Game's lore is more sinister than it first appears

>game's lore is more sinister than it first appears

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Is this dude back on the SH wiki?

kek, I remember this autist. Is he still at it?

Is there a worse fan wiki than the one for SH?

That's fucking based. Circumcision should be illegal and those who practice it thrown in jail.

agreed, but choosing video game wikis as your hill to die on is just doing more harm to the whole idea than good

Honestly, there's not a huge difference between this retard's crap and the crap the average SH fanboy shits out. This franchise is so fucking overrated.

circumcision is indeed a shitty practice, just learn to pee and bathe you filthy niggers.
>b-but muh Phimosis
you desrve it for having shit genetics

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For real thought why do other wise normal people accept and get defensive over cutting up little boy's penises?

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>there are creatures on Yas Forums right now who were circumcised

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>there are people who disagree with this
okay goy

>other wise normal people
amerimutts aren't people

It's mostly women, and they've been indoctrinated to hate men and see them as evil.

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there was a lady who was forced to circumcise her baby boy even though she didn't want to
put her in jail and basically said "Sign this(giving consent to it) or we can hold you indefinitely"

Women/gay men actually prefer dicks with foreskin, it tastes much better.

>why do other wise normal people accept and get defensive over cutting up little boy's penises?

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>spreading your autism on a fucking video game is based
Gas yourself

>be uncircumcised
>pull back skin to wear condom
>after a few minutes it goes back
>it also pulls the condom

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Good morning to you too, Mr Goldstein.

Dick too small/condom too big.
Buy a smaller size, nigger.

That's because she lost a legal battle against the father who wanted to circumcise the baby

I assume you are referring to
I had to look it up. I was too curious. She's not being arrested and jailed for refusing to circumcise her kid. She's being arrested and jailed for violating the parental plan which is basically a contract she and ex-husband agreed to follow as part of their divorce. I'm assuming the ex-husband is forcing the issue here and the courts hands are tied because of family and contract law. This disagreement could be over anything. It just happens to be over circumcision in this case.

You’ve got a small dick.

Any Fextralize

>kid is five and says he does not want to be circumcised
>it's okay for court to force him to be becuase muh contract
hmm wonder who made these posts

Doctors are 100% ignorant of the human body.

Very insightful take on Walter's deep-seated serial killer issues, as circumcision rites are done to permanently life-long physically scar a newborn male's body and mentally/psychologically instills a sense of terror, helplessness at their earliest development state which will manifest into both neurotic hatred and lust for control over the world that hurt them.

Without passing judgement, it's the law, and it's not about circumcision in this case.

>barely anyone defending circumcision
based, kikes are losing.

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I mean yeah, but at this point you'd have to make it legally recognized that circumcision should be up to the kid as soon as he is of [X] years

>muh jew
retarded polfag

It is literally about circumcision, the contract is just being used to enforce the circumcision.

Actually there are very little American posters here.

There are people who unironically think this and it's cringe. I agree it's a foul and outdated practice, but the amount of retards who act like they're permanently fucked up or were traumatized by it or whatever is really too high.

>>it's okay for court to force him to be becuase muh contract
I don't think it's okay. Especially considering the kid himself doesn't want to do it. I was just clarifying the situation is not, as far as the law is concerned, about compelling someone to get circumcised. It's about compelling someone to fulfill their contractual obligations. Most people seem to be in agreement that family law is a fucking mess at the moment.

Perhaps you're right. I'm American, and circumcised. It's impossible to have a rational discussion with people who defend the practice here, because if they didn't instantly emotionally defend circumcision, a few moments of thought would cause them to realize it's cutting up baby dicks for no reason.

Never said otherwise, women in the USA are just psychotic and probably most have never seen an uncut dick irl.

Surely the silent hill wiki is the most appropriate hill to die on

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If I signed a contract to cut my daughter's clit off the court wouldn't enforce it.

god fucking

Unless the law finds you unfit to be a parent, your kid is your property/responsibility until they turn 18

Who /uncut/ master race here?

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Isn't female circumcision illegal in most of America? Of course courts aren't going to compel you to break the law.

It's a classic case of denial. To accept otherwise means coming to understand that the medical industry is even more corrupt than you previously thought, since the primary motive for infant circumcision is monetary gain from a longer stay at the hospital + the skin itself. No one wants to believe they lost a natural part of their body just to make doctors some extra cash, but that is genuinely what it is nowadays.

The contract happens to require it. That's the agreement that was made. All the law does here is enforce contracts.

You know it goes (((deeper))).

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Contracts that require you to break the law aren't valid.


Bugger off Adolf, the Jews were happy to keep this to themselves, only American goys were crazy enough to insist on joining on for some reason

Why do people always bring up the Jews? It was an American Christian who pushed it on the country to begin with.

