Why does your wife dress like this ?, user

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right > left >>>> middle

that's not my wife who is this hussie?

Difficult choice

Mid > Left > Right for me

purple dress.

Does the game give you a choice what to dress Tifa in ?

I wanna be the one wearing the dress

purple, but modded to remove the shit gray undergarment censorshit.

cheongsams and qipaos make me instantly hard every time, I turn into a bumbling idiot and start to leak precum, they don't need to show any skin at all to be insanely hot

non, my wife is not a slut



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>Left has qi pao
>Mid has delicious tighthigh
>Right has legs

That's quite the dilemma

reminder she buys these dresses for her date with Cloud

nice legs

which one makes Don Corneo most likely to fuck her?

Tifa's so beautiful it actually makes me sad she's not real.

Tifa's bangs in her kimono/chinese dress should've been her default bangs. They definitely give off original Tifa vibes

Her default bangs look weird.

Seemed to me that the "mature" answer was the correct one, so the one on the right.

They force Corneo to pick Cloud this time but Tifa is always his preferable choice.
All Cloud's dresses are terrible.

middle is cute
right is like "damn she's hot wanna fug"
left just awakens a primal urge to breed like an animal

for being a race of subhuman bugs, chinese really know how to design dresses

What are Aerith's dresses?

Two Asian dresses ...

Does this confirm that Tifa is Asian?

>2 out of 3 outfits is japanese shit
>no open-toe shoes on any of them

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>net stockings
The clear winner

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Right > Left > Middle.

China dresses were worth coronavirus.

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So wait. Why'd they ruin her original clothes if they're fine with sex appeal?

Why is Tifa so ugly?

>stuck in basement
That's not how it works. Did nu-square ruin this part too?

mans you got brain damage

Women shouldn't be allowed to wear shorts or pants. All their problems started when we stopped differentiating them from us so clearly. My wife and daughter are forbidden from ever wearing any clothing that isn't a dress or skirt.

Too bad they Asians have flat feet and long toes. Fucking disgusting. And even worse, Chinese people still shit in the street.

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If Cloud is made pretty. Then Don Corneo takes Cloud. Tiara=Cloud Pretty.

mans... you go the dungeon to find Tifa regardless

it's the other room you get thrown in with the goons if you don't get picked

Mature gives you the blue dress on th right.
Sporty the chinese dress on the left
Exotic the one in the middle.

That's because left was a Manchu dress designed for classy + quick action fucky fucky wombo combo.

Based Modesty.

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I don't mind the new clothes she uses, but you're right.

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dear l0rd...

Good thing I can jerk off to the SFM for free.

>They force Corneo to pick Cloud this time

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Had to pick the exotic option didn't I? I wasn't aware this was going to come back to haunt me 15 hours later. Now I know.
brb gonna delete my save and start over.

The middle outfit is less slutty than her default outfit.

>(Red) Lipstick

At what time do you choose what clothes they will wear?

looks pink to me

I fucked a escort that wore left dress once
shit was cash

Still ruined, just not nearly as badly.

but that's not my wife. time jannies killed my wife with a grenade.

So is it just Tifa or does Aerith get a selection too?

Aeris does not matter

>I fucked a escort

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>All Cloud's dresses are terrible
Shit taste - FFVII helped kindle my sissy fetish as a kid and Remake doubled down on it

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But can Cloud wear it after the corneo mansion or no?


>Tifa has proper high heels
>Aeris has those shitty heeled sandals
More proof that Tifa is best girl and Aeris a shit.

Cloud loves Aeris