boneworks had a bit of a steep learning curve that makes going through the maps a bit of a choire at first. Once you have bypassed this, you start appreciating the maps and experiences a lot more, but there are still some shitty level moments (I'm looking at you Time Tower).
Once I could climb without falling, reload without being frustrated, I never wanted to go back to any other VR game because nothing could match up
>Valve saving face
>W-we didn’t look at the biggest VR title for inspo
Proof enough
>the biggest VR title
Beat Saber?
Did Boneworks sell over 2 million copies?
anyone else got fps issues with beat saber in the latest patch? I can't seem to fix this, am i alone with issue?
So the wii accurately tracks your head and hands with 1:1 6DOF?
Unironically my favorite VR game to date. HL:A has it beat on graphics and story but that's a given when you compare budget and studio size, not to mention Valve is working with a 23 year old IP that has a massive fan following and set the bar multiple times over the past 2 decades. But Boneworks excels at being an actual GAME that's fun to play over and over again, to experiment freely the way VR was intended to be. It feels like something I could come back to every day/week/month and have fun. Meanwhile I've already shelved HL:A after beating it because there's 0 replay value. It's the Uncharted to VR while Boneworks is the actual Half Life.
Elaborate, In what way? Im actually interested
>HL:A has it beat on graphics and story
>Boneworks is the actual Half Life
that doesn't add up
I'm not OP, but I've been playing the Boneworks update and it seems a lot smoother, like less jank and glitchness and grabbing stuff is more accurate.
I heard from other people than certain maps with performance issues (MYTHOS tower etc) are a lot better than before
boneworks is a sandbox simulation that's kinda janky.
Alyx is a curated well crafted linear experience.
They are very different games desu
Boneworks may have more interesting physics but it simply doesn't have the level design to back it up
Answer the question
Boneworks does actually have a good story, but you have to scavenge the clues around to add things up. I know it's gametheory, but his video sums up the main points of the boneworks narrative quite well (even if its just a theory...)
Alyx wins on graphics, no question about that. But Half Life games always thrive on its gameplay first (even HL2), and Alyx is really tame and slow compared to its other titles, especially what can be done in VR, which Boneworks provides instead
Half Life was never about the story. It was about the gameplay and environment, physics etc. HL:A is the antithesis of this as there's fuck all to do. The only thing it does good is the graphics and story, things that aren't really important to a VIDEOGAME. Boneworks feels more like a traditional HL game by focusing primarily on the gameplay and environment, making it a fun game to actually PLAY. It does a better job at being a traditional half life game than the latest half life game.
Meh. Sourcechads are already jerryrigging all the modding tools Alyx needs.
Valve made the base, all the community has to do is to mod in whatever autiatic mechanic they want.
>Boneworks feels more like a traditional HL game by focusing primarily on the gameplay and environment
Have you played Half Life?
I wish it was that, but it's nothing like it.
Fuck that. Combine firefights, even with their braindead AI, are more fun than any enemy encounter Boneworks throws at me.
The enemies all being physics-based means they are piss easy to take down
have fun only using 3 guns, instead of using literally anything, including your fucking head to kill things.
At least one of them is a shotgun
Have you? HL1 is a fun as fuck game to play. It still has the best fps controls to date (largely thanks to it's idtech roots in GoldSrc)
I'm having lots of fun spawning in loads of Combine in different areas and just going ham. Appreciate the concern, the grenades are great too.
Those cunts at Valve were holding back when the clear peak enjoyment value was 5-8 combine units in a single fights.
yeah that aint HL anymore
The game is janky as fuck, having your arms and legs not coincide where they actually makes it feel like first person QWOP. The whole "it's a game within a game so meta" aesthetic is boring as fuck. Story is boring, weapons are unsatisfying, puzzles are awkward and tiresome and the game has no regard for motion sickness so you can't play for more than a couple of hours without wanting to puke. At least they added saving now but I'm still baffled as to how that wasn't implemented at launch. It does have some unique ideas (like entirely physics based enemies and melee combat) behind it that would've been cool in Alyx, but as it stands Boneworks feels like a tech demo that's been extended to a full game length.
The fuck does that even mean
i mean yea, the combine fights were fun, but boneworks makes those fights seem weak, due to how creative you can be with the physics in the game. If you could at least kill with props or more than 3 weapon types, i would have enjoyed it so much more. it was disappointing to see that zombies didn't even budge to a barrel being thrown at them down some stairs
>quickly waggling my rifle in front of me like some autist is all it takes to kill hordes of enemies
Nice melee brah.
From HL2 onwards it's always been about the narrative experience
>I'm still baffled as to how that wasn't implemented at launch
Apparently the playtesters only took 30 minutes to complete each level which SL0 thought was short enough to not need save points.
Now you know why Valve hires the brainlet playtesters
Boneworks has zero fun shootouts.
No but it had good games unlike VR.
How do you even figure that when the majority of the game is you alone doing physics puzzles and killing things as you navigate levels. There are story driven pauses where you're forced to sit there and wait for a cutscene to play out, same as HL1. Your argument is invalid.
Nigga what
HLA has way more level interaction than Bonerworks. Plus with HLA they actually put some though into level design visually and audio wise
>There are story driven pauses
with actual characters which Boneworks lacks
So then VR isn't waggle?
>having your arms and legs not coincide where they actually
I never had issues with this, my arms felt like they were where they were supposed to be.
>so you can't play for more than a couple of hours without wanting to puke
I played through the whole game without feeling sick at all, guess you got the short end of the gene stick
>At least they added saving now but I'm still baffled as to how that wasn't implemented at launch.
I never found the use of saving when I played before it was added, levels were short enough to not need them.
Well of course, you aren't really fighting things with guns other than 2 enemy types, so that makes sense. It's more satisfying when you actually do cool shit other than "hide behind cover and wait for enemy AI to stop shooting and use that weakness"
>Have you accepted that Boneworks is the superior VR game yet?
They're both ass.
I fucking wish. If only they made a SDK.
I agree with the comment about level design, visually and audio but you're dead wrong about ineractions.
Can't throw any objects at enemies, can't stack objects to climb to points, can't use any objects for melee weapons. If Alyx didn't want to be played this way then why tease picking up objects and using them for specific jobs when most interactions don't do shit
If I wanted satisfying melee combat then I'd play Blade and Sorcery instead.
Again, low budget. It's also funny to me that you are propping up characters for story driven pauses as a good thing meanwhile this is something people rail the HL series for since 1998 with how it supposedly "ruined gaming" by giving us the unskippable cutscenes. Boneworks lets you literally shoot the monitors story characters are on, or straight up skip the FMVs. It technically has a story but they know you probably don't care and just want to play the fucking game and respect that. Ironic to see this one commonly held negative to HL suddenly be something to strive for.
I had the same issue about play time, turned out the headband was too tight and was giving me compression headaches after ~1hr of game play. A trick is to remove the padding on the band and wear the headset over a hat, I use a thin beanie
they just tested it in-house probably. Nothing about the level design, starting from tutorial, to the MGS3 climb at the finish indicates there was any playtesting at all.