Have you ever pirated a videogame? Why?

I pirated a f*ckton of them

Have you ever pirated a videogame?
Many times.
Because I'm poor. That's really it. Easy to do most of the time

Because I can

Before Steam I pirated a lot. Because games were more easily available via pirate sites.
When Steam arrived I started buying the games that were good.
Until my backlog on Steam and Gog became so large that I never needed pirate sites again.

I pirated gta 4 because I wanted to play the game with the drunk camera
Got disappointed when the version I downloaded had it fixed

enjoy your denuvo and always online requirements

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>make pc

>torrent games

>buy the ones you really like (ie witcher 3)

only sensible way to use a pc

>be young me
>pirate cuz poor as fuck
>shell out for homm5, god i was hyped
>drm doesn't give a fuck that my game is original, still had to crack it
fuck this industry, never bought game since then

yes, only if they have cancerous malware attached to them, like uplay, origin, securom, starforce, denuvo etc.

>Have you ever pirated a videogame?
Because I don't want to blindly waste my money.