Why was this game so bad compared to Xenoblade 2? What went wrong? It can't have been the hardware, since it runs just as smoothly as 2 does, yet the same team that made one of the 10 best games of all time ended up making this steaming pile of shit.
Why was this game so bad compared to Xenoblade 2? What went wrong? It can't have been the hardware...
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Because Monolith are hacks who can't make a decent game after Xenoblade 1
>Xenoblade 1
>Better than 2
Smashie get out
But 1 was the worst game in the whole Xeno series.
X is the best Xenoblade
the map is literally the best in the series
But that's correct.
Everything game design-wise is either a downgrade or sidegrade from Xenoblade 1.
2 > 1 > shit > X
Sorry, that's wrong.
Censored trash. You suck dick if you paid money for this.
X is peak Xenoblade. And this thread was created to bait people.
But why is it bad? For me, it had the best gameplay.
>bunch of pent up energy and creativity
>gets released as XBC
>can't bottle lightning twice
>release a messy blob
>release you're going to release a second blob, so go back to JRPG weeb basics 101 and churn out a game in the mold of the few surviving pandering JRPGs
>sprinkle in some gacha shit since that is thriving too
Lightning won't strike again.
The OST is fucking terrible
Well.... yeah, i can agree with that. But otherwise best xenoblade.
If you unironically think 2 is better than 1 then I don't know what to say to you.
Besides the bad plot, it was super grindy. You had to meet certain conditions to advance to the next Chapter which usually included doing missions and Heart to Hearts. The problem is the other characters don't level up with you so if there is an odd character you haven't been using all game welp now you have to grind them up and get their affinity up. In order to get the cool robot you have to do 8 seperate sidequest. Once you get them the game gets trivialized. It turns into "choosing your arts carefully for just the right time" to "spam that shit off cooldown" (XC2 has this as well but it works better thanks to Blade/Driver combos which are how you really do damage). The last few chapters are just boss fights so the end of the game is a fucking slog. It's only really loved if you don't mind endless grinding.
More like it's the only good one
Playing through X2 for the first time. Rex is okay, I like that the game acknowledges he's too young to be doing what he's doing. And i like the sexual """humor""" ... and i do like that sexual undertones are clearly acknowledged e.g. "You were staring..."
But so far the story isn't that engaging really. Shulk was a likeable character and he could emote damn well. His reasons for going on his adventure was enticing enough. Rex isn't as interesting or cool as Shulk and he can't emote as well. The main story doesn't interest me that much, but I am interested to see where it goes. Pyra's counterpart has a great voice and he's pretty intimidating.
Combat feels much slower than 1, but flashier. I think I prefer 1's more. The supporting characters are okay, I guess. Don't really care for Nia or Tora. Vandham was really great and made some philosophical points that made me think about the real world.
Requirements for the main story was the most trivial shit in the game, stop lying.
X has the best story setting. Humanity trying to start from the scratch again on a new planet is much better than "him bad, me sword".
it's the best xeno game though
Imagine having taste this bad
Nothing says "humanity strong" better than this track.
I mean we all know V is a heapy of Co trarianism, but shit son, that's hella contrarian (X=gud, deal with it)
Someone said that this is too expensive to port to Switch, but how much did the game cost in the first place? The game is massive, optimalized to absolute perfection, i can't imagine how much they funded into this.
Only Smash memers who've never played 2 prefer 1 because le Shulk meme
2 (maybe 3) bad songs, yet more 10/10 songs than either other Xenoblade game. Seriously, Oblivia Day is fucking perfect, best field theme in the series. The only ones that come close are Noctilum Night and Gormott Day Satorl Night and Valak Night are tied for 5th
Nope. Smashbabs and 2babs and Let's Player babbies are all the same ilk.
It had a pretty small budget iirc. The thing is is that it's super optimized for the Wii U, and a port would take a pretty sizable team, when most ports have skeleton crews working on them.
I still think an X port is more than feasible, but Monolith doesn't want to pop out Xenoblade games too often. 2017 had 2, 2018 had Torna, this year we're getting 1 DE, and by 2021 Nintendo is probably going to be considering the Switch 2, since most consoles last only 5 years. I doubt Monolith would want to rerelease X late in another console's lifespan, so if they do port X, it probably won't be for the Switch.
