Post your favorite villager RIGHT NOW
Post your favorite villager RIGHT NOW
She looks like she hugs human guys
Human cock slut
A real gentleman
Kicks is the best boy
I miss having Cube in my village.
built for human cock
Got him on an island today, I'm so happy
Absolutely based, but OP asked for villagers
I want to FUCK Marshal
Felicity cuz she has the same kinda energy I want in a gf. Or Daisy Mae now, just cuz she's a qt pie.
for me, it's coco
I miss Lolly and Chief.
>Whitney’s muzzle has a much more pronounced, two-tone coloration
Maybe it’s just the lighting of the screenshots I’ve seen, but her lower jaw seems to be a different shade than the rest of her head and it has a very “puppet” quality to it now.
Hopkins is such a lovable asshole
Horizons is my first AC, i really dig Phoebe. Chicks that like to rock are my jam.
He hasn't even moved out of the campground yet and I already love this smug-looking little fucker.
For me, it's Audie.
New Horizons is my first AC and I rolled Bam as my starting Jock and he's such a bro. I sent him a barbell the other day. I bet he can deadlift 2 plates by now.
Hasn't let me down yet.
>Favorite animal
>Favorite personality
>Same birthday
I just want him back.
got her on my first island, she's based
oob is disgusting
your husband is very cute though
fuck you
How long do I have to not talk to someone to get them to fuck off? I hate literally all of my villagers.
God I want to plow the fuck out of Freya.
I really hope I can get her through mystery tours. I had my basement in NL entirely themed around her and it would be weird to do it again without her in my town.
I have no proof on this but I think they won't try to move out until the concert, since one of the things Nook wants you to do is bring in more people.
Also I read somewhere that you ignore them and talk to everyone else but them, after a week maybe they'll start having a though bubble over their head and that's when you talk and they'll ask of they should leave.
For me, It's Diana.
Ive had Rocket move out who was one of my OG villagers before the concert. I dont know what I had done to trigger that though.
After seeing this fuck, I need his smarmy ass so badly.
Need to build him a castle on high elevation. Make him the wealthy/eccentric on the island
She's my 3rd villager. Didn't care for her, but she really grew on me
I just love this dumb fuck
My bro from the Gamecube days, I'll be waiting for him to show up so we can be reunited. I already got Sprinkle so he has a cute honey waiting for him when he gets here.
I always feel safe knowing that my wonderful Sailor V is protecting us from evil-doers!
This chad right here.
>Gives The People's Eyebrow 100% of the time
> Lifts everyday and gets major gains
>Encourages the player to also get fit
> Is a total bro and always hooks you up with gifts
>Discourages trannies and degenrates from r34, without being ugly
He's the most underrated villager out there.
So moe
no he's ugly and dumb
zip zoom
Lucky bastard.
I got his Amiibo though, so I’ll enjoy him on my island soon enough.
I just recruited this dude off a mystery island. He seems pretty cool.
Who is this?
To this very day.
damn I've been looking for him. My first villager to come into my camp site was Rodney the hamster and I kind of hate him.
I've had no luck with villagers, and as of now I've only found Shari, Louie, and another female gorilla on my island expeditions and I kind of don't like any of them.
Audie or Whitney, wolfchads?
bearchads only
He's kind of a forced meme since he's Vinesauce's favorite character, but I still like him.
Nice choice. These five are my favorites (especially Rosie), but I wish I had the Wolfgang amiibo card.
Just scouted Wolfgang on an island
How'd I do?
Nintendo's going to reprint the amiibo cards, right?
Postan in a furries thread.
There has to be varying rarity with villagers, because I swear like 50% of random towns I visit have a Skye. Including my own, and she was one of the first to move in for me in NL too. Not that I’m complaining, mind you.
>Never scanned
Finally, I don't want any sloppy second Marshalls I want him to only have visited me
I have his Amiibo too actually. I got a house plot and decided to go to a couple mystery islands because fuck it why not. Saw him on my third one. You should give it a try.