How long until indie shits ruin low poly aesthetic like they did with pixel art with their shitty games?

How long until indie shits ruin low poly aesthetic like they did with pixel art with their shitty games?

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Will 3D indie game development ever be as accessible and easy as 2D? Wish there was like a RPG Maker thing but in 3D.

I don't get why they're so obsessed with making horror games with lame graphics now. They all look like shit compared to stuff like Silent Hill 1 and they all miss what actually made that game scary.

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I legit love the look of actual old ps1 horror games. There’s a really rough charm to them and a lot of work and talent was put into them. But a lot of the indie ones I’ve seen don’t have the soul that they did

Low poly takes significantly more effort and skill than your average faux 8-bit indie fare, and 1000x more effort than your average russian walking simulator made with Unity Store assets.

>VHS filter
I actually have a theory about this - the zoomers trying to emulate the style of old Playstation titles never actually played a PSX, so their only exposure to "authentic" gameplay (as opposed to emulator footage or PSN store games recorded through a capture card) is via digitized VHS recordings from back in the day, hence why they legitimately think games looked like this.

Zoomers aren't the ones making these games.

I dunno OP you seem to be the expert here
you tell me

already have. how many indie games do you know that look like this? too many to count

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a lot of these games were popularized (or pioneered?) by puppet combo whose games are based on stereotypical low budget 80s slasher movies, that's why they have that bootleg vhs aesthetic and filter.

full game that looks like devil daggers when?

I think this is what I hate the most about a lot these games is how they all have this lame VHS aesthetic that makes no sense. It made sense for Puppet Combo since they were also mimicking 90s shot-in-video horror movies but for a lot of them it hardly makes sense. It’s like they never actually played the old school games and just make something based off of some vague idea of what they think the 90s were

Half the games in the "haunted PS1 Demo disc" prove we're already too late.

Attached: 5wRe7h.png (1024x1024, 990.97K)

That might be true for a few of them, but the majority are just copying others.

can't ruin what's already shit you n64 drone

>tries to mimics PS1 demo discs
>mimics the shitty pal versions of PS1 games cover

The worst offender is that "haunted abandoned FPS multiplayer game" that is supposed to be some kind of 90s online game but starts with a C64-esque boot up thing. The game is shit in general though.

So they moved on from Earthbound clones, Meatboy clones, Metroidvanias, and "Roguelites".

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Zoomers don't even give a shit to make games with these aesthetics. Zoomer shit would be the low-poly non-textured crap or minecraft inspired bullshit look.

a year or two ago.

they can never truly move on from roguelites, because it takes too many man-years to craft environments by hand.

minecraft but with the business model of second life. you're welcome, zoomer indie developers.

Why are people talking about "Indies" as if they're some kind of far off group of elitest designers? They're literally random schmos, the only thing that separate us from them is that Yas Forumsirgins are too lazy to develop a game even with how accesible and free game design tools are now.

If you don't like a trend, stop being a lazy consumer and do it right.

Doing it right isn't going to get me free advertising on Yas Forums though.

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all you need to do is pixelate the textures and use that thing that does the warping for you, bro

they already have seeing how many people gushed over Dusk

No they still make rogue like but now in shitty low poly resident evil aesthetic. This is Vaccine

Forgot image

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Is that the game where a guy is keeping his wife’s spirit inside an FPS? Weird game.

Low poly is great. Stay mad fagola

Night of the consumers

Fuck off, at least they make shit. Better than jacking off and complaining on an Mongolian basket weaving forum. Make your own stuff, if you're such a genius

Meanwhile I'm going for a realistic look with a fish horror game I started working on back in October. Feels like I totally missed this

Attached: fish.png (1920x899, 1.93M)

what you lack in PS1 style graphics you make up for in fish

Yeah and then it turned out to be some shitty ARG too

what is that dudes end game
why did his human father put his human penis in his fish mother

>cute as fuck fish with legs

It’s actually comedy horror but I keep saying just horror for whatever reason

Really? Did anything worthwhile come of that?

You mispelled SOULful

I don't know the context of it in-game but this screenshot doesn't make him look scary. Glad you're actually making something though.

Looks good man. Keep it up

Because they can excuse shit graphics this way

That looks hilarious I'd play that shit for sure.

well you could save the man’s wife from the game. that was it

yo you got a twitter for that shit?

Sure! I’m @ThatOtherFish1

low poly is 2difficult2make for indie devs

>Gyo: The Video Game

back to r.eddit, you fish fucker

Yeah I keep getting Gyo comments which is funny because I didn't even know what Gyo was until people started commenting about it. It's cool that other people enjoy walking fish though

why does everything have to be an Us vs Them mentality? some of these games are good

something's fishy here

Youtube videos about this have been popping up to my recommended feed for a month now and some of them look alright but they are no means full length games, more like 1 hour of stuff and you have unlocked everything there is. These hit home since i started gaming with ps1 so i watch them occasionally

already happened, look at dogshit like dusk, amid evil, "get to the orange door" , risk of rain 2, etc.

Literally me.

PAL PS1 covers are disgusting. That gigantic PlayStation logo on the bottom half looks awful. This the PS1 game cover tier list

NA PS1 Long Boxes > JP PS1 covers > NA PS1 covers > NA PS1 “Greatest Hits” > ... > Dog shit > PAL PS1 covers > JP PS1 “PlayStation the Best” covers

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>screen filters

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Gyo gave the fish disgusting mechanical legs so you might want to take a page from it; that anthropomorphic look just looks silly.

>listing good games

It's supposed to look a bit silly because it's a comedy horror game but I think for a straight up horror game I'd agree with you

Well there is Dreams for PS4.

I look forward to watching vtubers play it

They already did, all of those "ps1 inspired" games look like shit and nothing like the actual ps1 games, just like their pixel "nes style" games with a fuckton of particle effects looked nothing like nes games either

>Why are people talking about "Indies" as if they're some kind of far off group of elitest designers?
Some of the indie devs are part of the same cabal certain gaming journos, sites and other vidya devs belong to.


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Worth it just to see Joel play it

Because it's easier to be derivative and unoriginal and create "horror games" by making things look vague and shitty instead of coming up with new ideas that work with state-of-the-art graphics and don't rely on the player's imagination to fill the gaps.

chad fish dev VS virgin ps1-graphics dev

>nooooooo it's ironic horror
>it's supposed to look like shit

holy fuck just nuke this generation

I mean I wouldn't say it looks like shit. I'm really happy with what I've got and for the game I'm making this tone is just right.

I actually like how the shitty PS1 aesthetic worked here, because it made the demon look vague and unnerving enough. Also personal bias thanks to childhood nostalgia, but still.

Only two good games. Dusk because it wasn't just a pure scare game and had actual intrigue and world building going on. And Sauna 2000 for being like a surreal Findland meme.

The game with the roach people comes in at second if only because it has a gun and feels more complete. the rest are bleh.

As for non PS1 Demo disk games, I'll also say Night of the Consumers is good because it nails the fucking anxiety and stress of working retail.

As for PS1 Graphics in general, I'll take it over games being Unity shit or Pixel shit years ago.

Yiik already happened.