JRPG Thread

Lockdown Day 9 edition. What are ya playin' and/or grindin' today, Yas Forums?
One of the anons on the last edition told me that FFXII art sorta *completes* these threads, but I'm still kinda indecisive about that, so for now I'll stick to using plain ol' various artwork.

Attached: TWEWY.png (774x1000, 881.05K)

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Playan ffx. Nearly at the end I think, I got the airship and am about to go to sin so I’m just revisiting all the towns

Things are gettin' saucy in my Nocturne playthrough; the Obelisk's deactivated, Reasons are now a thing that appear, and Asakusa is more open. Can't wait to see what comes next. Kinda. I'm still scared shitless at the thought of Fiends and whatnot.

Honestly I feel like the best part of Nocturne is Pre Obelisk.

The Labyrinth is always great though.

Attached: ky0s2ocqq5j01.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)

>The Labyrinth is always great though.
Weeeell, I'd kinda beg to differ; aesthetically, it's pretty damn great, but sometimes it's a pain to navigate. Then again, I'm still sorta new to it since I navigate Tokyo more than Amala, so whatever.

I've yet to form an opinion on whether or not pre-Obelisk is "the best," but it's certainly been wild so far. Hats off to the entire Mantra/Nihilo bit, though - the Nightmare System activation scene and the events thereafter were. fucking insane

How the fuck do I handle DeSu1's Day 4 cop battle?
Just want to crack skills but battle aura's actually pushing my shit in. Not to mention the binds. lv 32 now.
Should I just drop the dances off of my magic casters or use moves more like anger/brutal hit with phys

Playing KH2:FM on the 1.5/2.5 bundle. Going through a Critical LV.1 playthrough and just beat story Roxas. Honestly having a blast doing a LV.1 run, but the beginning of the game is one hell of a casual filter.

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share me your mobile list and I'll give you mine.

Almost done with CS4 NG+ and the game is much better than I remember it. I'm having lots of fun.

Attached: 英雄伝説 閃の軌跡IV -THE END OF SAGA-_20200409155953.jpg (1920x1080, 249.63K)

no way fag