>retcons a 13 year old game in your path
Retcons a 13 year old game in your path
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I'm glad. Epistle 3 was such a downer ending.
Epistle 3 was non-canon either way.
There was no reason to retcon Episode 2 other than to spite laid law.
I don't like what Laid Law did, I think it was wrong. And I hate what Valve has done now as a consequence.
Laidlaw's actions were no reason to fuck over all the fans.
Is it just me or has this one game fucked up everything going forward for Half Life. So many inconsistencies and ruining the mystique of G-Man, its gone fucking bananas
It didn't ruin his mystique. We know no more about him than ever.
Laidlaw was called in to consult for Alyx, what the fuck are you smoking?
The half life plot was always made up while they went anyway.
Zoomers ITT are too young to remember that HL2 was completely rewritten from the ground up right before release.
Personally I'm fine with the retcon because it was a solid plot twist and a good hook for HL3. It's also the direction they clearly intended to take Alyx as of episode 1 and Gmans implication she has a bigger role in the story.
nu what?
nu nu nu
nu this
nu that
nu those nu
the fuck is the meaning of nu?
HL 3?