God, X had one of the best soundtracks on the Wii U. I need to actually play this game.
Enter the city
Ma-non ship arriving
The game had a lot of memorable moments with this track playing in backround.
Speaking of, the Ma-non ship itself had an amazing soundtrack. If only it lasted while on the outside of the ship
Remind me do the X characters have canon mechs?
What do you mean canon mechs?
Did they just completely fire their character designers and writers after the first game? X is full of lifeless potatos with ugly designs and 2 is full on anime cringe. At least the girls in 2 are hot I guess.
Some do. The 4 DLC characters do, Elma has the Ares, and most of the characters in the cutscene where you find the Lifehold Core are riding in their own mechs, but I don't know if they're canon.
Model and color schemes.
Ah yeah I forgot about the DLC characters.
The characters in X are designed and written well. Even the potato child herself looks fine.
All of them are bad but xenoblade 2 has nice art. Gameplay is super boring in all of them.
>shitting on chuggaa
memetard smashies are cancer but fuck off
>compared to Xenoblade 2
I've never played XCX or Xb1, but I find it hard to believe there's an JRPG out there worse than XB2. XB2 is about as bad as it gets.
Say they do an X remaster would you want them to change the artstyle to match Elma's XB2 appearance? Keeping the models and everything the same but changing the colors and shading.
>Xenoblade 2 steelbook doesn't have the title on the spine
Retard LPfag.
People fail to realize that X is a story about humans, not a specific character or group of characters.
All of them have shitty gameplay but they will never improve because these fuckers keep praising it.
chugga is actually good unlike the rest of them though
Based X-Chad
Literally my biggest problem with the game is the 'x offline' in the corner and even that I stop noticing after a while, hands down my favorite game ever.
You know you can erase it if you play on cemu, right?
1 = X >> 2
i like 1 and X about equally for different reasons, but they're both leagues above 2
>Skell lands
I played it on Wii U, otherwise I'd feel very bad if I didn't support my favorite videogame and its developers. I might one day emulate it though
Dunkey is retarded and can't stand JRPGs yet he forces himself to play them. Asking him for his opinion on JRPGs is like asking Yas Forums for opinions on sports games or match-3 mystery games made for middle aged women
If you played it on wiiu then i don't see any reason why not to connect.
lmaoooo NO, lmao
And his audience is even worse!
How does CEMU handle the touchscreen stuff? I might give it a try so I can cheat in reward tickets now that you can't obtain them anymore.
Based Dollchad.
>noooooooo, my shituber is actually good
Yikes and cringe.
Today I will remind them
1 > X >>> 2
You just have separate screen for touchscreen, and you control it with mouse, or perhaps you can change it, i didn't try. You can set 1000x reward tickets if you want.
I think I changed my internet password and never bothered to go to the internet settings to set it up again so it always just that minor thing that was too small to care about fixing while still being noticeable
This is a small quest, 1 out of hundreds, and they still bothered with making explosion. Massive AAA companies show it offscreen.
I desperately want XCX2 but I have a sinking feeling that the switch just isn't powerful enough to give X the proper sequel it deserves. I don't want to wait until Nintendo's next console and the longer the wait, the less likely it becomes.
Nigger, i am never going to call it like that. It's literally some tranny translator's fanfiction, he thought Skell sounds similar to Skeleton, and that's fucking it.
Absolutely everybody was making fun of it on this board when the game was coming out.
>make some decisions with the mentality of "Well, they're just robots. It doesn't really matter if their robot gets junked when we're so close to getting their real body back."
>Elma never once suggests that I should be more careful with the mims
Xenoblade 2 is absolutely superior to 1 in gameplay, that cannot be denied. And gameplay triumphs all, as you should know.
I wouldn't say it's bad, it's just really different from the others. Personally not fond of how it isn't story focused and the story is told through a mission menu. Makes it feel really disconnected and unnatural. I can only do so much side content before getting bored.
What about a definitive edition of X that fixes all (or most) of its issues, like giving you sound options, adding in obviously cut party members, and the cut developing NLA sidequests?