Why did it die so quick?

Why did it die so quick?

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no waifus

It's not dead, faggot. No game is dead when you can easily find a game. fuck off


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I love the combat in this game but the maps were horribly unbalanced. There was also a severe lack of maps.

Kind of sad to see it drop from 60k concurrent players to hardly 4k since it had potential but the devs were either too incompetent or just didn’t give a shit.

Alt-right devs

Fighting good players is too hard for casuals. Plus not enough maps

It didn't give dev tools fast enough for people to make custom servers that run a medieval version of Jailbreak from CS:Source.
Imagine the possibilities.
Also 7,000 people a day is not dead, retard.

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Shitty playerbase.
Shitty maps.

>mfw ForHonor survived everything
>mfw is love and hate this game
>mfw i get into any match in under 2 min

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I got this for free somehow on uplay a while back but never played it. How rough is it to get into as a new player? Is it the same bullshit grind as Siege?

lack of updates
unironically toxic playerbase the devs supported.

gameplay too complex for normals

this and custom maps

Did they ever nerf shield + rapier? It was so fucking infuriating to play against that shit.

they listened to a small segment of autists rather then the general fanbase

It isn't dead, stop hyperventilating. ~6k concurrent players at all hours is brilliant for a low-profile Chivalry knockoff. You can find a full server at all hours of the day and night.

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Shields have been changed repeatedly and now all shields work how small-shields used to, better parry/block option. Holding R brings up the old held-block as a shield-wall for projectiles.

>proclaim loudly you're going to fix all the animation wankery of chivalry
>end up with a different but just as unfun set of animation meta wankery instead
>autism circle of 1000 hour playtime elitists justify it with the exact same mental gymnastics as the chiv ""pros"" did back then

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well at the beginning you will be matched up with casuals and noobs (like yourself) if you have a three digit IQ you will rape them if not they will rape you.
Grind it not small but you only grind for cosmetics and heros.
The game is purly skillbased, think of darksouls but with a good multiplayer.

Honestly its rly hard to get into because you have to know your opponents class for fights above noobtier matchmaking and there are like 26 now.. so it takes time... but shit nigger winning a 1v4 makes it worth.
Bottom line is if you are a casual dont play it

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God the custom maps in chivalry were so good. I remember playing 32v32 on dank manor, plowing through the castle to get to the portal into space and then killing space jesus and bashing god into a bloody pulp as his spinning visage let out rapid high-pitched screams. Mordhau could at least have some US 64 player servers

It's because Bannerlord came out.

Yes, user, that's why it's been at around 6k players a day for months and the numbers are still steady. Bannerlord. Right.

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Do you seriously think bannerlord combat comes anywhere close to mordhau?

>How rough is it to get into as a new player? Is it the same bullshit grind as Siege?
there's no premium currency, completing the campaign gives you a one-time 15k currency
characters vary between 10k and 15k, one day of medium grind can net you 2k, 2.5k if you play the optimal mode for grinding
at the beginning you choose a faction and the games gives you 3 free characters from that faction
use zone instead of heavy to parry attacks, it's better 95% of the time and the game doesn't tell you about it

game is fun but attacks are too slow and punishes are huge, they are slowly moving away from this

I hate how they got rid of 32 player servers for U.S regions

Shit combats system. Its complex and super deep but unintuitive as fuck and so unfriendly new player will never have a chance of winning a fight. This just makes it hard to get into. You see people weirdly looking at the ground faking swing and dragging cucumber etc etc and lunging and realise the game combat is a lost cause. It shouldnt have been made to make 1v1 the central balance of the game. 1v1 fight should be quick with grappling and actual spacing, focusing on quick deadly combat. Armor should reduce vision and force 1st person view. Also there should be different move for weapons. Like holding a spear to stop a charging horse and using a dagger in a grapple situation to finisb off someone, a hammer against armor and so on.

I beheaded these simps and called them niggers in-game, glad they are still crying about it

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>The game is purely skillbased
Well... I guess you could say that, but then you have to keep in mind that the heroes are fucking absurdly imbalanced.
There's simply no way to win some of the classes as a specific class yourself. In good games there should be counters available obviously, but in For Honor the counter is a hard counter in a literal way; there's absolutely NO WAY to win the fight.

No it's better, you attack, you block. No dancing around like a retard feinting five swings before you actually go for an attack.

>Why did it die so quick?

Because all swordfighting games have inherently garbage combat systems that are based on everything either being a test of patience or just glitching through blocks with retarded body contortions.
90% of the original playerbase will always leave after like 3 weeks when any novelty has warn off

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i agree that an orrochi for example will be cucked by a lawbringer in 9/10 cases but if the orochi is a pro and lb is just a good player orochi wins every time

also they will drop soon (next month) a complete overhaul of the fighting system.
I tested it out and boy it is fun .. its rly closes the skillgap quite a bit. With the current version i could go into a duell against a noob and go out with a 3:0 win and also not losing even 1% of my health. With the new system it more like 3:2

>90% of the original playerbase will always leave after like 3 weeks when any novelty has warn off

hey you just described gaming

Have you tried Pirates Vikings and Knights 2? It doesn't have the glitchy stuff that other melee games all seem to have.

