Horizons is my first AC, i really dig Phoebe. Chicks that like to rock are my jam.
Post your favorite villager RIGHT NOW
Isaac Rodriguez
Wyatt Long
Luis Kelly
He hasn't even moved out of the campground yet and I already love this smug-looking little fucker.
Ryder Scott
For me, it's Audie.
Ethan Miller
New Horizons is my first AC and I rolled Bam as my starting Jock and he's such a bro. I sent him a barbell the other day. I bet he can deadlift 2 plates by now.
Jonathan Hughes
Hasn't let me down yet.
Aaron Kelly
>Favorite animal
>Favorite personality
>Same birthday
I just want him back.
Evan Adams
got her on my first island, she's based
Owen Sanders
Asher Bailey
oob is disgusting
your husband is very cute though