Now that the dust has been settled, was it really that bad or did we overreact?

Now that the dust has been settled, was it really that bad or did we overreact?

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It was that bad.

It was fucking trash. Accept that, and my girthy cock.

It won't be good until Prime 4 comes out and the contrarians pretend to like it.

It really was bad.

It was so bad I'd call the reception an underreaction.

Yea it was baaad


it was actually pretty good

It was critically well received because it was
>muh female empowerment
despite being the exact opposite. Game is sexist as fuck, seriously.

D-daddy adam please let me activate my varia suit! I'm b-burning up!
>hmm not yet kitten, you haven't earned it

It's my favourite Metroid. I think I beat it like 3-4 times so far.

The time-honored tradition of treating your back catalog like it's made of smega, motivated either by laziness or fear of unfavorable comparison to modern efforts.

>women can't be feminine!
I remember watching this when it aired, this was the year it all started to go to shit and the faggot numale politics started to take hold of every nerd hobby/subculture
Metroid games always had a dumb conceit at the beginning for why samus loses her powers. That way it can continue the story but still function as a game

Sad thing this is going to 100% happen

tl;dw it for me

it was not bad for a normal 2.5D platformer but it was no metroidvania, no exploration,just one way ; hardgating the cool items for post game content, hard mode removing items...

fight was ok (exept the fact that nobody tells you you had to activate back power bombs)

also it didn't help that shadow complex existed and was basically what every metroid fan wanted other M to be

not coming out except if they manage to hunt down the original retro team..

at least Ori2 has the AM2R dude and his giant spikes fetish

I will admit combat has some potential. Being ranged, but still having melee finishers is rad. Almost everything else sucks dick though.

It was estrmely obviosu that is was a japanese game. for some reason in Jap games and their media, the stoic, loveless leader figure is extremely common. Samus lusts after Adam's approval even though the player is given so reason to care about him.

they did a great job with that in samus return.. in fact except the metroid gating, SR is what other M should have been

Adam just comes across as a legit psychopath. Gaming Brit did a whole spiel about it but to me the most striking issue is how he acts so condescending to Samus. A military veteran would understand that talking to a civilian like that doesn't make any sense. Especially a galaxy renowned hero. Even the other members of the team don't give a shit about how you are. Even if Prime isn't canon it still doesn't make sense.
>You do what I say, when I say.
Fucking why? No for real, why? I understand giving her objectives, but why is she not allowed to defend herself? Is this nigga serious? And the rest of the team are just a bunch of goobers. Its Samus fucking Aran, space pirate scourge. Its such a contrast to how the Space Pirates in Prime simultaneously fear/respect/hate the fuck out of you. Complete antithesis of a video game power fantasy, and not even done in an artistic way.

I enjoyed the gameplay. I would not have minded more games in that style.

I did not, however, care for the story in the slightest. Would have been an 8/10 game if there was no exposition at all and they removed the first person shit.

No one ever talks about the gameplay just the stupid ass story. What is the gameplay like? I see bits and pieces here and it looks like an unholy 2.5D fusion of Crystal Shards and Mega Man X7 with lots of Super Metroid and Fusion nostalgia wankery (You even fight Nightmare for some reason???). And supposedly you need to do pixel hunts by turning to first person view at times. This was some clusterfuck.

>Game is sexist as fuck, seriously.
I didn't authorize you to say that Samus.

yeah first time it happened, i tought my game softlocked , that shit was sloppy

Don't even look into the Iwata asks interviews. Development with Sakamoto seemed like a complete clusterfuck. The Team Ninja statements also mostly consisted of asskissing about how great his storyboard was.

The gameplay is servicable but easy. Keep tapping the d-pad in combat to win the game since Samus automatically dodges everything while you spam charge beams.

>What is the gameplay like?
ps2 tier. Not bad, not great, very passable and at times enjoyable. FPS mode is god awful. Its hard to described. Basically its kind of a top down shooter with some novel movement options (I remember the dodge input being stupid for some reason, like it being the same button as fire or something) and a neat execution gimmick with cool animations they used in the trailers. But your main method of dealing damage is charged shots which take forever unless you perfect dodge, and enemies are fucking annoying to hit because the controls are dick. There's no exploration or backtracking, no little lore pieces to pick up, and enemy variety is kind of lame. There's a lot of it but everything looks stupid and is annoying to fight. Genuinely a good system locked in a shit game, don't know what the hell the Ninja Gaiden devs were thinking with this one. I'd like to see a second attempt at a "DMC with guns as the focus" style game, but fucking hell man, I'd understand why Tendo wouldn't wanna try it again after the reception. I'll say it again, once Prime 4 comes out, people will come out of the woodwork to say how kino and based this game was and that it was a """true"""" successor to Super Metroid.

