Why does your wife dress like this ?, user

If Cloud is made pretty. Then Don Corneo takes Cloud. Tiara=Cloud Pretty.

mans... you go the dungeon to find Tifa regardless

it's the other room you get thrown in with the goons if you don't get picked

Mature gives you the blue dress on th right.
Sporty the chinese dress on the left
Exotic the one in the middle.

That's because left was a Manchu dress designed for classy + quick action fucky fucky wombo combo.

Based Modesty.

Attached: 1585725868238.png (700x480, 35.88K)

I don't mind the new clothes she uses, but you're right.

Attached: 1586391539715.jpg (3840x2160, 565.91K)

dear l0rd...

Good thing I can jerk off to the SFM for free.