Yeah, the Sith blew up planets and committed genocide, but the Jedi are kinda rude and a little arrogant

>Yeah, the Sith blew up planets and committed genocide, but the Jedi are kinda rude and a little arrogant
>They're both basically the same thing
>Why yes, my favorite character is Kreia and I think Darth Vectivus had some good ideas
>True balance is committing genocide and torturing people, but, like, not going crazy or anything

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Other urls found in this thread:

I need a Sith Pureblood gf to fix my life by Force.

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tfw no ahsoka gf

Attached: ahsoka feet.png (900x900, 798.15K)

Reminder that the mandalorians only bombed Serroco because the Jedi used their entire planet as a meatshield.

Sauce. Me. Up.

Star Wars the Clone wars cartoon

Luke, did I ever tell you about Ahsoka Tano? She was your father’s exotic teenage alien apprentice, a fine piece of jailbait from a more civilized age. She had the tightest body and the perkiest little breasts in the galaxy; barely legal in most systems. Anakin and I used to doubleteam her at the end of every successful campaign during the Clone Wars, and once in a while we’d even have the entire 501st run a train over her, part of official Jedi “training” of course. In time, she learned how to handle a meatsaber better than anyone in the Jedi Temple. She wore a miniskirt every day so we told her there were no panties in space, and since she was constantly doing acrobatics you’d get a glimpse of her orange pussy mid fight as she’d do a flip while slicing a B2 Super Battledroid in half. It was surreal. We taught her to grip her weapon backwards like a dildo and she constantly got captured by pirates and slavers almost every other day. It was ridiculous, like a constant porno Luke, you have no idea. And she was a good friend.

Ahsoka is for being blowbanged

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balancefags are literally retarded

based and orangepilled

Why does she have thick lips?

To suck my penis all the better.

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Based literal faggot nu-Tarkin

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Beyond based, you sir are why SW is not the ultimate shit.

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All Jedi can eat shit.

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I wonder what her head tendril thing feels like

Nu-tarkin? That is Tarkin.

Every prequel scene is a meme

She's black.

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Ashoka is like Korra only good for porn except Ashokas tainted by a lot of bad 3D and guro

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to them its like their clit

Why are people desparately trying to add shades of grey and moral depth to childrens space fantasy toy comercial?

and Korra is tainted with futashit and the lack of SFM porn using the good models that exists

all because of Fucking memer watch

Gonna need a source chief

Husks of corn

Why are you posting dumb questions on a data collecting Mongolian imageboard?

Ahsoka is the only good female character in nu-canon

A jedi blew up the deathstar. Its literally a planet

give ahsoka nudes

Every girl has futa you may as well say theyre all tainted. Ashoka porn is mostly terrible because most SW porn is terrible.

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I want to feel them
no she isn't you faggot

I want Gogo to sit on my face.

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Orange Trainer

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fuck you
Ahsoka is based and Korra is garbage

Tarkin is implied to be gay in the new canon. Yeah.

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It's not, it's a moon sized space station crewed entirely by a hostile military

>childrens space fantasy toy comercial?

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seriously, why was she abducted so many damn times?!

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Yeah because a moon sized military base dosent need to eat or be clothed or cleaned. Everyone was a baddy.

slave fetish

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Trap twileks when

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Theyre both awful characters.


rosario dawson is not black you fuck

Her slave outfit in the official Clone Wars comics was even more revealing.

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>and she was a good friend

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nope your just a brainlet

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Korra Yes
Asoka is a 9/10 character at the bare min

Clone Wars made me love Darth Maul, and he was the only good part of Rebels. I firmly believe his Western duel with Obi-Wan is the best fight in all of Star Wars

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Cause shes black

Someone, please, give this man a nobel prize for something

The jedi in kotor are responsible for millions of deaths because of their inaction.
And the jedi in the main series for even more for suddenly waging war with a clone army.

She's space Aryan you retard

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People really like playing with her face.

Why thank you good sir.
May you experience success and unlimited power in your lifetime.

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>tfw no Ahsoka wife

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Does Ahsoka have pubic hair?

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>six battlestars attached to a dildo get fucked by imperials
what did they mean by this?

>Only female twi'leks have eyebrows biologically, males are born without eyebrows
>This twink pencils in his eyebrows anyways
>Male twileks have long elf ears, females have smaller cone ears
>This twink hides his giant elf ears in his helmet
Why? Why would he PURPOSEFULLY make himself look like a female twi'lek?
I'll tell you why. This twi'lek whore is in a base full of lonely desperate human men with NOTHING to fuck. Nothing until him of course.

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She doesn’t have hair at all

Is this a fucking Ashoka visual novel?

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it's a coom vn

she has no good porn from what i've tried to find

Ahsoka is a shitty jedi. Every time she has to do anything she massively fucks up and has to get bailed out by someone else.


What a weird coincidence, like Blizzard games all having sexy corrupted femme fatale snipers or Tarantino characters getting their toes out.

The Chiss are real jerks.

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God damn fucking coomers, Ashoka's for wholesome training

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Someone post the Obi-Wan pasta

Ah, yes. Asoka Tano.
I remember her.

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oh she trains in it alright