Since FF7 Remake is another failure, can we finally agree that FF12 was the last great FF that had a ton of content?

Since FF7 Remake is another failure, can we finally agree that FF12 was the last great FF that had a ton of content?

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No that would be X.

XII was just a battle simulator that -literally- could play itself, there wasn't much content besides that.

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ff12 was pretty gay bro

There is much more optional content in XII than there is story content in X.

You're skewing words. X has a good story with a diverse array of side activities making it a classic FF and the last one that attempted to flesh out its world with gameplay. XII has a boring story and a bunch of optional grindy dungeons with damage sponge bosses and the core aspect of the combat system is automation, it's not a FF game outside of the borrowed setting. It's a kind of copy of WRPGs or MMOs.

Ivalice has been a Final Fantasy setting since Tactics. It is even more in the lineage of the series than Hawaii fantasy X

the illogical mental gymnastics on display here are amazing
>different game makes the original bad so a shit game is now suddenly good

That's all FF12 fanboys can do to defend their game. Look at his other posts.

>No that would be X.
ah yes, press up to beat the game. Much better

Imagine being so retarded that you argue that manual combat that you HAVE to constantly engage in is worse than a game that literally plays itself with gambits.

why are there so many handsome men in this game

Final Fantasy XII offers the possibility to entirely customize its battle system from full control to full automation. You have the possibility of choice and yet you still cling to that "play itself" shit.
What is the control that Final Fantasy X provide? Grind your sphere board so you spent the last 50 hours of the game just spamming Quick Hit in order to bring down HP sponges?
X's battle system is so hilariously unbalanced that every character becomes the exact same and the only remaining strategy is to spam the attack button until everything that moves die.
Just thinking about how I should setup my gambits was more thought I put into FFXII than the entirety of X, which has literal push X to win buttons with summon overdrives for half of the game.

>with damage sponge bosses
Outside of Hell Wyrm and Yiazmat being really high, there are more bosses in FFX that have over 1M HP, than there are for XII.

Not even reading this cope post.

The difference is that FFX has more optional content than sponge bosses. And 12's are more tedious to defeat.

How is spam X brainlessly more interactive than automating that spam?

Spot on.

You have to swap characters and use special skills, it's not a game where you mash X. You would die doing that.

>dodge lightning 200 times
>spend 15 minutes on a blitzball game that gets ridiculously easy after seven matches
>have to have a time of 0:00 at the chocobo race and RNG decides whether you will get that time
>"The difference is that FFX has more optional content than sponge bosses."
Incredible optional content right there.

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RIP Final Fantasy and Square Enix in general. What a pathetic way to go out.

>nce FF7 Remake is another failure
And no, dont post the webms i already know what it happens. Because i played it and the game is fantastic.

Opposed to "dude what if battles were automatic"

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FFX fanboys are so smooth brain that they keep throwing the same line about the gambit system on a post about optional content.
Jesus christ, they truly are the worst people on this board.

I'm not a fanboy and you don't have an argument. I love it when you get into the coping corner you're in right now.

>y-y-yeah well the combat system is optional

It's still all the game has to offer whether you make it impossibly tedious or if it plays itself, faggot.

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agreed. Great art style and music though

>FF7 Remake
Literal nintrannies butthurt that another GOTY is coming out for the PS4. How many generations do we have to win before you just buy a PS4?

I'd rather have great combat rather than a shitty battle system that shits itself 10 hours into the game and "optional content" like your pic related where you have to "play" tetris for 30 minutes for one item.
There is nothing fun about FFX's optional content. Everyone who says otherwise are nostalgiafags.

I have a theory that every FF10 fans have suffered irreversible brain damage from dodging lightning too many times. Only reason I can understand them unironically using FFX's minigames as a positive

There isn't any great combat in XII, you're just an autist who enjoys automatically grinding, it makes you feel accomplished despite not doing anything. You're a lazy person with a low IQ, you can't even understand that FF12 was where it all went wrong in this series. The devs were catering to the kind of retard who bought FF11 rather than the old fanbase who liked games with some meat.