>Unless the law finds you unfit to be a parent, your kid is your property/responsibility until they turn 18
I used to think that was the law too. Then I discovered the safe haven law. A mother has the right to abandon their child and absolve themselves of all legal responsibility in regards to that child as long as the abandon it "the right way", e.g. dump it on the doorstep of a church.

Yes, soulless Amerimutt protestants pushed it in the first place as an anti-masturbation tool. They're not currently the ones keeping the system in place or profiting off of it. They're not the ones threatening countries who try to make it illegal.

Do they really sell the foreskins?

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>A mother has the right to abandon their child and absolve themselves of all legal responsibility
Alright but that isn’t what happened here

Source me.

I'm genuinely sorry for everyone who got circumcised. Just thinking about the tip of my dick being completely dried up makes me cringe, it's fucking vile.

I can imagine why Jews would want to keep it from being made illegal since it's their religious practice.

Sure is user, still waiting on the tech to get better so I can get a new one

The practices which an individual approves of and is surrounded by are for them the normal. The same could be said to you by them, "You mean you AREN'T going to cut your son's penis up?" There are no facts in regards to subjective matters like the acceptableness of ritualistic body modification, only individuals with ways of thinking and values that cause them to approve or disapprove. We do worse to animals as a result of unchecked pre-suppositions like anthropocentrism, despite them by all accounts under most moral frameworks being innocent creatures. There's no limit to the cruelty we'll inflict upon someone who transgresses against one of our deeply cherished personal rules. That humans only cut the tip off should be the surprising thing.

I never got why this was a big deal. It's like whining about a recycling plant making money from trash you throw away. Were you planning to hold on to your foreskin for some reason?

Is that fox intended to be so fucking hot?


it's not that bad, it's heavily exagerated by the poltards because it's linked to jews circumcised at 20 for medical reason

>tfw born in third world shithole
Everything works out in a weird way

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Watch all of this. He goes over all of it.

i want to personally strangle all moloch worshippers

>Look up literally anything on Silent Hill Wiki
>...and this is how it represents [character's] repressed sexual feelings.

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Whats the deal with circumcision? Why force it on goyim?

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>heavily exagerated
Circumscising a baby at birth without anesthesia and watching them cry until they turn blue isn’t exaggeration

You are really dumb if you believe that.

It's a perverse incentive since doctors would have self-interest in continuing the practice and doing it even if not medically unneeded.

Yeah some people conflate making it illegal with making it not a held practice by the medical community sadly

>Do they really sell the foreskins?
How do you think they make skin ointments for females?

I'm American and I was circumcised and I see it as a barbaric practice. I even told my parents they were assholes for doing it to me and both of them agreed and apologized. According to my mom she thought it was normal, but then after hearing me scream like bloody murder during it she immediately regretted it and cried. If I have a son he will not be circumcised no matter what (Unless he has a very rare medical condition that requires it) and I wouldn't have kids with a woman who would disagree.

I never understood Americans who get so defensive about it, and I don't understand Europeans who make fun of Americans for it. Sure, if some American is acting like an asshole okay, but at the end of the day you're making fun of someone for being mutilated as a baby. That is pretty fucked up.

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>Why force it on goyim?
They didn't.

>i got circumcized as an adult because i had to, which is basically the same thing as mutilating a newborn baby for no reason without anesthesia and then sucking the blood from his penis

Because it means there is a financial incentive to mutilate people's penises.

Because it gives monetary incentive to continue an otherwise outdated and even harmful practice. Similar to how for-profit prisons end up becoming a negative presence on society.
user, you're just using emotional appeals in reverse. Don't try to talk over somebody with actual experience when all you have is speculation.

It's outright evil.

>emotional appeals in reverse.
You mean...facts?

Not him but that's not speculation. That actually happens. It's an unnecessary risk, and a mistake led to the very first tranny.

based and moral-pilled

>make money by cutting off foreskin
>make money by complications involving the cutting off said foreskin
>make money by forcing the parents to stay around longer due to said complications
>sell the foreskin for loads of money
A better question is why WOULDN'T you do it? Who doesn't want gullible schmucks paying you money to pay you money?

Let the jews keep mutilating each other. I don't care what they do to each other or what happens to them. Ban it for everyone else outside of medical emergency. You should not be able to cosmetically alter your child's genitals.

You're way too based for your own good user.

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>I even told my parents they were assholes for doing it
rude desu, they just didn't know any better like 99% of people who do it
What his point was is the loss of pleasure from circumcision is exaggerated, and he used his experience from being circumcised at age 20 to prove this. Instead of addressing that, you went to an emotional appeal of circumcising infants and ignored the point he was making. The question wasn't, is the practice as a whole wrong, but if it makes that big of a difference in terms of pleasure. I agree it has potential to harm infants which is why I think it should be banned.

