Thoughts on DOOM Eternal?

Thoughts on DOOM Eternal?

Attached: DOOM Eternal killing a Mancubus.webm (1024x576, 2.86M)

How about you browse one of the other 500 fucking threads

how baout you beebeebeebee

Horrendous UI and art direction. Everyone involved should die

The environments look so much better in this one

>700 threads speculating about some meme character dlc season pass in some kids party game called super bash homos or some shit
Nothing wrong here
>2 threads discussing the unbelievable joy experienced the tactical and strategic and quick twitch shooting masterpiece of DOOM Eternal
This is your brain on soi

I never said the flood of smash threads isn't equally as annoying
cope harder faggot

Really great. I hope they add more secret encounters to the various secret areas so that you're still incentivized to explore even when you're replaying the levels with your unlocks.



I feel like HL:A might be stealing its spotlight for the next few days.

there's nothing tactical or strategic about pressing E on a gloving enemy once in a while

>what happens if you took Serious Sam, merged it with Doom 2016, and modernized the graphics

I'm okay with this.

Wuttaboutism is my favorite video game, though.

the resource system ruins the game
i wouldn't mind having to chainsaw a fodder demon or two between arena sections, but fuck off with having to do it during fights. ammo capacity should be doubled. also remove the flamethrower completely
and you dont need every platforming section to just be about finding the sticky wall and then turning and looking for the next one. if you're going to shoehorn that shit in, at least be creative. game is a 4/10

kys subhuman shill

This game must suck considering this is the only webm that ever gets posted

It's fucking hard.

The shoulder weapons, especially the nade and the flamethrower feel absolutely useless. Not talking about gameplay sides but they look like stock assets people didn't even fuck around it, effects and sounds all suck

How about you dilate?

Nigger what the fuck

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Z00m Eternal is trash for ADHD children. Not fit to be called a continuation of the franchise.

A game about an EPIC SPACE MARINE killing DEMONS FROM HELL shouldn't make you worry about ammo as much as this game does.

Got filtered out by the Angel boss thing that you gotta nigger blood punch. Shit boss

Just use the Arblest to knock down the shield and SSG to avoid the floor. EZ

>tried Battlemode for the first tame as Doot Boi
>Doomguy got raped 3-0
Is it always like this? 2 v 1 plus abilities seems a bit unfair.

user has some valid points but calling it a 4/10 is just piss poor judgement.

Its a fun game just not what I expected after having played Doom 2016.

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It has pacing issues for the opening levels that I think are turning a lot of people off. It doesnt really hit its stride until you get some upgrades and more weapons to choose from so you’re not forced to find a zombie to chainsaw as often. But once it gets there it’s pretty great

that third post isn't a real tripcode you fucking newfag

>"tripcode" is just pasted into the name
Bad bait.

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>logging out your trip to do damage control for yourself

You're gonna get called samefag, watch out smartbros.

According to the image, I never used a tripcode.

Oh no! What ever will I do now that some fat sp reject is mad at me! Noooo don't post your selfies! Ahhhh I'm going insane!

I don't like tripfags but don't be a dumbass, user.

How about you go cope somewheres else tortanic fag

It's so much better than 2016 it's not even close
They made the right choice to go full campy arcade with platforming sections and the combat is infinitely more fun
also slayer gates on nightmare are a pure adrenaline rush
babbies complaining about "muh low ammo" need to git gud and play more arena shooters

Anyone know if save transfers would be a-okay? I beat it on UV, but I don't want to continue my Nightmare run until I buy it/or until I know saves can transfer.

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LGR is based tho, you faggot

fags like doom3 got it

Just learn to move and learn the arena bro.
Lock-on rocket is your friend. Learn to snipe her drones for ammo too.

>finally tried killing caco the regular way
>I fucking shaved him

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its ok, very fun later on once youre kitted out. not fun early on

One pity (You) since nobody bit.

