Post your favorite villager RIGHT NOW

Horizons is my first AC, i really dig Phoebe. Chicks that like to rock are my jam.

Attached: Phoebe_HHD.png (121x248, 18.44K)


Attached: 1585591769744.png (500x480, 93.58K)

He hasn't even moved out of the campground yet and I already love this smug-looking little fucker.

Attached: iu.png (200x318, 59.6K)

For me, it's Audie.

New Horizons is my first AC and I rolled Bam as my starting Jock and he's such a bro. I sent him a barbell the other day. I bet he can deadlift 2 plates by now.

Attached: AC_Bam.png (274x466, 103.96K)

Hasn't let me down yet.

Attached: Sterling_NewHorizon1.png (479x640, 325.53K)

>Favorite animal
>Favorite personality
>Same birthday

I just want him back.

Attached: Brodeo.png (159x236, 40.46K)

got her on my first island, she's based

Attached: 4a9d7a1500103840ffc028ed146a3f74.jpg (200x369, 12.77K)

oob is disgusting
your husband is very cute though