>also they will drop soon (next month)
i fucking wish
i'll consider myself lucky if i'll see that thing drop before august
until then i'm refraining myself from playing, because the TG changes were so good now i literally cannot play the stamina shitfest that is live


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Ah the newest memeword from twitter.
Enjoy your dead game.

Because it was made with the purpose to blow the fuck out for honor instead of making a fun game.

Because of niggers who think spamming the word niggers is the funniest shit

Wasn’t it made to blow the fuck out of Chivalry?

So are some animations broken or am I just shit? It's impossible to read spinning fags, and the messer destroys me every time.

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I thought they fixed the spinning ages ago?

Here's the reason.
Add onto that "balance" patches that just make shit worse every time and zero actual new content or maps.

I don't know how people bitch about when a mute function exists in game so you don't have to see people spouting bad words that send you into a froth.

I reinstalled the game recently, I took a break specifically because of animation manipulation (stab-feint-stab while spamming looking up and down) and other fuckery.
They've clearly snuffed out most of that shit now, committing to a swing limits your camera movement in such a way that you can't make your model sperg out.
It's pretty fun.

Yes I have 2000 hours in that game. I think it works because its a fun team based game rather than being based around duelling, with way more interesting weapons

mordhau is literally too high iq for casuals

Not enough content. It should have launched with an sdk. Everyone knows that mods saved chivalry so why they would launch without an official sdk is just crazy.

I still play Mordhau every day and I can’t get bored of it because it’s the only game that satisfies my competitiveness.

Yeah they did. Shields are turds now. Rapier can still chamber spam but so can any long weapon

Thanks nigger I will

The new animations are worse. If you underhand and morph into a stab and drag the stab it’s unreadable. It’s hilarious.

Most people don’t want to have to get better. The same drive activates in me that I get while playing a fighting game. I get whooped and want to do better. Some people won’t allow themselves to see that they suck at something so they just quit and say the game sucks.

Shitty combat that somehow managed to be just as bad if not worse than Chivalry, the game it was supposed to improve on.

Shitty community.
Main modes are a clusterfuck.
Gameplay feels like jousting on rollerskates.
Deatchmatch looks like pic related.

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because people found the "meta" weapons and it stopped being fun, if you didnt matrix dodge and use executioners you lose everything

The devs didn't act during that critical time early in the game's release when they had the most players. Instead of pumping out a bunch of meaningful content like new weapons, maps, and features, they decided to spend months twiddling their thumbs only to come out with nothing but a "ranked" gamemode with a single game type that missed the entire point of what made the game fun and engaging.

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the fact that they made feints worthless is the main reason why people do animation wankery in the first place. i mean, in the old chivalry days, you could do ballerina animation bullshit but you could also just feint a stab and get a free hit against a turtling opponent. a simple feint was the most effective offensive technique. but if your opponent read your feint and attacked you as you feinted, then he would get a hit in, and that was the whole rock, paper & scissors mindgame that the entire game was based on. but in mordhau they scrapped that vital mindgame and the only thing you have left is a "decipher his weird as fuck animation then dish out some of your own" that feels like a chore to both do yourself and defend against.

the beauty of chivalry's combat was that even a newbie dumbass could smash a 5000 hour autist if he made correct reads 2-3 times in a row, and that just isn't possible in mordhau. it's immensely easy for an experienced player to completely shut down a newer player who doesn't know all the weird kinks of the animation system. and i know exactly why they did this: the mordhau devs are self-proclaimed pros that hated getting killed by "noobs" who got lucky with feints so they ruined the whole basis of gameplay just to make it easier for them to dominate shitty pubs.

another effect is that it completely negated footsies and poking since the most effective way to get damage in is by getting right in your opponent's face to do weird animation bullshit, and your opponent can't punish you because feints are trash and attacks are too slow. there's also the fact that the netcode highly prefers lower ping players since they have a much easier time of reacting to weird animations and feints.

chivalry: deadliest warrior solved all these problems like 6 years ago, but i guess no one played that game

Shitty community and devs who decided to celebrate their success by doing fuck all instead of adding content to the game to keep people interested

I love Mordhau but the devs are so lazy and just have no desire to do anything with the game
When the game was first released they just left it untouched for so long it was bizarre

It's not enough for those people to just not see the words they're supposedly offended by. People who complain about bad words on the Internet want the person saying them to be punished, that's why they always run to devs to play the feelings police instead of using the highly effective tools already given to them.

>Long-time Chivalry, M&B, DBtS, Exanima player
>Oh boy, Mordhau sure looks promising!
>Want to play as cavalry
>Limited number of mounts per team, which have to be shared

It died because the devs were fucking morons

You can kick people who try to shove themselves up your ass, basically a free hit

This, every single bitch about most problems is solved with the might boot.
ESPECIALLY everybody bitching about shieldfags to the point of making shields actually worthless seem to not know kick existed.

seething horsenigger the only place you belong is at the end of my billhook

My only issue with Chivalry deadliest warrior, was that Ninjas doing rolls had the same hitbox as a person standing up, which is retarded. A roll should let you evade strikes if they aren't low enough or coming down right on top.