Why are westerners so against sex appeal in vidya?

Why are westerners so against sex appeal in vidya?

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we have sex instead

Because women who don't play video games want men to be faggots, so they reduce the sex appeal to make them into simps

blood and violence good

boobies and nipples bad

...is that angry monkey girl supposed to be Samus?

It's American puritanism. Both their moralizing left and right can't handle seeing sexy women.

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Because w*sterncuck devs lack SOUL, and prefer manfaced SJW inspired women in their vidya instead of perfect specimens.

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>generic nu-animu style that looks the same as everything else and is the stuff you see on adverts everywhere in Tokyo
How much of a weeb do you actually have to be to think this?

>Wants flat chested muscle girl
Fucking gay


because western nations are christian nations, and we don't want immoral content in our media
haha i fucking wish


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t. prefers wide-jawed, goblino man-faced women

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Remind me how sexist fan service empowers women? Gaming is for everyone; if you want to jerk off, go to pornhub.

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Boobs are power because they alone are the answer to properly feeding a newborn child.

Wow anime is like the calarts of lewds

>Remind me how sexist fan service empowers women?
Remind me why I should empower women

I wonder why....

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>Women taking control of their bodies and expressing their sexuality: GOOD
>Representation of women in vidya: GOOD
>Representing women taking control of their bodies and expressing their sexuality in vidya: BAD


they think they are being more mature by making ugly women

Wtf is this meme about "muh representation"? Are these people so fucking narcissistic that they can't enjoy something without seeing themselves in it?

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You just know if the stereotypical image of gamers was more attractive then women would have 0 problems with it, they used to fight against porn too but they never got the jews help with that so it ended I guess.

Unironically söy diet

Reminder that we live in an age where Nintendo (the company that preaches family values and safety for the longest time) pumps out big titty anime girls every other month compared to companies like Sony who focus on making "mature" games for "adults" (which are ironically full of ugly women and censorship)

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1980s-90s: Straight women get kicked out of the feminist coalition in favor of lesbians
2010s: Lesbians get kicked out of the feminist coalition in favor of transwomen

I wonder what's next?


how does representing a woman as weak and flawed empower women?

Instead of taking away the sexy females and big boobies, they shouldve demanded and created more sexy men and shotas. Theres nothing wrong with only catering to only females.

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100% right.
It's pretty disingenuous to call feminism as it's applied in the current year to be for sexual equality.
Personally I think calling it feminism to begin with it was doomed from the start, because retards can't pick up on anything but beyond literal interpretation. Equalivists would have been a far better term to rally around.

Probably the opposite. They've got Hollywood by the balls and waste their time targeting other mediums instead of porn bc of (((((((them)))))).
Like if you're going to crackdown on "icky gross objectification of womyn" you think you wouldn't care what some anime only otaku watch and actually target an industry proliferating said issues.

This image is pretty cringe but accurate at the same time.

Why do normies dislike anime artstyle?

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Americans are violent gaylords, and are being corona'd for their gayness

>if you want to jerk off, go to pornhub.
What if I want sexy girls doing video game shit in video games?

Feminist coalition collapses because trannies kill themselves and younger women realize that the whole "empowerment" of women via getting into careers etc instead of marrying and having kids is actually a fucking scam. There are enough examples already of old harpies with dried ovaries and 3+ cats and possibly even adopted niggers screetching about not having a man.
Smart young women will see that and decide not to go down that same path.
Most women aren't smart tho sadly

Cunny only, fuck off fag.

And Americans give you exactly that and yet you still complain

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art now is better

talk about having low standards

Read nino.

Why do the girls on the right all look the same?

cuz u have eye problems

2020s: The feminist coalition gets kicked out of western society in favor of wanting to have fun again.

It's mainly white people who are anti sex, specifically they are anti straight sex. If it's stuff like transexual propaganda they are all for it.

Same reason why all the left ones rook da saem.

It's funny how both the religious conservatives and the progressive feminists are both against sexualisation in video games

Me want big boobs. Me no like women who no have big boobs. Why no big boobs I no enjoy my game no big boobs.

That's because progressivism has become a religion itself.

Cause you're a racist

Based cunnyseur

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Ok pedo


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why does the other girl looks like Ms.Meany from the Woody Woodpecker?

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Nothing wrong with sex appeal in vidya.
However these threads are retarded, because it's about sex appeal in the females, for a presumed straight male audience.
Just look at how Yas Forums throws a fit every time male characters are too sexy. And I don't mean the coomers. I mean the Yas Forums that gets mad at politics in vidya.

