Mysteries, challenges...

>mysteries, challenges, and experimentation in games are basically non-existent nowadays because mouthbreathing retards demand that everything is designed to be easily googleable and looked up on wikis

Fuck this

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Other urls found in this thread:

>walkthroughs and cheats didn't exist when I was a kid

>Durr, they're gonna look up the best stuff anyways, so we just have no reactivity anymore :^)
You seriously fell for this excuse to be lazy, bro?

If your first playthrough isn't blind, you are playing it wrong.

You used to be bullied for that shit when vidya was a niche hobby, nowadays when the audience expanded into normies and women it's all about inclusivity and gamer rights and shit. The definition of games has lost all meaning.

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>look up guide for branching paths game
>guide says "this is the best outcome"
>do something else
every time

Horseshit, GTA cheats were considered great and learning about cheats in a game you didn't know had them was always fun.

Nobody as a kid complained about cheats, they just thought they were one more cool thing in a game.

Branching paths were a mistake. Give me a good linear story instead please, so I don't have to slog through the same shit multiple times for the tiny differences

>Bullied for using cheat codes when you were younger
Bullshit. Everyone thought cheat codes were amazing, usually because they were basically secrets and people didn't know about them.
The only reason we have this mentality of "Don't cheat to not ruin the game" nowadays is because cheat codes are incredibly easy to get nowadays.

I was talking more about the walkthrough aspect since that's what the thread is about, don't know why that user brought up cheats.

As I get older and have less time for vidya, I start agreeing with the completionist autists. If I want to experience all the meaningful content, I shouldn't have to replay the same shit multiple times or do things in a super specific manner a normal player would've never even attempted

>that pic
what the actual fuck

What's wrong with not wanting to miss content? You've never played a JRPG before have you?

Nobody wants to finish a game and have 94% completion cos they missed a few one-off hidden things. You shouldn't have to obsessively replay a fucking game and sit through it all several times to get the 'best' path. Fuck off with this shit.

If you complain about walkthroughs you are severely autistic.

There 's an imprisoned NPC in Demon's Souls who starts killing other NPCs including important vendors if you free him and aren't smart enough to kill him first. There's no savescumming in that game either. It's amazing and I wish more developers had the balls to do something similar to this.

You weren't bullied because you played video games, you were bullied because you were a faggot.

Secret content loses its value when every bloke on the planet can experience it with no effort i.e. it stops being secret

>I think I want the players to have a different experience based on the choices they made up until this point. I'll give them dialog wheels and "shove dijkstra aside" type bullshit to make these choices impossible to discern until it's too late.
i'll stop googling when this stops happening

You are a loser. Go outside more

Back then games were super cryptid to force people to buy guides

>miss the experience of going into games knowing nothing
>get animal crossing
>immediately look at guides for literally everything
I know 99% of you fags did the same. We cant go back

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Fuck off normie, this is not the place for you

>You used to be bullied for that shit when vidya was a niche hobby
No? Me and all my friends used gameshark in the PS1 days and no one gave a single fuck, it's today's retards who get mad at others cheating

>That pic

It's more like
>Game asks you a question
>Game clearly has a "Correct" choice in that it gives you the best rewards while the other choices give you strictly worse rewards or even punish you
>You can't tell what the correct choice is, with some games clearly trying to obfuscate it

These games aren't offering "Different experiences", they're offering what's essentially a shitty puzzle.
If they wanted to have different experiences then there should be actual reasons to pick different choices, not just have one be strictly better than everything else.

Or, you can piss off to CoD instead of pretending you want to play a CRPG

You know what sucks too ?
Unlockables. I've seen people bitch about having to unlock things.
Now fighting games are lame. Back in the days, you would fight and fight and at some point, you'd unlock fun or overpowered characters and you couldn't wait to try them.
Now everything has to be balanced because retards can't imagine that some characters are less strong than other ones because all they care about is the fucking online play because they wouldn't be able to make a single friend if their fucking lives depended on it.
So if they have to, I don't know, God forbid, play 500 games before they unlock their characters, they'll go bitch for HOURS on twitter, saying it's stupid, that characters shouldn't be locked, that's it's artificial replay value or whatever and now you have Street Fighter 5.
Congrats fucking retards.

nah, more like developers not being good at creating secrets and similar like they were before.

Most secrets are parts of achievements or the % complete calculation, meanwhile they were secrets which you had to try to figure out yourselves.

Also, devs are hacks. They can't make the game apealing enough for the players to want to explore it. They all follow some trope at first and then get suprised that people are keep trying to follow the trope when there is none and they actually put in effort into the game.

Instead of complaining about gamers wanting to get the good stuff so they can beat the game quickly, you should complain about the developers who can't make the 'exploring' part good enough that players would rather want to explore than to just finnish the game.

Human falls flat did that very good. First time I played it I just went trough the levels as a plattformer, as climbing seemed like it didn't work. But on the almost last level I experienced that climbing worked, and I could now get to the areas which I saw, but I couldn't reach. I believe that I have found all secrets in the old maps, and I really need to download it again for the latest two they have added, as the exploring was fun and rewarding, instead of "WOW, I went deep into the developers ego and found an 'good' weapon, this will make this game easy to beat while I also beat my meat."

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>Secret content loses its value when every bloke on the planet can experience it with no effort
But secret content of nowdays does require effort. It's just not retarded bullshit. It's one thing to have a secret you have to work hard for, and a secret that is literally just "Brute-force every wall with bombs until one cracks"

I'm sick of having to play through a game that is essentially the same, for 1-2 quest changes. None of these RPG branches are ever fully changed from the overarching plot, because thats too much effort. Surely you've found it frustrating as well

How do you make stuff ungoogleable?