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>literally filtered and still seething 20 years later
>with his tail between his legs he hails an automatic grinding simulator as a good game

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Wrong. The devs made a battle system out of the work they've already made for Tactics and Vagrant Story. Vagrant Story alone obliterated the battle system of every Final Fantasy before it and they expanded it from that.
The creator of the ATB and Job system, who also directed FF6 and FF9 worked on Final Fantasy XII and made the gambit system as a solution to offer freedom of play from the player.
I know it's hard for FFX players to ever envision playing a game that doesn't hold your hand and isn't a glorified rock-paper-scissors, but they exist and are much better.
In any case, FF12's battle system have much more legitimacy to exist just by looking at the names and pedigree of the people who worked on it than FFX's entire dev staff who continued to make the abomination that was Final Fantasy 13.

Now you're just talking out of your ass. They copy pasted the baseline of MMO gameplay with auto attacks and made it so every action could come out automatically, because that was all the rage at that time.

You're defending a system made for lazy people who like to grind. You're worthless as a video gamer. If you also play MMOs I bet you're the autist who whines constantly until the games are nerfed to your pathetic level. That's the kind of person XII fanboys are.

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why is there so much ff12 posting today?

>MMO invented auto-attacks
You really know nothing about nothing and yet you keep typing.
You didn't even have to grind in XII considering equipment weighs far more than levels, whereas you are forced to do it in X because you have to fill the sphere grid in order to fight inflated stat sponges. XII doesn't force you to have 255 in every stat just to stand a chance against endgame bosses. X does.

FFXII was the game that taught me not to follow hype or Yas Forums. It was that bad. And if you were actually around on Yas Forums back when it came out, you would have seen the countless threads of people complaining about the game. "It plays itself!" "Don't Trust Ondore's Lies" and "Star Wars!" were memes for a reason. People on Yas Forums started them.

So no, we can't agree.

>You didn't even have to grind in XII
There's nothing else to the game you mongoloid, that's what I've been saying this entire thread.

This is your last (you). You're t oo retarded to argue, I've already won.

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>This is your last (you). You're t oo retarded to argue, I've already won.
Not him but damn user you lost that pretty hard

>"You're defending a system made for lazy people who like to grind"
>You don't have to grind in FFXII
>"That's what I was saying! There's nothing else to the game"
until next time FFX-kun

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Wow he's samefagging now and pretending there's more to FF12's gameplay than the combat. Yikes.

I'm a considerate person so here's your (You)

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ffx kun has about the same iq as tidus

I see FFXII mentioned on Yas Forums almost every day. Much like Major'as Mask or Final Fantasy IX. People obsess over it simply because it's less popular. It's the contrarian choice.

MM is liked because it was deep, FF9 is liked by furfags, and FF12 is liked by brainlets who can't really handle normal gameplay or stories with depth. Because they are confused by the simplicity in FF12's combat they find depth in the gambit system, and because they are confused by politics they find depth in the nonsensical story. I can understand the two former but not the latter, they're just dumb.

Just stop posting.


Make an argument. Majoras Mask has a deep system of collection and quests, FF9 has furbait , and only idiots praise FF12 as a great game.

12 didn't really copy-pasted MMO's battle system. It's more like evolution of Vargant Story.

Remake is a massive success. Glowing reviews left and right. Seethe more, faggot.

>unironically acting like a shill
The game turned out to be a retarded sequel to AC, it's trash.

That would imply people actually played the game to know.

>Majoras Mask has a deep system of collection and quests
I disagree. It was the beginning of the Anouma formula and actively went away from what made Zelda great (free exploration, item progression and good dungeons). But that's just my opinion.
>FF9 has furbait
A game having anthro characters doesn't mean it ONLY appeals to furries. Especially when the main focus of the game is humans and aliens, not the anthro characters. And a game wouldn't sell 6 million copies just to furries.
>and only idiots praise FF12 as a great game.
Agreed. But again, this is just our opinion. The whole point of my post was that these people praise those games because they're in the sweet spot of not being the most popular games of their series, but still known enough to talk about it. You just spouted a bunch of generalizations that you heard on Yas Forums.