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I dont think Indivisible died because he was in the game. And people in this thread already advocated for sexy guys that women can gawk at.


I get mad at politics in vidya but love attractive males and females in games. I even jack off to traps. Now what?

Didn't know it died. Just saw threads of anons losing their shit over MALE NIPPLE or the heels.
Or in more recent times, the whole netflix castlevania fiasco.
I get that somebody telling you a character from your childhood is actually a fag would upset some anons, but the reaction was way overblown. It's a shitty show, it's not cannon and it's hardly related to the games, yet Yas Forums went crazy for a week because some fanfic-tier netflix original had the sparkly vampire get dicked (in a threesome with a girl, nonetheless).
Feminists/SJWs/normies being against titty-ninjas as the base expectation for most female characters isn't that outrageous.
Ideally we could have both. Titty-ninja games for titty-ninja fans, and non-titty-ninja games for the rest. Heck throw in titty-ninjas in those too, just don't have them be the baseline for female representation.

Right? Why do people want people in Vidya to all look ugly? Do they think it'll help with the realism?
Lack of big boobies aside, they don't even look aesthetically pleasing like most ugly guys in games look.

The people making the game secretly hate lesbians.

Why shouldn't some not-fat female video characters have big boobs?

>if you don't like shit, you like less shit

Well, same. Mostly. Politics in videogames is a broad bait category though.
Often times it just means "I don't like X, hurf durf politics off my vidya". Though rebranding classic charcters into a stale reboot franchise removing both the sex appeal and the gameplay is a fucking braindead move.

its called being asian

so like how Life is strange devs almost definitely secretly hated teenagers?

>normies dislike anime
Normies love the shitty same


Fuck Americans

Please, let me forget about Lara Croft already, goddamn it.

Controlling the sex drive is something all authoritarian groups attempt eventually, because it's one of the easiest ways to keep people under your thumb.

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And there are faggots defending censorship.

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>unlimited porn

I-I meant Battlefront

america is not a christian nation, its a protestant nation, just like UK

BRAZIL is a christian nation and they have shit like this on television

it insults women who naturally have big breasts and put effort into looking attractive

Why are you talking about porn?

>sexist fan service
>If Stacy has bigger breasts than i do, that's misogyny!
Lmao @ your life my dude.

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She's based in the reboot though.

No one said it was easy

Yes, yes they are.

redditors man
they are weird

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Spot on. Chloe was the most hateable, toxic 'best friend' ever, while her "evil" step-dad turns out to be right about just about everything, yet somehow SJW types played that game and it went right over their heads.

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i wonder how many years do we need to wait until this period is looked at and cringed at like we do now at war on drugs, games are satan etc.

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wtf sauce

The woke left will set their sights on porn soon enough, mark my words. Specifically, they will target any porn for straight men.

nah porn is to powerfull for then to take on

they tried take metal down and metal just said then to go fuckthenselves
good part of japan gaming industry said for then to go fuckthenselves too

I feel like we're already there, except for the people in positions of power and privilege who keep trying to tell us otherwise.

They already have, and have been trying for decades.

i want to to quit 3DPD porn forever...

that doesn't make sense, pedos like little girls who look like little boys
pedos in general are three times more likely to be fags
in turn fags are three times more likely to be pedos
clown world

Oh, I merely said they would try, not that they would succeed.

>The woke left will set their sights on porn soon enough
Goodluck trying to take on jews lmao.

Why didn't you use a manfaced SJW inspired woman as your example then

and i say they dont even going to try
specialy since somehow porn actors tend to be right wing for some reason

They're called "Americans".

>its called being asian

But the girls look Caucasian.

Because certain white people are pretty much retarded and that's why they're getting bred out of existence. Look forward to the asian century after those specific white genetic strains have been mixed away.

Games left the nerd culture behind around 7th gen. Once women get into something they will ruin it for everyone like they do with everything else and their army of beta orbiters will support them.

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They look like asians with makeup though

I realized I kind of stopped buying games after 2015
never saw anything I'd want to support
last thing I bought was doom 2016

>if you make good female characters you're sjw garbage
>if you don't you're outdated and backwards
what a great timeline.

Where does this idea of "make female characters ugly to appeal for female gamers" come from? All the video gaming women I've met are crazy about skimpy anime idols and other beautiful female characters, even the out of shape extra spergy nerd women who look absolutely nothing like the women in video games have their rooms full of anime girl posters and whatnot. I have never met a guy who has a problem with idealized male characters like Solid Snake either, so why would it be any different for women and idealized female characters?