The only game I do that for is for the Legend of Zelda, other than that, I don't do it.

Agree, hate when they do some shitty TTG inspired shit.

I guess if it’s something like Fate/Stay Night then you could justify it

Name 3 games

>Nobody as a kid complained about cheats
>Fucking around in GTA3 with friends
>Near death
>Put in health cheat
Naw dude, fuck that kid, ammo all you want but don't be a loose cunt and use the health cheat.

Its only bad when you lose out on unique content or equipment that is leagues better than anything else in the game
If in the OP the heirloom sword is like 5x stronger than the next best option but you can end up with that, some gold which has no use since youll be swimming in it or an entire new section of the game its pretty crummy.

literally every person I knew did this
It kind of became its own minigame of trying to fight through all the 5 star shit rushing you to get a second to refill on everything

you're just going to insult my taste but sure
I had this issue with divinity original sin 2, its especially egregious there because you miss some core plot details without playing as Fane but ninety five percent of the playthrough is the exact same

I also felt that with Tyranny, the only things that changed in different paths were the faction sidequests, so it was practically identical otherwise, even going to the same fucking areas. Only the Anarchy path felt significantly different

Also with New Vegas actually, you're going to the same factions and persuading them for the same battle, all that changes between the major paths is the master you serve

Frankly if you're going to do branching paths I think it should be like the witcher 2, completely different on the different sides. If that requires too much devtime, just put the effort into the one path because it'll get better and better from the resources. It works for plenty of JRPGs

I COULD spend literal hours wandering a buggy map looking, praying, for fish and then actually fishing in each location to see what spawns, OR, and hear me out, I could spend seconds and then just enjoy fishing. Sure, I lose out on a part of the experience, but there's nothing stopping me from just going to a body of water and seeing what comes out, but if I've got a purpose? Why should I waste my time? The game is as mysterious as I want it to be, I can look up as much or as little as I desire. I am empowered, as I should be, in my free time.

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Bro if this kind of shit made you mad then, I can't imagine how much of a miserable cunt you must be now.

But does better equipment always provide for an objectively superior experience? It's basically devoiding you of content by allowing you to skip challenges, not having to come up with strategies or experimenting. Most games aren't nearly hard enough to warrant *having* to have the absolute strongest equipment to beat.

Yeah, replayabiliy is mostly a meme. I appreciate stuff like RPG with different choices, consequences, attitudes, etc, but I'm aware it's not something actually worth replaying a game for.

Finally this is back.

It's just aggravating because it's a direct result of developer greed, maximising the amount of "content" in the game with the minimum effort

Passion projects like
have shown me that you can have a shitload of choices with different paths. Visual novels also tend to have utterly different paths for your different choices. In my opinion, it's just developer laziness/emulating others in the industry that leads to this cookie cutter RPG design with "paths" that are nearly identical with a few different dialogues.

Bad game design created this. Choices shouldn't be "correct" or "incorrect" for branching paths, but definitely different. Most games were not designed with balanced results for any given branch, i.e. only one path is worthwhile and the others gimp the experience for the rest of the game. Going back and changing your choice can be a huge time sink when you have to repeat parts of the story. Not everyone can sit on ass and play games all day like they did as a child.

Let's not try to pretend, ok?

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I dare you to play her game and get the best ending without a guide

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M8 there is no way to do certain things without a guide. Lets use FFV as an example off the top of my head. There is a weapon that decreases in power each time you run away. There is nothing in the game that tells you this. There is nothing in the game thst tells you where to find it and is easily missable.

Nowadays you often can't be sure if you're not getting the puzzle or the game bugged out.

Classic enix games gave me trust issues. Peminent decisions everywhere.

>when vidya was a niche hobby

divinity original sin 1
Not even sure if anyone's ever beaten that game without google

Sony fanbase
Some got smart and realized they can just watch their favorite games without having to spend 360$ on the experience

Just because you like something doesn't mean everyone else has too. Play how you want to play, not how others demand you to play.

I first try to figure out a level/area by myself. Then, when I'm done with it, I go look up a guide to see if I missed anything. Best of both worlds. You figure shit out but you don't miss out on content.

Not actual personafags as they haven't played the games, they just listen to the music, coom over P5's presentation, play smash and port-beg.

>Instead of complaining about gamers wanting to get the good stuff so they can beat the game quickly, you should complain about the developers who can't make the 'exploring' part good enough that players would rather want to explore than to just finnish the game.
What the fuck do you even mean? I feel like this post only makes sense for open world games. Which suck dick as a concept so who even cares

I seriously hope people don't play souls games like this.

>You used to be bullied for using cheats
Ask me how I know you're too young to have experienced cheat codes

Yeah, what the fuck is this attitude? The only time I've ever seen ANYONE complain about cheats was in online forums or autistic competitive stuff like speedrunning. In person, literally everyone loved seeing cheat codes.

I remember people would always be passing around this one cheat code book that one kid owned. Clustering around a TV while someone inputted the GTA3 cheats, or around a CRT monitor while one guy was showing us the age of empires cheats.

1300 retards is a drop in the internet piss ocean.

>Why yes I recently played Wizardry 4 and got the Grandmaster ending on my first playthrough. How'd you guess?

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Read a book, dad.

user, there's pretending to be reasonable and then there's going full shitposting. You probably didn't even figure out the Cosmic Cube the first time through it.