>I disagree.
Travelling through time to do quests to collect masks has a lot of depth. 100%ing that game without a guide is peak adventure game. It's also got exploration, progression, and good dungeons so I don't get your angle.
>A game having anthro characters doesn't mean it ONLY appeals to furries.
I agree, but the people holding it up as a great game were more often than not creeps. It sold well because it's FF not because it's good. Similarly to... every FF game.
>Agreed. But again, this is just our opinion.
Not an opinion and I'm speaking from experience. 12 fans are contrarian only when it comes to comparing the game to 10, just like how people used to be contrarian saying 7 was bad because reasons.

>12 fans are contrarian only when it comes to comparing the game to 10, just like how people used to be contrarian saying 7 was bad because reasons.
Why are you making up reasons people like a video game? What is there to be contrarian about FF12 considering it's the second best-reviewed game in the entire series just behind FF9?

>going to paid reviewers to win arguments

whew lad, time to admit defeat

I like FFX and FFXII

>it's not an opinion
Not worth continuing to respond to you.

What was there to pay back in 2006? Score aggregates didn't matter for video games back then

no, XIII is better than XII

Nice cop out.

user, Fallout 3 was released on 2008. Do you really think 2006 was a sacred period free of base bribery? Their was paid shilling back in the NES days, Game Informer loved to beat their chest about the time they lost an advertiser for reviewing a game honestly.

And where's your evidence that Square paid them for 12 considering that every other FF since then had also received great reviews?

Always thought this game was phenomenal. Its a masterpiece really and incredibly underappreciated simply because its not like the other FF games according to these whiny fanboys.

>What was there to pay back in 2006?
Dragon Quest VIII. Which is widely considered a better game today, but got downscored back then because Dragon Quest wasn't as well known as Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy XII got huge upscores because of the series it came from and following Final Fantasy X. But in the years following, Dragon Quest VIII has risen to be in most websites "top 10 PS2 games" and Final Fantasy XII has fallen off said lists.

When are you people going to learn that "reviews" are a joke? Reviewers don't judge a game for it's merits. They just anticipate what their readers will like and score the game based on the hype the game has. Or do the opposite, downscoring a game heavily to create outrage. Both of which generate site clicks and therefore money in their pocket.

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You're flailing my dude. Defending paid reviewers, using professional reviews as proof of quality. Come on. Just admit you like FF12, warts and all, but it's a pretty middle of the road game at best. Pretty weak in its own series, but at least they added a lot of mediocre and bad games to make sure it's in the top half of the curve.

The gambit system isn't even bad. FF12 is pretty on par with series gameplay. What fucked up FF12 was a meandering, nonsensical plot where it's almost impossible to develop any investment in the stakes or characters.

>But in the years following, Dragon Quest VIII has risen to be in most websites "top 10 PS2 games" and Final Fantasy XII has fallen off said lists.
I need evidence that it was the case.

>Just admit you like FF12, warts and all, but it's a pretty middle of the road game at best.
I need evidence that they were paid for FFXII specifically and the previous FF games were honest, unpaid reviews.

Show receipts.

This. The only problem people have in these threads is that people elevate it to some high standard when it's really just a bland but high budget JRPG.

It was good but every time I play it, it feels like Matsuno/Ito really just wanted to make a Baldur's Gate style-crpg but just didn't pull it off. The combat system was just not that good. It was pretty braindead. It was like a waaay toned down and simplified version of RTWP crpg gameplay. The story was fine but the fact that the main villain didn't even know who the main characters were until the final boss fight was a bit disappointing.

It certainly had glaring flaws but it was indeed that last singleplayer FF that wasn't a huge steaming pile of shit.

>I need evidence that it was the case.
You're the one who follows review sites. Go look it up yourself.