The gameplay is pretty terrible too.
>3D movement with a dpad
>dodging is automatically done by pressing a button on the dpad. Literally impossible to get hit. Also gives you a full charge for free
>Have to go into first person view to fire missiles which turns you into a sitting duck
>more linear than Fusion

>don't know what the hell the Ninja Gaiden devs were thinking with this one

Legitimately all Sakamoto. He imposed the control limit on them saying something along the lines of "It needs to play like a NES game with the wiimote turned sideways", no nunchuck allowed.

>more linear than Fusion
I really like Fusion. I don't think that quality scales opposed to how linear a game is, but I do think that Fusion is the bare minimum of backtracking needed to make exploration interesting. Other M is just... dumb. Its actually just dumb levels with no engaging mechanics

actual autism. The game feels like a parody of what Yas Forums thinks western games are

Still the best 3D metroid. It's by no means good, just better than the slog that is Prime.

you forgot to mention "halo clone"

Nah it was pretty bad

I like Fusion too, it had excellent level design and combat. It has setpieces which justify the linear design. Other M has shit combat and shit setpieces.

Of course. It really felt like it was trying to be a "Moviegame."

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Stale bait

>mash x to win combat
>unskippable cutscenes
>linearity for the sake of narrative

Burn it and salt the earth afterward.

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Don't forget
>forced walking segment while someone tells you some bullshit

Didnt sakamoto say that this is how he always envisioned samus to be? That really bit him in the ass didnt it


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>samus doesn't kill any of the major villains in the game
It's literally a game that would've played out the same way if your character was never a part of it.

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>I enjoyed the gameplay

it's an almost entirely automated trainwreck, it's like a worse version of uncharted

I love coming into Other M threads to hear all the scrubs admit they mashed to dodge.

>It's literally a game that would've played out the same way if your character was never a part of it.
I think this is the worst aspect of the story, out of all the dumb dialogue and ramrod retconning.

Imagine being this mentally ill

>What is the gameplay like?
Its a mixed bag. The 2.5d areas work well in some places, but not in others. Unfortunately the gameplay is constantly broken up by garbage cutscenes and the intolerably awful locked in place first person camera mode.

Why would you not? It's easy with zero punishment. There's no strat with better results that takes more effort.

but it is

it doesn't even have aim assist, it has auto aim, on top of that it sacrifices interactivity for spectacle and muh cinematic feeling constantly

idk man, I just did. I guess i'm just too smoothbrain to notice whatever automation you are talking about.

That being said, it's not a game i'm likely to return to.

Do you remember him Yas Forums?


This lol


This shitty argument kind of falls apart when you consider that Super is available on Switch, but keep trying to be snarky I guess.

It's serviceable, but the structure of the game is really annoying and made all the worse by the way it's contextualized. All too often you reach a dead end which is no dead end at all because Adam can just allow you to use the ability you need to get past it, but instead he changes objective for no discernible reason.

The bit where you get the wave beam is especially obnoxious, it goes like this:
- You get to a fork in the path. Going forward gets you stuck, so you go left.
- There's a long room where you need to shinespark to the roof and go through a morphball track with enemies and hazards
- Across the room you have a switch behind some glass. Time for wave beam right? Wrong! Go all the way back to the fork.
- Now an enemy encounter triggers where you're stuck in a glass box with enemies outside that can shoot you. After a bit Adam unlocks the wave beam.
- Now you have to go back left, up to the ceiling and through the track in the room with the switch, hit it and then go back to the fork and proceed forward.

Also, as a personal annoyance, the screw attack is hindered by the fact that the game treats jumping on top of enemies as the trigger for a takedown, meaning instead of killing the enemy in one hit by just screwing them the game puts you in the takedown stance without you expecting it and if you don't react fast enough you get shaken off and take damage.

Its worth noting, its not like Adam hits a switch or programs your suit or something, he just says "You're allowed to use it." How the fuck does Adam even know what abilities you have?

>prime 4
So fucking lame that they're just going to stick with a sub trilogy forever, guess they wouldn't take any sort of risk after other m.

As a Prime fanatic, I'm disapointed. I liked the series, I'm glad its over. I don't want to see it dragged until it becomes a walking corpse of its former self.

Prime just notes the gameplay syle at this point. Why dont ya get it?

It'd be nice if they made another attempt at a 3rd person metroid that isn't a weird character action knock off with dpad controls.