It isn't an emotional appeal it is a moral appeal. He is appealing to most people's sense that causing someone intense suffering for no reason is wrong. That's like saying that nazis were bad because they killed people is just an emotional argument.

Of course the imagery invokes emotions in you because it is immoral, but that is besides the point.

You are supposed to mark your slaves by circumcising them.

Even if they weren't allowed to sell the foreskin they don't do the circumcision for free. They have a financial incentive either way. The entire medical industry is based on the financial incentive. You aren't going to ever remove that from the equation. Even socialized health care doesn't do that. It just changes who the bills are sent to.

>muh vampire
even among the jew it's only a minority who does that
>which is basically the same thing as mutilating a newborn baby
you're right, it's better as a baby because you forget it
>for no reason
it's ritual you retard

I make fun of the ones that defend it.

I'd like to know which percentage of mtf trannies who get operations were circumcised at birth.
Guarantee you it's the cutfags.

are you retarded.

>bloobloo don't mock me for having idiots parents

>the loss of pleasure from circumcision is exaggerated
Depends on how much you cut off.
> Instead of addressing that, you went to an emotional appeal of circumcising infants and ignored the point he was making.
>emotional appeal
First off, no, it is not an emotional appeal. Second off, good for him if he got himself cut through his own decision

>for no reason
>it's ritual you retard
So... for no reason? The only actual function the ritual serves is that the father proves his devotion to the tribe by having his son mutilated.

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Yeah but they pay for the surgery to remove the foreskin, but it doesn't cost them anything to sell it.

I wouldn't have called them that if they had apologized to me about it before (Not that I needed to be told sorry, just that so I knew they understood it was wrong). I mean according to both of them they genuinely felt bad about it but I understand that it is awkward to try to talk to your child at any point and apologize for something like that. I didn't explicitly call them assholes, but I asked them in very direct (and honestly accusatory) way "Why did you let some doctor cut off part of my penis when I was a baby?" and that is when they told me they felt bad and apologized.

I get that. However I feel like most Americans who defend it are ones who feel very bad about it and want to lash out. Obviously some are so brainwashed as to think that your dick magically looks better without skin you can pull back, but that has to be a minority. I refuse to believe that most young men in America just think "Yeah bro, cutting off part of my dick is awesome"

This. I'm thankful for my foreskin. Thanks based mom.

>the father proves his devotion to the tribe by having his son mutilated.
Yes which would be useful in a rather exclusive religion like the jew's

>Be American
>Be cut
>Girlfriend is from Poland
>First time we go to do stuff she spends like 10 minutes looking at my circumcision scars asking me if they hurt
>Feels genuinely bad for me
At least some people care.

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>there are people who genuinely think mutilating babies is not only fine, but a moral imperative

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>Even socialized health care doesn't do that. It just changes who the bills are sent to.
Americans really have a lot to learn, haven't they?

I think that it isn't strange some people visually prefer the thing they're used too though. Especially girls since they're the ones who on average enjoy seeing dicks.

It would be a large majority of them, since getting circumscised at birth causes irreparable brain damage due to the trauma

>1.3% of American infant deaths are from circumcision
>lol who cares
>0.1% of boomers die from coronavirus

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The Cry of Fear Wiki was the worst one I saw.

But an uncut cock is a lot more aesthetically pleasing. Sure, maybe they may not like the look of the foreskin being up, but you can just pull it down. Then you have a tender looking head that isn't scarred and you don't have a bunch of circumcision scars around the glands either.


Is that a real statistic about children dying from circumcision?

daily reminder that if the hospitals are clogged and you have a stroke that you'll probably die

>opinion from an individual

I don't really have a view on dicks, since I don't care about them visually. But there have been polls about this sort of thing where women prefer the other. Whether that's right or wrong is a moot point.

I'm not American. I live in a country with socialized medicine. Last time I checked, doctors still receive a salary and that money doesn't just appear out of thin air.

See what I wrote here:
The fact they make even more money off the circumcision would be an extra incentive to persuade new parents into doing it. Isn't the hospital the one profiting from the procedure?
>Depends on how much you cut off.
That's true, people have to specify.
>First off, no, it is not an emotional appeal. Second off, good for him if he got himself cut through his own decision
I don't really care what kind of point it is, I was just saying you ignored the point of his post. He wasn't defending the practice, just saying it didn't change as much as Yas Forumstards usually say it does.
>I asked them in very direct (and honestly accusatory) way "Why did you let some doctor cut off part of my penis when I was a baby?"
I dunno, the answer seems so obvious I would never ask. I didn't learn what circumcision really meant until I was 20 - it's not hard to envision people back then just not finding out due to reasons, sad as that is. I heard if you really want to lower the rates of it in America, you need to try and get it off medicare coverage, which is an interesting idea, since then not many people will go for it.

reporting in