>Persona 5
>not AAA
Why is videogame music so uninspired compared to every other medium?
Eli Gomez
Asher Lee
Masashi Hamauzu kinda shits all over Uematsu IMO. has albums that are easy to listen to out of context. I can listen to the FFX or Musashiden II album just lounging around the house. I think people hype Uematsu purely out of nostalgia. I mean, Uematsu is a great composer, but Hamauzu is just straight up better, and gets shadowed in popularity.
Nathan Cook
Aaron Jenkins
I was careful to pick songs where Hamauzu had the sole credit. He's just better the better FF composer.
Isaac Wood
It's the other way around for me. I can listen to 6-9 music without a problem, but most ff10 tracks bore me.