Several changes make no sense

Melee and flamethrower dealing no damage is a big one, so is removing the pistol. If you run out of ammo and your grenade is on cooldown which tbf you shouldn't because chainsaw exists you have no way to deal damage to large enemies

>Thoughts on DOOM Eternal?

Doom should not require any sniping or monster weakpoints

Yeah and no up-down aiming either! It should be the same exact thing as the first Doom!

It's trash.

Well it doesn't after you get fully kitted out. I'm 100% sure it was done to make sure casual players could get through the early game. I didn't do it at all.

It’s completely soulless.
As I explained in a previous thread, in the OG Doom there is an imagination factor, and you behave on your own accord. You go where you want, do what you want and this results in some “I’m so badass look at me” moments and genuine enjoyment.
In Eternal, it’s all on rails. Fucking Singilarity had less linear map design than that game. You simply die and die and die until you memorize the enemy layout and attacks, and then you proceed to wipe the floor with them, which grants some fleeting and artificial satisfaction that is quickly forgotten when you realize your brain basically did the same calculations as if you were playing a shmup. None of that was you, it was just muscle memory. NuDoom has no way to express yourself through combat, and no imagination factor due to everything being portrayed in hyper-precise, gory detail.
To explain the imagination factor I am referring to, in Old Doom, when I shoot a zombie, I can see in my head the things the bullets are doing to his innards. I can imagine him being laid out against a wall by a shotgun blast, his jaw dangling down. I can visualize when I punch something their jaw breaking, their nose bleeding. In Eternal, there is no room for this due to all of your mental cinema being replaced with cutscenes.
Nu-fun is real.

Is this a pasta?

the platforming feels like a joke

Have both images with GigaChad. In fact, just have very Doom game, no matter the era with GigaChad and then have something like pic related for Quake 1.

Attached: 54EBAA6E-0905-4497-926C-5BB8B20766A6.jpg (751x1024, 90.09K)

Attached: Quake E1M1.webm (426x240, 2.87M)

I’m copy-pasting it with minor modifications each time because there have been no good refutations of it so far.

Mmm stale pasta

Absolutely based.
Better be on Nightmare, babycakes.

You being autistic doesn't effect a games quality
Wow that was hard to refute

>Got chaingun
>Fell down a hole
>Door didn't open after killing some demon
Did it bug for me or i'm missing something?

It's okay. I like the overall level design (yes, including the platforming which I think is surprisingly good), I like the art direction just fine unlike some people, and I like how all the weapons feel. I don't like the direction they went with combat, though. It's not the kind of sequel to Doom 2016 I wanted. The game gives you a lot of tools to fuck around with, but there's no real way to dictate the pacing. You're either zipping around the whole time or you're dying, and this -- combined with the health/armor and ammo management -- means the game somehow feels like a constant clusterfuck while also being limited on meaningful variety. It's not that enemies aren't different from each other, it's just that most of those differences are dwarfed by the way you're forced to engage them -- at least on UV and Nightmare. I know a lot of people love the game so I'm not going to say it's shit or that they did it wrong, but I care for the arena fights even less now than I did in 2016.

>i can't pretend the game is different from what it's displaying as so it's bad

you fags just get worse every year

There's a button in that room.

It doesn't help that the game being hamstrung by needing to place lesser enemies during every encounter so you never run out of ammo. It contributes to encounters feeling the same, because the game absolutely cannot throw at you three barons and three arachnotrons. It always needs to have little guys in there which stop the action. Master Levels kind of mitigate this for me; there are so many enemies on screen that zipping around feels necessary and really fucking fun.

I agree with this take.

I can picture the entire thought process behind each decision in Doom Eternal.
>What if we made Doomguy more mobile?
>That's awesome! It also allows us to craft more variety into our levels.
>It also trivializes enemy encounters. How about we make each of them, even the smallest ones, hit like trucks?
>That's great! Oh, though it looks like you overdid it a bit. To balance this, let's add a life system like in the arcade days?

Question about the game:
How come I can't punch a skinny zombie to death? I kept hitting the E key and for some reason the zombie will not go down, and it out-punches me even.

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