Yeah, the Sith blew up planets and committed genocide, but the Jedi are kinda rude and a little arrogant

Why does she have thick lips?

To suck my penis all the better.

Attached: 1584682777086.webm (1176x500, 353.8K)

Based literal faggot nu-Tarkin

Attached: b75e5ec778d445fa975c7b0c0f9eff45.jpg (447x665, 37.59K)

Beyond based, you sir are why SW is not the ultimate shit.

Attached: 1577747412921.jpg (1024x640, 144.8K)

All Jedi can eat shit.

Attached: Outbound Flight.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

I wonder what her head tendril thing feels like

Nu-tarkin? That is Tarkin.